流利阅读 2019.4.4 Reiwa: how Japan's new era name is breaking tradition

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流利阅读 2019.4.4 Reiwa: how Japan's new era name is breaking tradition

Reiwa: how Japan’s new era name is breaking tradition

Reiwa—Japan’s new imperial era—adheres to the established naming custom in that it comprises two kanji and is easy to read and write.

But it also represents a break with centuries of tradition as the first era name to have been inspired by a Japanese, rather than Chinese, work of classical literature.

The characters are taken from a stanza in a poem about plum blossoms that appears in Man’yoshu, the oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry, compiled sometime after 759.
“令和”取自《万叶集》一首咏梅诗中的一个诗节。而《万叶集》是现存最古老的日本诗集,编撰于公元 759 年后。

Placed in that literary context, the kanji can be read to mean “fortunate” or “auspicious”, and “peace” or “harmony”.

The naming of a new imperial era for Japan—and for only the third time in almost a century at that—carries enormous significance. Like the era name system, or gengo, throughout Japan’s modern history, Reiwa is supposed to reset the national mood ahead of the new emperor’s reign, which begins on 1 May.
日本新年号的命名——而且是近一个世纪以来仅仅第三次的命名——有着极大的意义。和贯穿日本现代史的所有年号(时代命名系统)一样,“令和”的目的是在新天皇即位之前鼓舞国民的情绪。新天皇将于 5 月 1 日即位。

According to Japan’s prime minister, the new era should encompass pride in the country’s history and traditions along with hope for the future.

Not everyone shared the generally enthusiastic reception the new era name received on Monday, with some describing it as a throwback to prewar monarchism.

“Japanese society is no longer controlled by an emperor,” Hiroshi Kozen, an emeritus professor at Kyoto University, told Kyodo news agency. “The era system should reflect people’s desires, and that should start with a discussion about why we need it,” he said.