hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明

hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明


hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明

F.lux is a handy little app that warms the light from your computer screen in the evening to help you sleep better. Philips’ Hue lights can also adjust their color temperature. This clever integration links the two, so your screen and your general room lighting change together.

F.lux是一款方便的小应用程序,晚上可以温暖计算机屏幕上的光线,以帮助您睡得更好。 飞利浦的Hue灯还可以调节其色温。 这种巧妙的结合将两者联系在一起,因此您的屏幕和一般的房间照明会一起改变。

你为什么想做这个? (Why Would You Want to Do This?)

There is an increasing body of research that indicates exposure to bright and blue-spectrum light late in the evening makes it difficult for us to get to sleep, and is otherwise disruptive to our bodies. To combat the effects of blue light late in the evening many people use an application called f.lux, which slowly shifts the color temperature of your computer’s screen warmer and warmer as the sun sets in your locale.

越来越多的研究表明,深夜暴露在明亮的蓝色光谱光下会使我们难以入睡 ,否则会破坏我们的身体。 为了在深夜抵抗蓝光的影响,许多人使用了名为f.lux的应用程序 ,该应用程序会随着太阳在您所在的地区的出现而逐渐改变计算机屏幕的色温。

Unbeknownst to a lot of people, f.lux has experimental support for the Philip’s Hue system–so now f.lux can not only change the color temperature of your screen, but it can change the color temperature of your light bulbs, too. It’s a whole-environment solution that changes the color temperature of the entire room.

很多人都不知道,f.lux对Philip的Hue系统提供了实验性支持-因此,现在f.lux不仅可以改变屏幕的色温,而且还可以改变灯泡的色温。 这是一个可以改变整个房间色温的整体环境解决方案。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

To follow along with our tutorial, you’ll need the following bits and pieces. First, you’ll need a copy the f.lux software. Although F.lux is available for Windows, OS X, and Linux, Android, and jailbroken iOS devices, only the Windows version currently supports Hue integration. The integration is still considered a beta/experimental feature–supposedly support for OS X and Linux is right around the corner.

要继续学习我们的教程,您将需要以下内容。 首先,您需要复制f.lux软件 。 尽管F.lux适用于Windows,OS X,Linux,Android和越狱的iOS设备,但当前只有Windows版本支持Hue集成。 集成仍被认为是beta /实验性功能-即将对OS X和Linux提供支持。

Second, you’ll need the Hue light system from Philips with the color changing bulbs (the less expensive white-only bulbs won’t work). If you need help setting up your lights, refer to our tutorial here.

其次,您将需要飞利浦Hue照明系统和换色灯泡 (较便宜的纯白色灯泡将无法使用)。 如果您需要有关设置灯光的帮助,请参阅此处的教程

如何将f.lux与色相灯泡连接 (How to Link f.lux with Your Hue Bulbs)

Your first stop is the f.lux app. Right click on the f.lux app icon in your computer’s system tray.

您的第一站是f.lux应用程序。 右键单击计算机系统托盘中的f.lux应用程序图标。

hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明

In the right-click context menu, select “Extras…”.


hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明

In the f.lux extras menu, you’ll see two Philips-related entries. One is labeled “Control Philips Hue lights”, and is relevant to our interests. There is another entry labeled “Control Philips ColorKinetics” which, for the curious, is Philips’ brand of commercial color changing LED systems–if you happen to have a multi-thousand-dollar commercial LED lighting system installed in your home then that’s the box for you! For the rest of us, we need to check “Control Philips Hue lights”.

在f.lux Extras菜单中,您将看到两个与Philips相关的条目。 一种标为“控制飞利浦色相灯”,与我们的利益有关。 另一个标有“ Control Philips ColorKinetics”的条目令人感到好奇,它是飞利浦的商用变色LED系统品牌-如果您家中恰好安装了数千美元的商用LED照明系统,那就是盒子为了你! 对于我们其他人,我们需要检查“控制Philips Hue灯”。

hue数据同步mysql_如何同步F.lux和Philips Hue灯以实现人眼友好的夜间照明

When you check this box, you’ll hear a double chime sound. You now need to go to your Philips Hue bridge unit and physically press the sync button on the bridge. We recommend tapping it a few times, just for good measure, as the syncing process seems a little quirky.

