



Google Chrome’s internal chrome:// pages are full of all kinds of statistics, tools, and experimental features (much like the advanced settings of any other browser). What you may not know is that many individual settings have their own URL as well, and aren’t listed individually on the chrome://about page. If there are any you access regularly, you can bookmark them for easier access in the future.

Google Chrome的内部chrome://页面充满了各种统计信息,工具和实验性功能(非常类似于其他任何浏览器的高级设置)。 您可能不知道的是,许多单独的设置也都有自己的URL,并且不在chrome:// about页面上单独列出。 如果您有定期访问的内容,则可以将其添加为书签,以便以后使用。

RELATED: How to Access Hidden Chrome Features and Settings Using the Chrome:// Pages

相关文章: 如何使用Chrome://页面访问隐藏的Chrome功能和设置

Bookmarking settings pages can save you a fair bit of time for pages you access frequently and make pages easier to find again if you don’t use them often. A perfect example of this is the page for managing Chrome’s custom dictionary so you can remove words you added by accident. You not only need to remember to look in the advanced language settings section, but it takes half a dozen clicks to get there.

收藏设置页面可以为您经常访问的页面节省一些时间,并且如果您不经常使用它们,可以使页面更易于再次查找。 一个很好的例子就是管理Chrome自定义词典的页面,因此您可以删除偶然添加的单词。 您不仅需要记住查看“高级语言设置”部分,而且还需要六次点击才能到达该位置。

But, once you get there, you’ll see that it has its own URL:



So, you can bookmark that URL by pressing Ctrl+D or just dragging the URL to wherever you want to store it. I actually keep a Settings folder on my Bookmarks toolbar for easy access. And here’s a handy list of some useful settings URLs that you may want to bookmark (you’ll have to type them in or copy and paste yourself, as direct links won’t work):

因此,您可以通过按Ctrl + D或仅将URL拖动到要存储的URL来为该URL添加书签。 实际上,我在“书签”工具栏上保留了一个“设置”文件夹,以便于访问。 以下是一些有用的设置URL的便捷列表,您可能需要将它们添加为书签(您必须键入它们或复制并粘贴自己,因为直接链接无效):

  • chrome://settings/editDictionary (for removing words from the custom dictionary)

    chrome:// settings / editDictionary(用于从自定义词典中删除单词)
  • chrome://settings/startup (for adding a new page to load when you start Chrome)

    chrome:// settings / startup(用于在启动Chrome时添加要加载的新页面)
  • chrome://settings/clearBrowserData (for clearing cookies, browsing, and download histories)

    chrome:// settings / clearBrowserData(用于清除cookie,浏览和下载历史记录)
  • chrome://settings/content (for managing how Chrome deals with different types of content like cookies, images, and JavaScript)

    chrome:// settings / content(用于管理Chrome如何处理Cookie,图片和JavaScript等不同类型的内容)
  • chrome://settings/autofill (for adding and removing addresses and credit cards to Chrome’s Autofill feature)

    chrome:// settings / autofill(用于在Chrome的自动填充功能中添加和删除地址和信用卡)
  • chrome://settings/passwords (for removing passwords stored in Chrome)

    chrome:// settings / passwords(用于删除Chrome中存储的密码)

Check around Chrome’s settings and see what URLs pop up in the address bar–you might be surprised.


That’s it. It’s a simple tip, but one that can save you a bit of hassle. Next time you find yourself on a settings page in Chrome, just bookmark it for the future and give it a name you’ll remember.

而已。 这是一个简单的提示,但可以为您节省一些麻烦。 下次当您在Chrome的设置页中找到自己时,只需将其添加书签以备将来使用,并为其命名即可记住。

