

Between cable networks putting out fantastic shows, streaming platforms making serialized originals, and broadcast networks trying to keep up, keeping track of all your shows can be a headache. The Trakt.TV service can help.

在发布精彩节目的有线网络,制作序列化原件的流媒体平台与试图跟上,跟踪所有节目的广播网络之间,可能会令人头疼。 Trakt.TV服务可以提供帮助。

Trakt.TV is tailor made for the TV addict, listing almost every major network and streaming show out there, including schedules and which services offer what in their catalogs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of shows you want to keep up with (and maybe want to use our rotating subscription technique to save some money), Trakt is definitely worth a look.

Trakt.TV是为电视量身定制的,列出了几乎每个主要网络和流媒体节目,包括时间表和哪些服务在其目录中提供了什么。 如果您对想要跟上的节目数量感到不知所措(也许想使用我们的轮播订阅技术节省一些钱),那么Trakt绝对值得一看。

设置您的帐户 (Setting Up Your Account)

Starting the Trakt service is more or less like everything else on the web. Head to this link and sign up using an email, username, or password. Alternatively, the site offers linked sign-in with your Twitter, Facebook, or Google account.

启动Trakt服务或多或少类似于网络上的其他所有内容。 转到此链接 ,然后使用电子邮件,用户名或密码进行注册。 另外,该网站还提供与您的Twitter,Facebook或Google帐户的链接登录。


After you sign in, you’re asked to fill in some more personal information. Your location and birthday are optional, though the former can help with local TV listings. You can select your favorite genres (again, optional), add a few popular movies and TV shows you’ve watched (this lets the service predict your tastes), and connect with other social networks.

登录后,系统会要求您填写更多个人信息。 您的位置和生日是可选的,尽管前者可以帮助当地电视列表。 您可以选择自己喜欢的流派(再次,可选),添加一些自己看过的流行电影和电视节目(这可以使服务预测您的喜好),并与其他社交网络建立联系。


The last screen asks you to enable notifications for the social aspect of Trakt via Chrome, Slack, Pinterest, and/or Pushbullet. Again, all of these are optional. Click the “Continue to Dashboard” button to finish the setup process.

最后一个屏幕要求您通过Chrome,Slack,Pinterest和/或Pushbullet启用Trakt社交方面的通知。 同样,所有这些都是可选的。 单击“继续到仪表板”按钮以完成设置过程。


将节目添加到您的日程表 (Add Shows To Your Schedule)

Unless you added a bunch of stuff while getting set up, your Trakt dashboard is likely to look a little barren at first. To add a TV show or movie to your schedule, just click the “TV” or Movies” link at the top of the page.

除非在设置时添加了很多东西,否则您的Trakt仪表板乍看起来可能会有些荒芜。 要将电视节目或电影添加到您的日程安排中,只需单击页面顶部的“电视”或“电影”链接。

We’re adding a TV show for our example, but movies work pretty much the same. The first page shows some of the most popular current shows on the service—we’ll go ahead and add Agents of SHIELD, Altered Carbon, and *lyn Nine-Nine. To add a show to your watchlist, click the blue list icon under that show’s banner.

我们为示例添加了电视节目,但电影的工作原理几乎相同。 第一页显示了该服务上当前最受欢迎的一些节目-我们将继续添加SHIELDAltered Carbon*lyn Nine-Nine的 代理 。 要将某个节目添加到您的监视列表,请单击该节目标题下的蓝色列表图标。


If you see a show you’ve already watched, click the check mark to mark all current episodes as “watched.” You can adjust this later if you’re not completely caught up. If you’re caught up and you want to make sure you don’t miss future episodes, click both the check mark and list icons.

如果看到已经观看过的节目,请单击复选标记以将所有当前剧集标记为“已观看”。 如果您还没有完全掌握,可以稍后再进行调整。 如果您被赶上了,并且想要确保您不会错过以后的剧集,请单击复选标记和列表图标。


To find specific shows that aren’t on the main page, click the search icon in the top left corner of the page. Type your query, press Enter, and then repeat the above steps for the results. Here’s the results page for Westworld.

要查找不在主页上的特定节目,请单击页面左上角的搜索图标。 键入查询,按Enter,然后对结果重复上述步骤。 这是Westworld的结果页。


To see the shows that you’ve added and when new episodes will air, click the “Calendar” link at the top of the page. Here, the only thing on our schedule for the following week is a new episode of Agents of SHIELD.

要查看您已添加的节目以及何时播出新剧集,请单击页面顶部的“日历”链接。 在这里,我们接下来一周的时间表中唯一的一件事就是《神盾局特工》的新一集


管理您的监视列表和观看节目的历史记录 (Manage Your Watchlist And History of Watched Shows)

If you need to specify which episodes of a show you’ve already seen, just click right on the show’s banner in the Calendar, TV, or Search page. Here, you can click the “Add to History” button to add or remove the entire show from your history.