选中此框时,您会听到双重的提示音。 现在,您需要转到Philips Hue桥接器单元,然后实际按下桥接器上的同步按钮。 我们建议您轻按几次以保持良好效果,因为同步过程似乎有些古怪。

At this point, f.lux and your Hue system are linked. When f.lux begins shifting the color temperature of your computer monitor in the evening, the color temperature of bulbs to match. Whatever color temperature you’ve specified in your f.lux setting menu is the temperature the bulbs will aim for.

此时,f.lux和您的Hue系统已链接。 当f.lux在晚上开始改变计算机显示器的色温时,灯泡的色温将匹配。 在f.lux设置菜单中指定的色温是灯泡所要达到的温度。

The f.lux system polls your Hue system every 30 seconds or so–expect around a half minute delay from when you first notice f.lux activate on your computer to when you see the shift in the bulbs.


打ic,警告和改进空间 (Hiccups, Caveats, and Room for Improvement)

There are a few minor things worth highlighting about the f.lux/Hue process that will both decrease your headaches in setting it up and, hopefully, encourage the f.lux team to address some of the hassles in linking the two systems together.

关于f.lux / Hue流程,有一些值得强调的小事情,它们既可以减轻设置麻烦,又可以鼓励f.lux团队解决将两个系统连接在一起的麻烦。

First, there’s zero feedback that the system link has succeeded. The bulbs don’t blink, there’s no pop-confirmation on your computer, or anything else like that. The only way we were able to confirm whether or not we’d successfully linked the two systems was by telling f.lux we were in central Europe (which triggered the nighttime mode and the accompanying bulb color shift without forcing us to wait for actual nightfall).

首先,系统链接成功的反馈为零。 灯泡不闪烁,计算机上没有弹出确认,或类似的东西。 我们能够确认是否成功连接两个系统的唯一方法是告诉f.lux我们在中欧(这触发了夜间模式以及随之而来的灯泡颜色变化,而没有强迫我们等待实际的黄昏) )。

Second, there is no option to select individual bulbs. The system is currently all-or-nothing. This means if you have one bulb behind your computer as part of a bias-lighting setup but you have the rest of the bulbs in your living room and bedroom, all of them will adopt a warmer color temperature at the end of the day.

其次,没有选择单个灯泡的选项。 该系统目前是全有或全无。 这意味着,如果您在偏光照明设置中将一个灯泡放在计算机后方,但您在客厅和卧室中有其余灯泡,则所有灯泡在一天结束时都会采用较暖的色温。

Now, in fairness, f.lux as a standalone product is fantastic, and we wouldn’t want you to think less of f.lux just because its integration with smart bulbs is in its infancy. If you like the idea of combining color changing lights with f.lux, but you’re not sold on the current limitations (like the all-or-nothing bulb selection), you could always create a scene for the Philips bulbs you want to sync to f.lux and then either manually turn them on when you’re using the computer or set an alarm in the Hue app to trigger the color change in the evening.

公平地说,现在f.lux作为独立产品太棒了,我们不希望您仅因为f.lux与智能灯泡的集成才开始考虑它。 如果您喜欢将变色灯与f.lux结合使用的想法,但在当前的限制条件下(例如选择全有或全无的灯泡),您并没有大失所望,那么您始终可以为飞利浦灯泡创建一个场景同步到f.lux,然后在使用计算机时手动将其打开,或在Hue应用程序中设置警报以在晚上触发颜色更改。

With a little tweaking and the experimental Hue integration you can bring all your lighting in line with your quest to banish blue-light at the end of the day.


