缩略图缓存加速_通过重建Windows 7缩略图缓存来修复图标显示问题

缩略图缓存加速_通过重建Windows 7缩略图缓存来修复图标显示问题


Have you ever been browsing through photos or videos on your PC, and noticed that the thumbnails weren’t showing up properly? Sometimes they get corrupted, and you can quickly rebuild them to fix the problem.

您是否曾经浏览过PC上的照片或视频,并注意到缩略图显示不正确? 有时它们会损坏,您可以快速重建它们以解决问题。

Just for some background, let’s walk through what we’re talking about. Normally, when you’re browsing around your files, you’ll see thumbnails for pictures and videos that you are viewing. These thumbnails are all generated, and stored in a cache to make browsing files faster.

仅出于某些背景,让我们逐步了解一下我们正在谈论的内容。 通常,在浏览文件时,您会看到正在查看的图片和视频的缩略图。 这些缩略图全部生成,并存储在缓存中,以加快浏览文件的速度。

缩略图缓存加速_通过重建Windows 7缩略图缓存来修复图标显示问题

But sometimes… the cache gets corrupted, and we need to rebuild them. Here’s an example of what happens when it goes out of whack…

但是有时候……缓存被破坏了,我们需要重建它们。 这是一个例子,当它突然崩溃时会发生什么……

缩略图缓存加速_通过重建Windows 7缩略图缓存来修复图标显示问题

Rebuilding the Windows 7 Thumbnail Cache

重建Windows 7缩略图缓存

All you have to do is open up Disk Cleanup through the start menu search box (just type in disk cleanup to find it)


缩略图缓存加速_通过重建Windows 7缩略图缓存来修复图标显示问题

Just make sure that Thumbnails is checked, and then click OK to run through the cleaning process.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15134/fix-icon-display-problems-by-rebuilding-the-windows-7-thumbnail-cache/
