apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件


apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

Collaboration is key in many organizations, so using the tools you have on hand well, is important. Apple Mail gives you access to simple markup tools right within message composition. Thus, you can make quick edits inline and never leave the application.

在许多组织中,协作是关键,因此,很好地使用您现有的工具非常重要。 Apple Mail使您可以直接在邮件撰写中访问简单的标记工具。 因此,您可以内联进行快速编辑,而永远不会离开应用程序。

In Mail, you can mark up your image and commit to the changes within the message. This is a great deal more direct and convenient than say, adding text comments to the message, or opening the image in an external application, adding the markup, saving the image, and then attaching it.

在邮件中,您可以标记图像并确认邮件中的更改。 这比说在消息中添加文本注释或在外部应用程序中打开图像,添加标记,保存图像然后附加它要直接和方便得多。

Accomplishing this in Apple Mail is seamless. Mail uses many of the same markup tools found in the versatile Preview application, which we discussed in our article about signing PDF forms. So, if you’re familiar with Preview, then these will be a piece of cake.

在Apple Mail中完成此操作是无缝的。 Mail使用了通用预览应用程序中发现的许多相同的标记工具,我们在有关签署PDF表单的文章中对此进行了讨论。 因此,如果您熟悉Preview,那么这将是小菜一碟。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件
Preview’s markup toolbar.

First, with Apple Mail open, compose your message and attach your image as you normally would, then click on the image so it is selected, and then click the arrow in the upper-right corner.

首先,在Apple Mail打开的情况下,撰写邮件并像平常一样附加图像,然后单击图像以将其选中,然后单击右上角的箭头。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

A small menu (two whole choices) will open, which will allow you to open the “Markup” tools.


apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

The rest of the message will turn gray and the markup toolbar will appear above your attached image.


apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

There’s quite a bit you can with this small toolbar. Let’s take a little time to show you what each thing does.

这个小工具栏可以提供很多功能。 让我们花一点时间向您展示每件事。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

Starting from the left, the first four buttons let you affect changes. The pen icon will let you draw freely on the image as if using a pen, next you can draw squares and circles, then you can add text, and finally you can affix a signature.

从左侧开始,前四个按钮可让您影响更改。 笔图标可让您像使用笔一样在图像上*绘图,接下来可以绘制正方形和圆形,然后可以添加文本,最后可以添加签名。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

The last item is of particular interest. Let’s say someone sends you an official document image. You can sign it with your trackpad or camera, lock in the change, and then immediately send it back.

最后一项特别有趣。 假设有人向您发送了官方文档图像。 您可以使用触控板或相机对其签名,锁定更改,然后立即将其发送回去。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

The second group of four buttons, let you alter how your markup looks – line thickness and style (dotted, arrows, etc.), border color, fill color, and text style.


apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

Once you’re finished making your changes, you can click “Done” and they will be saved to your image.


On the receiving end of things, you can collaborate further by making more changes to the image. To do this, first reply (or forward) to the message and on the compose window’s toolbar, click the button to include the attachment from the original message.

在事物的接收端,您可以通过对图像进行更多更改来进一步协作。 为此,请首先答复(或转发)邮件,然后在撰写窗口的工具栏上单击按钮以包含原始邮件的附件。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

The attachment will now be placed back into your new message and you can again click the arrow in the upper-right corner, then “Markup” to open the tools. Once you’re finished, again click “Done” and send the message.

现在,附件将放回到您的新邮件中,您可以再次单击右上角的箭头,然后单击“标记”以打开工具。 完成后,再次单击“完成”并发送消息。

apple设置中如果变全屏_如何在Apple Mail中标记图像附件

Being able to mark up an attachment like this means you save quite a bit of time and effort not dealing with external image editors, saving, and reattaching it to the message.


Best of all, it requires no add-on software, no plugins, or settings adjustments, which also lessens the time needed to train others how to use these tools.


With all that said, we’d like to hear from you now. Do you think these tools are useful and will you be using them? What do you normally use if you want to collaborate? We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions, so please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

话虽如此,我们现在希望收到您的来信。 您认为这些工具有用吗,您会使用它们吗? 如果您想合作,通常会使用什么? 我们欢迎您提出意见,问题和建议,因此请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。

