arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标


I'm always on the lookout for the perfect mouse. I don't think it exists, yet, frankly, but we're getting close. I've got two notebook mice I'm bouncing between while using my new ultrabook, the Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch. I'm using the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse and the Microsoft Wedge Mouse.

我一直在寻找完美的鼠标。 坦率地说,我不认为它存在,但是我们正在接近。 使用新的超级本Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch时,我有两只正在跳动的笔记本鼠标。 我正在使用Microsoft Arc Touch鼠标Microsoft Wedge鼠标

I'm classifying both of these mice as "weird" because, well, they are. They aren't classic-looking mice and each one has garnered the occasional double-take from passersby. Each has an unusual design for a reason: portability.

我将这两种小鼠都归类为“怪异”,因为它们确实是。 它们不是经典的老鼠,每只老鼠偶尔都会从路人身上获得双倍的收益。 每个都有一个不寻常的设计,原因是:可移植性。

楔形鼠标 (The Wedge Mouse)

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

The Wedge is tiny. Like, really tiny. The idea appears to have been to remove the back half of the mouse completely (the part that usually gets cupped in your palm) and instead make just the fingertips part. There's a AA battery that goes in the round part (the butt) and underneath there's a single button for on/off/Bluetooth sync and a battery door switch. Oddly, the battery door switch looks like an on/off switch also so I ended up flicking that a few times before I learned.

楔子很小。 喜欢,真的很小。 这个想法似乎是要完全取下鼠标的后半部分(通常是手掌托住的部分),而只用指尖部分。 底部有一个AA电池(对接),下面有一个用于开/关/蓝牙同步的按钮和一个电池门开关。 奇怪的是,电池门开关看起来也像开/关开关,所以我在学习之前几次轻弹。

The Wedge is a Bluetooth mouse, and getting a good Bluetooth mouse was my goal. This Ultrabook only has two USB ports and that's one port too few. I'll often find myself with a hard drive plugged in, then want to add one more item (USB key, presenter remote, smart card) and with most mice I'm stuck because the other USB port already has that mouse's transmitter.

Wedge是一款蓝牙鼠标,而我的目标是获得一款优质的蓝牙鼠标。 该Ultrabook只有两个USB端口,而一个端口太少。 我经常会发现自己插入了硬盘驱动器,然后又想添加一个项目(USB**,演示者远程,智能卡),而大多数鼠标却卡住了我,因为另一个USB端口已经装有该鼠标的发送器。

The mouse uses the capacitive touch technology that we're seeing in a lot of mice lately. See that vertical line that separates the two mouse "buttons?" Stroke that and it's the "scroll wheel." It feels odd initially but ends up quite comfortable. Speed of scrolling is also easily changed. There's no middle mouse button, but that hasn't been an issue for me.

鼠标使用了最近在很多鼠标中看到的电容式触摸技术。 看到分隔两个鼠标“按钮”的垂直线吗? 抚摸它,这就是“滚轮”。 最初感觉很奇怪,但最终感觉很舒服。 滚动速度也很容易改变。 没有鼠标中键,但这对我来说不是问题。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

我的右键单击问题 (My Right-Clicking Issues)

Now here's an odd one. Every once in a while I do what, in my mind is a CRYSTAL clear right-click and it registers as a left-click. I've tested it. Click hard with the right and it got picked up as a left. What the heck? I searched around and found a few people in the forums with the same issue so I assumed it was a driver issue. However, I have the latest drivers. What's going on?

现在这是一个奇怪的。 我不时做些什么,在我看来是CRYSTAL透明右键单击,它注册为左键单击。 我已经测试过了用鼠标右键单击,它被拾起为左侧。 有没有搞错? 我四处搜索,并在论坛中发现了一些人遇到同样的问题,因此我认为这是驾驶员问题。 但是,我有最新的驱动程序。 这是怎么回事?

Well, it's actually obvious and a little funny if you give it some though. Occasionally when I right click I end up right-clicking the FAR TOP EDGE on the right. Looking at the picture below, I'm pushing with my finger ABOVE the right-side blue square. This is outside the touch area but is registered with the mouse's mechanical click. Since there's no right-touch, there's no right-click.

好吧,如果您给它一些东西的话,这实际上是显而易见的,并且有些有趣。 有时候,当我右键单击时,我最终会右键单击右侧的FAR TOP EDGE。 看下面的图片,我用手指在右侧蓝色正方形上方推动。 这是在触摸区域之外,但已通过鼠标的机械点击注册。 由于没有右键单击,因此没有右键单击。

Stated differently, there's a touch area with clear left and right areas delimited. If I mechanical click the mouse - remember, there's just one click...the whole mouse goes down - then the mouse decides if it's a left or right by seeing where your finger is that moment. If it's on the far top edge then it can't see your right finger, so....left click from the right.

换句话说,有一个触摸区域,左右边界清晰。 如果我机械地单击鼠标-请记住,只需单击一下...整个鼠标都会掉下来-然后鼠标通过查看手指在那一刻的位置来确定它是向左还是向右。 如果它在最顶端,则看不到您的右手指,所以....从右侧单击鼠标左键。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

Call it an oddity, call it a design flaw, call it "you're holding it wrong." Regardless, as soon as I figured this out, it stopped happening. I just assumed initially that the touch area wrapped around the front of the mouse. It doesn't. Once my subconscious heard about this from my conscious mind, I can right-click like a champ, but it was quite confusing for a minute there. Be aware.

