
I spend an enormous amount of time browsing the web looking for new ideas to write about, so one of the biggest problems for me is tagging articles for more careful reading later. Also, I’m sure any moment I’m going to reach a page that says “You’ve reached the end of the internet, now go outside”.

我花费大量时间浏览网络以寻找要写的新想法,因此,对我来说最大的问题之一是为文章加标签,以便日后更仔细地阅读。 另外,我确定我随时都会到达一个页面,上面写着“您已经到达了互联网的尽头,现在就出门”。

The solution to this problem is to have a good mechanism for tagging a page as “to be read”, and then be able to easily retrieve them at a later date. We’ve already written about using del.icio.us for this purpose, but I’ve come across the Read it Later extension for Firefox that has very similar functionality.

解决此问题的方法是拥有一种将页面标记为“待读取”的良好机制,然后能够在以后方便地检索它们。 我们已经写过有关为此目的使用del.icio.us的文章,但是我遇到了功能非常相似的Firefox稍后阅读扩展。

To save a page for later, you can simply click the Read Later button…



Or you can right-click a link and choose to “Read this Link Later”, which is much more useful when you are browsing around social sites with loads of links.



To retrieve the articles later, you can click the Reading List button, or you can use the drop-down menu.



Note: I found the menu to be really flaky… sometimes things would show up, other times they wouldn’t. The button always works even if the menu doesn’t.

注意:我发现菜单确实很不整齐...有时情况会出现,而其他时候却没有。 即使菜单不起作用,该按钮也始终有效。

Once you are done reading, you can click the Mark as Read button, or you can use the drop-down to quickly add a bookmark as well.



Personally I’m going to stick with Readeroo because I can use it across computers, but this might be useful if you don’t use del.icio.us. Also, the buttons are just HUGE, and there’s no option to make them reasonably sized.

就个人而言,我会坚持使用Readeroo,因为我可以在计算机上使用它,但是如果您不使用del.icio.us,这可能会很有用。 此外,按钮只是巨大的,没有选择使其尺寸合理的选项。

Update: Looks like Nate updated with a new version with a lot of fixes for some of these issues. Now you can also move the buttons around, much more useful.

更新:看起来Nate已更新为新版本,并针对其中一些问题进行了很多修复。 现在,您还可以四处移动按钮,更加有用。

Download the Read it Later Firefox extension from ideashower.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/save-pages-for-later-with-reading-list-extension-for-firefox/