



iGoogle has less than a year to go before it’s shut down for good on November 1, 2013. While Google seems to think that iGoogle isn’t necessary anymore, there are other services waiting to take its place.


Google says that “with modern apps that run on platforms like Chrome and Android, the need for iGoogle has eroded over time.” If you disagree, try one of the services below.

谷歌表示:“随着可在Chrome和Android等平台上运行的现代应用,随着时间的流逝,对iGoogle的需求逐渐减少。” 如果您不同意,请尝试以下服务之一。

很棒的新标签页 (Awesome New Tab Page)

Awesome New Tab Page isn’t a website – it’s an extension that replaces Google Chrome’s new tab page. Awesome New Tab page allows you to install a variety of widgets, just as iGoogle does. There are widgets for displaying new Gmail messages, the weather, items from an RSS feed, calendar events, a calculator, and more.

很棒的“新标签页”不是网站,而是一个扩展程序,它取代了Google Chrome浏览器的新标签页。 很棒的“新标签页”页面可让您像iGoogle一样安装各种小部件。 有一些小部件可显示新的Gmail邮件,天气,RSS提要中的项目,日历事件,计算器等。

ANTP runs in Chrome, so it’s clearly Google’s idea of the kind of app that should replace iGoogle. On Android, home-screen widgets can also function similarly to iGoogle.

ANTP在Chrome中运行,因此,显然,Google认为应替代iGoogle的应用类型是这种想法。 在Android上,主屏幕小部件的功能也可以类似于iGoogle。


igHome (igHome)

Unlike a lot of other services here, igHome is a website that’s clearly inspired by iGoogle and tries to closely imitate it. The design looks similar – there’s even a black bar along the top of the page with links to Google’s services including Gmail, Calendar, Maps, Play, Images, and YouTube.

与这里的许多其他服务不同, igHome是一个显然受到iGoogle启发并试图对其进行模仿的网站。 设计看起来很相似–页面顶部甚至有一个黑色的栏,带有指向Google服务的链接,包括Gmail,日历,地图,Play,图片和YouTube。

Like iGoogle, igHome supports widgets, including widgets that display a variety of RSS feeds, the weather, and bookmarks. Other widgets allow you to interact with Google services such as Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Tasks. igHome is currently in beta, and it could be a popular replacement to iGoogle when iGoogle goes offline for good.

像iGoogle一样,igHome支持窗口小部件,包括显示各种RSS源,天气和书签的窗口小部件。 其他小部件可让您与Google服务(例如Gmail,Google日历和Google任务)进行交互。 igHome目前处于测试阶段,当iGoogle永久离线后,它可能会成为iGoogle的流行替代品。


网络病毒 (Netvibes)

Netvibes is focused on business users these days – and its home page sells itself as a business tool – but Netvibes still offers free personalized home pages.


Netvibes offers a large selection of widgets for weather, email, to-do lists, web searches, news, and more. Unlike igHome and some of the other services here, Netvibes has a deep catalog of widgets – whatever you’re looking for, you’ll probably find it.

Netvibes为天气,电子邮件,待办事项列表,网络搜索,新闻等提供了大量小部件。 与igHome和此处的其他一些服务不同,Netvibes拥有丰富的小部件目录-无论您要寻找的是什么,您都可能会找到。


uStart (uStart)

uStart works similarly to the other services here, allowing you to add widgets for Facebook, Twitter, tasks, TV shows, email, calendar events, weather, RSS feeds, and more. It’s a very complete solution – whether you prefer it or Netvibes may just come down to which design you like most.

uStart与此处的其他服务类似,可让您添加Facebook,Twitter,任务,电视节目,电子邮件,日历事件,天气,RSS提要等的小部件。 这是一个非常完整的解决方案–无论您喜欢它还是Netvibes都可以归结为您最喜欢的设计。


我的Yahoo! (My Yahoo!)

Yahoo is still around, as is My Yahoo!, Yahoo’s personalized start page. It’s essentially Yahoo’s version of iGoogle. Like iGoogle, My Yahoo! offers a personalized start page with news, weather, and stock information. You can see new emails from your inbox and view tweets in one place – even add custom RSS feeds to view new content from your favorite websites.

雅虎和My Yahoo仍然存在。 ,雅虎的个性化起始页。 本质上是Yahoo的iGoogle版本。 像iGoogle一样,我的Yahoo! 提供带有新闻,天气和股票信息的个性化起始页。 您可以从收件箱中查看新电子邮件,并在一处查看推文,甚至可以添加自定义RSS提要来查看您喜欢的网站中的新内容。

Unfortunately for some users, My Yahoo! is integrated with Yahoo!’s services. You won’t find options for viewing your Gmail, Google Calendar, or Google Tasks here, nor will you find quick links to other Google services.

对于某些用户来说很不幸,我的Yahoo! 与Yahoo!的服务集成在一起。 您在这里找不到用于查看Gmail,Google日历或Google任务的选项,也找不到与其他Google服务的快速链接。


原型 (Protopage)

Protopage feels a bit cluttered compared to the other options here. While it also has a variety of widgets, its standout feature is its theming support. You can set custom colors and backgrounds for your Protopage personalized home page. You’ll also probably want to take advantage of this feature – the default color scheme isn’t as easy one the eyes as the other services here.

与此处的其他选项相比, Protopage有点混乱。 尽管它还具有各种小部件,但其突出的功能是对主题的支持。 您可以为Protopage个性化主页设置自定义颜色和背景。 您可能还想利用此功能-默认的配色方案不像这里的其他服务那样容易。


While iGoogle is going the way of the dodo, you do have quite a few alternatives. Which you prefer may just come down to which design you like best, so feel free to give each one a spin.

尽管iGoogle像渡渡鸟一样,但您确实有很多选择。 您更喜欢哪个,可能只是您最喜欢的设计,所以请随意旋转。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/129155/6-alternatives-to-igoogle-for-personalized-homepages/
