



You may not have noticed, but Firefox now includes a “Social API” that allows Facebook and other social networks to integrate with your browser. Firefox is providing Facebook a way to integrate with your browser and stay with you everywhere on the web.

您可能没有注意到,但是Firefox现在包含“社交API”,该API允许Facebook和其他社交网络与您的浏览器集成。 Firefox为Facebook提供了一种与浏览器集成并与您在网络上的任何地方保持联系的方式。

These features are a bit reminiscent of Flock, a Firefox-derived “social browser” that failed to gain traction a few years ago. This time, the features are baked into Firefox and are optional — you won’t see them unless you install a social provider.

这些功能让人想起Flock,它是Firefox衍生的“社交浏览器”,几年前未能获得广泛关注。 这次,这些功能已包含在Firefox中,并且是可选的-除非安装社交提供程序,否则您将看不到它们。

什么是社交API? (What’s a Social API?)

Firefox’s Social API allows websites to register as “social providers.” They’ll integrate with your Firefox browser, displaying information in a sidebar that stays with Firefox wherever you go on the web. It’s a bit like service-specific browser extensions, but it allows web services to integrate with your browser more easily than they could if they had to code their own extensions from scratch.

Firefox的Social API允许网站注册为“社交提供商”。 它们将与您的Firefox浏览器集成,无论您在何处上网,都在Firefox附带的侧边栏中显示信息。 这有点类似于特定于服务的浏览器扩展,但是与必须从头开始编写自己的扩展的网络服务相比,它使Web服务可以更轻松地与您的浏览器集成。

These services can display information and controls in the browser’s “chrome” — such as in its toolbar and sidebar. They can be installed without any browser restarts and used immediately.

这些服务可以在浏览器的“镶边”(例如其工具栏和侧边栏中)中显示信息和控件。 它们可以在不重新启动任何浏览器的情况下安装并立即使用。

它是如何工作的? (How Does It Work?)

Assuming you’re using Firefox 21 or newer, you just have to visit a service’s page, click the Turn On button, and the provider will be activated in your Firefox browser immediately.

假设您使用的是Firefox 21或更高版本,则只需访问服务页面,单击“打开”按钮,提供商便会立即在Firefox浏览器中被**。

You’ll get new buttons on your browser’s toolbar that allow you to use, disable, and remove the social provider.



今天哪些站点正在使用它? (Which Sites Are Using it Today?)

The social API was introduced in Firefox 17 along with Facebook as the sole social provider. With the release of Firefox 21, more services are now available:

社交API是Firefox 17中引入的,而Facebook是唯一的社交提供者。 随着Firefox 21的发布,现在可以使用更多服务:

  • Facebook Messenger: Facebook Messenger for Firefox allows you to integrate Facebook Messenger with your browser so you can chat on Facebook wherever you are on the Web.

    Facebook Messenger :适用于Firefox的Facebook Messenger允许您将Facebook Messenger与浏览器集成在一起,因此无论您在网上何处都可以在Facebook上聊天。

  • Mixi: The Japanese social network Mixi has a social provider for Firefox integration.

  • msnNOW: Microsoft’s msnNOW shows you trending stories from across the web in a browser sidebar.

    msnNOW :Microsoft的msnNOW在浏览器侧边栏中向您显示来自网络的热门新闻。

  • Cliqz: Cliqz delivers a stream of personalized news stories — also in a browser sidebar.

    Cliqz :Cliqz也在浏览器侧栏中提供了一系列个性化的新闻报道。


我为什么要在乎? (Why Should I Care?)

If you’re a Facebook user and want to integrate Facebook chatting into your browser, this could be an interesting solution for you.


At the moment, there isn’t much other reason to care — unless you’re interested in the Japanese social network Mixi, Microsoft’s obscure msnNOW, or the Cliqz news aggregator. We doubt many people want a sidebar with the latest trending articles from msnNOW or Cliqz.

目前,您无需担心其他任何原因-除非您对日本的社交网络Mixi,微软晦涩的msnNOW或Cliqz新闻聚合器感兴趣。 我们怀疑很多人都希望侧边栏包含msnNOW或Cliqz的最新趋势文章。

What’s most interesting about the Social API is Mozilla’s long-term vision, which they laid out in their blog post:

他们在博客文章中提出的关于Mozilla API的最有趣的是Mozilla的长期愿景:

“The Social API has endless potential for integrating social networks, e-mail, finance, music, cloud possibilities, services, to-do lists, sports, news and other applications into your Firefox experience.  We designed the Social API to make it easier and more convenient to use the Web the way you want.  Soon we’ll add even more ways to integrate your favorite Web services into your Firefox Web experience.” (Source)

“社交API具有将社交网络,电子邮件,财务,音乐,云功能,服务,任务列表,体育,新闻和其他应用程序集成到Firefox体验中的无限潜力。 我们设计了Social API,以使其更轻松,更便捷地以所需方式使用Web。 不久,我们将添加更多方法,将您喜欢的Web服务集成到Firefox Web体验中。” ( 来源 )

The Social API seems to be more than a way for social networks and news services to bombard you with information — it appears to be a framework that Mozilla wants all sorts of web services to integrate with, including online email, music, and to-do list services.


Whether the Social API will take off and be embraced by more services is unclear. It’s certainly not encouraging that Firefox is highlighting obscure services like Cliqz and msnNOW in their initial release, having clearly failed to gain support from bigger names like Twitter and Google.

尚不清楚社交API是否会起飞并被更多服务所接受。 Firefox在其初始版本中突出显示Cliqz和msnNOW之类的晦涩服务显然不令人感到鼓舞,因为它们显然未能获得Twitter和Google等大公司的支持。


At the moment, the Social API is underwhelming — except perhaps for Facebook addicts. It may be a big part of Firefox’s future, or it may be a feature that ends up widely ignored, like the use of microformats for dynamic bookmark titles.

目前,社交API势不可挡-也许是Facebook成瘾者除外。 它可能是Firefox未来的重要组成部分,或者可能最终被广泛忽略,例如将微格式用于动态书签标题。

Image Credit: Sebastian Anthony on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的塞巴斯蒂安·安东尼(Sebastian Anthony)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/163430/how-firefox-is-integrating-with-facebook-and-other-social-networks/
