windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法


windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

Daylight Savings Time ended at 2 a.m., but at least one of our Windows 10 PCs didn’t notice. Windows 10 is set to automatically update the time, but didn’t. We’ve seen a few similar reports online, too.

夏令时结束于凌晨2点,但是至少有一台Windows 10 PC没有注意到。 Windows 10设置为自动更新时间 ,但没有。 我们也在网上看到了一些类似的报告。

是的,这是另一个Windows 10错误 (Yes, It’s Yet Another Windows 10 Bug)

We noticed this problem on a PC that was powered off when the time changed. When we turned it on later in the morning, it never bothered updating the time. In other words, that PC is reporting a time one hour ahead of the real time. The PC had several hours to update the clock after we turned it on, but it never bothered doing so.

我们注意到在时间更改后关闭电源的PC上存在此问题。 当我们在早上晚些时候打开它时,它再也不会浪费时间了。 换句话说,该PC报告的时间比实时时间早一小时。 打开电源后,PC有几个小时可以更新时钟,但是从来没有打扰过。

This particular PC is running Windows 10’s buggy October 2018 Update, so maybe this is yet another problem with that update. On the other hand, another PC running the October 2018 Update updated the time just fine.

这台特定的PC正在运行Windows 10的bug十月2018年更新 ,所以也许这是该更新的另一个问题。 另一方面,另一台运行2018年10月更新的PC可以更新时间。

We don’t know how many people experienced this problem, but we can already see we’re not alone. Make sure to check the clocks on your Windows 10 PCs, just in case.

我们不知道有多少人遇到了这个问题,但是我们已经可以看到我们并不 孤单 。 为了以防万一,请务必检查Windows 10 PC上的时钟。

如何确定电脑时间 (How to Fix Your PC’s Time)

Obviously Microsoft should fix the larger problem. But, if Windows didn’t bother updating your PC’s clock after DST ended, you can quickly fix the time yourself.

显然,Microsoft应该解决更大的问题。 但是,如果Windows在DST结束后不再费心更新PC的时钟,则可以自己快速确定时间。

To correct your PC’s time, head to Settings > Time & Language > Date & Time.


You can also just right-click the clock area in Windows 10 and select “Adjust Date/Time” to quickly open this settings pane.

您也可以右键单击Windows 10中的时钟区域,然后选择“调整日期/时间”以快速打开此设置窗格。

windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

The “Set time automatically” option should be On. Click the switch under it to disable it, setting it to Off.

“自动设置时间”选项应为开。 单击其下方的开关将其禁用,将其设置为“关”。

windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

After disabling this option, click the switch again to turn it back On. Windows will contact an Internet time server and update your PC’s clock with the correct time.

禁用此选项后,再次单击开关以将其重新打开。 Windows将与Internet时间服务器联系,并用正确的时间更新您的PC时钟。

windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

如何手动设置电脑的时钟 (How to Set Your PC’s Clock Manually)

If toggling “Set time automatically” on and off doesn’t fix your problem for some reason, you can manually set the correct time. Just disable the “Set time automatically” option and click the “Change” button to enter a time.

如果由于某种原因而打开和关闭“自动设置时间”都不能解决问题,则可以手动设置正确的时间。 只需禁用“自动设置时间”选项,然后单击“更改”按钮即可输入时间。

Or, if Windows doesn’t correctly recognize the time zone you’re in, you can disable the “Set time zone automatically” option. Scroll down and manually enter your time zone here.

或者,如果Windows无法正确识别您所在的时区,则可以禁用“自动设置时区”选项。 向下滚动并在此处手动输入您的时区。

windows10时钟_某些Windows 10时钟没有“回退”,这是解决方法