称其为怪异,称其为设计缺陷,称其为“您认为错误”。 无论如何,一旦我弄清了这一点,它就停止了发生。 我最初只是假设触摸区域包裹在鼠标的前部。 没有。 一旦我的潜意识从我的意识中听到了这一点,我就可以像冠军一样单击鼠标右键,但是在那里一分钟却相当混乱。 意识到。

蓝牙断开连接 (Bluetooth Disconnecting)

I thought that Bluetooth aspect of this mouse would be pure win, but even after using it for a few hours it stopped responding at least a half dozen times. I would have to lift the mouse up and put it down again. The word on the street and in the forums is that this a power management issue and that you should go into Device Manager and check the properties of the mouse and change the setting that allows the operating system to, well, turn it off. Of course, this setting is not checked and not available.  The takeaway here as far as I'm concerned is that while the dream of a Bluetooth mouse is a great and valid one, it's just not ready. Whether is it's the tech or the stack or the mouse itself, I dunno. I tried an Apple Magic Mouse for a day this week and had the same issue, but worse. The Magic Mouse wouldn't go 10 minutes without just stopping - and this was with new batteries. The Wedge has turned off maybe twice a day, so enough to be annoying but not enough to kill the deal. That said, there's lots of anecdotes from folks who LOVE this mouse and haven't had this issue, so I'm assuming it's my Bluetooth driver stack.

我以为这只鼠标的蓝牙方面将是无与伦比的,但是即使使用了几个小时,它也至少停止了六次响应。 我将不得不抬起鼠标并再次放下它。 在大街上和论坛上都这样说,这是电源管理问题,您应该进入设备管理器并检查鼠标的属性,然后更改允许操作系统关闭的设置。 当然,此设置选中且不可用。 就我而言,这里的要点是,虽然蓝牙鼠标的梦想是一个伟大而有效的梦想,但它还没有准备好。 我不知道是技术,堆栈还是鼠标本身。 我本周尝试了一天的Apple Magic Mouse鼠标,但遇到了同样的问题,但是更糟。 魔术鼠标不会停下来不走10分钟-这是新电池。 The Wedge每天可能关闭两次,因此足以令人烦恼,但不足以终止交易。 就是说,有很多趣闻轶事的人喜欢这只鼠标,却没有遇到这个问题,所以我假设这是我的蓝牙驱动程序堆栈。

All in all, I haven't decided if I'm going to keep this mouse. It's small, which is great. It's Bluetooth which is super great until it's totally not-great. I will give it a 7 out of 10. It's small. So, um. Ya

总而言之,我还没有决定是否要保留这只鼠标。 它很小,很好。 超级棒的蓝牙技术,直到它变得不那么伟大为止。 我给10分中的7分。很小。 嗯雅

Arc Touch鼠标(The Arc Touch Mouse)

I love this mouse. It's darn near perfect. The only mouse I love even more is the original Microsoft Arc Mouse which is equally brilliant in different ways.

我爱这只老鼠。 太完美了。 我唯一更喜欢的鼠标是原始的Microsoft Arc Mouse ,它在不同方面同样出色。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

The gimmick of the Arc Touch Mouse is that it folds flat. This isn't a cute gimmick, it actually works and works well. Given that my Lenovo is so small and flat, it's nice to have this mouse slide into my backpack and lay flat against the laptop. They kind of match, too.

Arc Touch鼠标的花招是它可以折叠平整。 这不是一个可爱的头,它实际上可以正常工作。 鉴于我的Lenovo如此小巧而扁平,请将鼠标滑入我的背包并平放在笔记本电脑上很好。 他们也很匹配。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

It arcs with a reliable and satisfying snap. The back is rubber and the top is glossy plastic.

它具有可靠且令人满意的弧度。 背面为橡胶,顶部为光面塑料。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

The scroll area has a wonderful haptic feedback (that's geek for "it vibrates when you scroll with it") that is adjustable with drivers. This attempts to simulate the "scroll-wheel nubbins" that regular mice have. It's a great little feature and I appreciate it. It gives you a sense of "it's working" without having to look at the mouse.

滚动区域具有出色的触觉反馈(即“滚动时会振动”的怪胎),可以通过驱动程序进行调整。 这试图模拟普通小鼠所拥有的“滚轮核仁”。 这是个很棒的小功能,我对此表示赞赏。 它给您一种“正在运行”的感觉,而无需看着鼠标。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标
arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

The Arc Touch Mouse is also a very comfortable size even for my giant lobster hands. It is tiny and portable, but it supports and cups the inside of your palm in a stable and reliable way.

即使对于我的巨型龙虾手来说,Arc Touch鼠标也非常舒适。 它虽然小巧便携,但可以稳定可靠地支撑和托住手掌内部。

The only thing this mouse needs is optional BlueTooth. Instead the Arc Touch Mouse uses a nano-transceiver which I just keep plugged in all the time. When it's not plugged in, it attaches rather sturdily to the base of the mouse with a magnet. It just snaps into place and stays there. Very cool.

该鼠标唯一需要的是可选的蓝牙。 取而代之的是,Arc Touch鼠标使用的是纳米收发器,我一直一直插在其中。 如果没有插入,它会用磁铁牢固地固定在鼠标的底部。 它只是卡入到位并停留在那里。 很酷。

While it's not Bluetooth, it's absolutely reliable. I haven't had any communication issues with the transceiver and it never loses connection with the mouse.

虽然它不是蓝牙,但绝对可靠。 我没有与收发器发生任何通信问题,它也从未与鼠标失去连接。

For now, the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse is my travel mouse of choice and I get give it a 9.5 out of 10.

现在, Microsoft Arc Touch鼠标是我选择的旅行鼠标,满分10分,我得到了9.5。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标
arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标
arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标
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arc鼠标滚轮方向_超级怪异鼠标的评论:Microsoft Arc Touch和楔形鼠标

