火狐如何扩展firebug_Firefox / Firebug扩展程序创建者向导

火狐如何扩展firebug_Firefox / Firebug扩展程序创建者向导


火狐如何扩展firebug_Firefox / Firebug扩展程序创建者向导

Always wanted to create a Firefox extension? Or a Firebug extension? Here's an easy way to take off the ground, no more excuses.

一直想创建Firefox扩展程序吗? 还是Firebug扩展程序? 这是一种简单的动手方式,无需更多借口。

Firefox扩展 (Firefox Extensions)

The way most people get started with creating a Firefox extension is copying an existing extension and tweaking. This is not the best way as you can guess, the best way is to read documentation (where exists), but who cares about reading documentation. It's a fact that there are specific predefined files, directories and conventions you need to follow in order to get started with even the simplest "Hello World". Well, with my new tool, this is taken care of, so you can literally turn any piece of JavaScript (a bookmarklet for example) into a browser extension. Not bad, eh?

大多数人开始创建Firefox扩展的方式是复制现有扩展并进行调整。 您可能会猜到,这不是最好的方法,最好的方法是阅读文档(如果有),但是谁在乎阅读文档。 事实上,要开始使用最简单的“ Hello World”,就需要遵循特定的预定义文件,目录和约定。 好吧,有了我的新工具,它就得到了解决,因此您可以从字面上将任何JavaScript代码(例如,书签)变成浏览器扩展。 还不错吧?

工具 (The tool)

The tool is located at http://tools.w3clubs.com/ext/


It's basically just a simple form you fill out with your name, URL, extension name, etc, then a working extension is generated for you. You then install your own extension and just start modifying it. So your new extension is ready in under a minute.

它基本上只是一个简单的表单,您可以在其中填写您的姓名,URL,扩展名等,然后为您生成一个有效的扩展名。 然后,您安装自己的扩展程序,然后开始对其进行修改。 因此,您的新扩展程序将在一分钟内准备就绪。

Firebug扩展 (Firebug extensions)

I did this tool a while ago for personal needs and it has been working for me with no worries. Today before making it public, I thought of adding the option to generate Firebug extensions too. You knew Firebug is extensible and you can add new tabs, right? Yahoo!'s YSlow is an example of a Firebug extension.

不久前我出于个人需要使用了此工具,它一直为我工作,无后顾之忧。 今天,在将其公开之前,我还考虑过添加生成Firebug扩展的选项。 您知道Firebug是可扩展的,可以添加新标签,对吗? Yahoo!的YSlow是Firebug扩展的一个示例。

I followed Honza's Firebug tutorials part I and II and it worked beautifully. Honza is a Firebug contributor and these tutorials are excellently written and highly recommended, even if you use my tool to generate the code, it's still a good idea to know why things are what/where they are.

我按照Honza的Firebug教程的第一部分第二 部分进行操作 ,效果很好。 Honza是Firebug的贡献者,这些教程的编写都非常出色,因此强烈建议您使用它们,即使您使用我的工具生成代码,还是要知道为什么事物是什么/在何处仍然是一个好主意。

So there you go, same tool for creating both Firefox and Firebug extensions.


Have fun with the tool, but be aware that writing extensions is addictive, don't say I didn't warn you. As always, any feedback is appreciated.

可以使用该工具,但请注意编写扩展名会令人上瘾,请不要说我没有警告过您。 与往常一样,任何反馈都值得赞赏。

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/firefox-firebug-extension-creator-wizard/
