快速提示:Windows Vista Temp文件目录

Windows Vista Disk Cleanup wizard is really not all that bad, but I did find a small problem with it… It doesn’t fully empty your temp folder. It only allows you to delete temporary files that haven’t been modified in a week, as you can see in the screenshot.

Windows Vista磁盘清理向导的确还不错,但是我确实发现了一个小问题……它并没有完全清空您的临时文件夹。 如屏幕截图所示,它仅允许您删除一周内未修改的临时文件。

快速提示:Windows Vista Temp文件目录

If you’ve recently done a lot of editing or something that generates large temporary files, you may want to manually clean up. Just type in %TEMP% into the start menu search box, and hit enter. You’ll immediate be taken to the temporary files folder, where you can delete whatever you feel like.

如果您最近进行了许多编辑或生成了较大的临时文件,则可能需要手动清理。 只需在开始菜单搜索框中输入%TEMP%,然后按Enter。 您将立即被带到临时文件文件夹,在其中可以删除任何所需的内容。

快速提示:Windows Vista Temp文件目录

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/quick-tip-windows-vista-temp-files-directory/