geek_谢谢您,How-To Geek获得了Microsoft MVP奖

geek_谢谢您,How-To Geek获得了Microsoft MVP奖


geek_谢谢您,How-To Geek获得了Microsoft MVP奖

The How-To Geek has won a Microsoft MVP award for the second year in a row, and it’s all thanks to you, our great readers that keep the site going. Join us for some mutual back-patting and some terrible photography of all the award stuff.

How-To Geek连续第二年获得了Microsoft MVP奖,这一切都要感谢您,我们的优秀读者使网站得以继续发展。 和我们一起进行相互回拍和所有获奖作品的可怕摄影。

Of course, if you’re familiar with the MVP award you’ll probably know that it’s actually for a single person, but in my opinion the award belongs to the entire How-To Geek community, without which this site would be nothing.

当然,如果您熟悉MVP奖,您可能会知道它实际上是针对一个人的,但是在我看来,该奖属于整个How-To Geek社区,没有它,这个网站将一无所有。

该奖项的糟糕摄影 (Terrible Photography of the Award)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned by receiving this award, it’s that I’m possibly the world’s worst photographer. It took me like 20 minutes just to get this terrible shot—and then I realized that there were fingerprints all over the award itself.

如果我从获得这个奖项中学到的一件事,那就是我可能是世界上最糟糕的摄影师。 我花了大约20分钟的时间才拍下了这幅可怕的照片-然后我意识到奖杯本身遍布指纹。

In any case, they send you a little card for your wallet, a pin, an award for the wall, and then the nice piece of glass—once you’ve gotten the award once, you just get the little glass piece for the next year if you win again. The quality of each piece is really impressive, and it’s literally the only thing I’m proud enough to have on the wall of my office.

无论如何,他们都会给您寄来张钱包的小卡片,一枚别针,一面墙上的奖品,然后再送给您一块漂亮的玻璃杯-一旦获得一次奖励,您就可以拿到下一张玻璃杯一年,如果您再次获胜。 每件作品的质量都给人留下深刻的印象,这是我感到非常自豪的唯一一件可以挂在办公室墙上的东西。

geek_谢谢您,How-To Geek获得了Microsoft MVP奖

Once I looked a little closer at the award, I realized something…


geek_谢谢您,How-To Geek获得了Microsoft MVP奖

That’s right… Microsoft decided that I’m officially a “Windows Expert”. If they knew I was typing this on a MacBook Air, I’m pretty sure they’d take it away from me—nobody tell them! =)

是的…Microsoft决定我正式成为“ Windows Expert”。 如果他们知道我在MacBook Air上打字,那么我可以肯定他们会把它拿走—没人告诉他们! =)

And again, thanks to all of you, the readers who always read every article, leave helpful and constructive feedback, and make this site what it is today.