如果您需要指定已经看过的节目的几集,只需在“日历”,“电视”或“搜索”页面中,右键单击该节目的横幅。 在这里,您可以单击“添加到历史记录”按钮以从历史记录中添加或删除整个节目。


The episodes of the current season are linked in the horizontal bar beneath the header image. To select another season, click the show’s icon on the left, and then click the season number. Click “All” to see every episode of the show in a single screen. After selecting a specific season, note that the “Watched” button to the right changes to indicate the number of episodes in that season. Click the button to mark just that season as watched or unwatched. And if you want to get even more granular, scroll down the page a little bit, and you indicate which individual episode you’ve watched.

当前季节的情节链接在标题图片下方的水平栏中。 要选择另一个季节,请单击左侧的节目图标,然后单击季节编号。 单击“全部”可在单个屏幕上查看节目的每个片段。 选择特定的季节后,请注意,右侧的“已观看”按钮会更改,以指示该季节的剧集数。 单击按钮以将那个季节标记为已观看或未观看。 而且,如果您想进一步细化,请向下滚动页面一点,然后指出您观看了哪一集。


If you’re subscribed to multiple streaming services, you probably want to know which ones will let you watch the relevant episodes for free. Underneath the show’s image (whether you’re looking at a whole show, a season, or an individual episode), click the “Watch Now” button. A popup shows you a list of subscription and paid services that currently offer that episode.

如果您订阅了多种流媒体服务,则可能想知道哪些可以让您免费观看相关剧集。 在节目的图片下方(无论您是看整个节目,一个季节还是单个节目),请点击“立即观看”按钮。 弹出窗口显示您当前提供该剧集的订阅和付费服务的列表。


设置加扰以进行自动跟踪 (Set Up Scrobbling For Automatic Tracking)

Scrobbling is a term for a system that automatically tracks media that you’ve seen. Trakt.TV works with a handful of services—for example, when you log in with your Netflix account, Track can automatically mark shows as watched when you watch them on Netflix—meaning you don’t have to visit Trackt to mark them manually.

扰码是系统自动跟踪您看到的媒体的术语。 Trakt.TV使用多种服务,例如,当您使用Netflix帐户登录时,Track可以在Netflix上观看节目时自动将其标记为已观看,这意味着您无需访问Trackt即可对其进行手动标记。

To get started, click the “Apps” link at the top of the page. The services that Trakt supports are under the “Choose Your Media Center” text. The offered services at the time of writing are:

首先,请点击页面顶部的“应用程序”链接。 Trakt支持的服务在“选择媒体中心”文本下。 撰写本文时提供的服务有:

  • Kodi Media Center

  • PLEX

  • Netflix

  • MediaPortal

  • Infuse

  • MrMC

  • Stremio

  • Serviio

  • VLC


Some of these options are more robust than others. For Netflix, all you need to do is install a Chrome extension that keeps up with your shows in the background. More complex systems like Kodi and PLEX need plugins for their specific platforms. Most of these tools come from third-party developers using the Trakt API. If you’re familiar with your specific platform, you probably won’t run into any problems, but extended support could be a bit iffy.

其中一些选项比其他选项更健壮。 对于Netflix,您需要做的就是安装一个Chrome扩展程序 ,使其在后台保持与您的节目同步。 像Kodi和PLEX这样的更复杂的系统需要其特定平台的插件。 这些工具大多数来自使用Trakt API的第三方开发人员。 如果您熟悉特定的平台,则可能不会遇到任何问题,但是扩展支持可能会有些困难。


To be honest, there are a lot of holes in coverage here. There’s no official support for scrobbling from services like Hulu and Amazon Prime, for example. Even the Netflix support doesn’t work on anything except Chrome. You’ll need to enter your viewing manually on the Trackt site for most shows and movies.

老实说,这里的覆盖范围很多。 例如,没有官方支持从Hulu和Amazon Prime等服务中抢购商品。 除Chrome之外,连Netflix支持都无法使用。 对于大多数节目和电影,您都需要在Trackt网站上手动输入视图。

行动应用程式 (Mobile Apps)

Trakt doesn’t have a designated mobile app—it depends on its users and API to offer mobile options. Luckily there are a lot of these available. The best choices include the following, most of which are free for iOS and Android.

Trakt没有指定的移动应用程序-它取决于其用户和API提供移动选项。 幸运的是,有很多可用的方法。 最好的选择包括以下内容,其中大多数对于iOS和Android是免费的。

安卓系统 (Android)

的iOS (iOS)

Fortunately, the Trakt mobile site is surprisingly useful. Just visit the standard URL from your iPhone or Android browser to track your episodes from your phone without an app.

幸运的是,Trakt移动站点非常有用。 只需通过iPhone或Android浏览器访问标准URL,即可在没有应用的情况下通过手机跟踪剧集。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344898/how-to-keep-track-of-your-streaming-and-broadcast-shows-with-trakt.tv/