流利阅读 2019.2.12 Faking it: how selfie dysmorphia is driving people to seek surgery

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流利阅读 2019.2.12 Faking it: how selfie dysmorphia is driving people to seek surgery

Faking it: how selfie dysmorphia is driving people to seek surgery

People used to call Anika the Snap Queen. Between the ages of 19 and 21, she was obsessed with Snapchat. Sometimes her followers would suggest meeting in person. “Then it would be like, ‘I have to look like my selfie.’ ” It was around this time, the height of her Snapchat obsession, that Anika started contacting cosmetic doctors on Instagram.
阿妮卡曾被称为“自拍女王”。她在 19 到 21 岁之间,对 Snapchat 这个 App 十分痴迷。有时,她的粉丝们会提出想要和她本人见面。“这种时候我就会觉得,‘我必须长得跟我的自拍一样。’”大概就是在这个时间节点——阿妮卡最沉迷 Snapchat 的时候,她开始在 Instagram 上联系整容医生了。

When the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery surveyed its members in 2017, 55% of surgeons said patients’ motivation was to look better in selfies, up from just 13% in 2016.
2017 年,“美国面部整形与重塑学会”在其会员间开展了一项调查。调查中,55% 的(整形)外科医生称,他们患者的整形动机是在为了在自拍照里中显得更好看。这一数字相比 2016 年的 13% 有所增加。

The phenomenon of people requesting procedures to resemble their digital image has been referred to as “Snapchat dysmorphia”.
要求通过手术使本人看起来像自己的数码图像的这种现象,被称为 “Snapchat 体象障碍”。

A recent report in the US medical journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery suggested that filtered images “blurring the line of reality and fantasy” could be triggering body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition where people become fixated on imagined defects in their appearance.
医疗期刊 《美国医学会杂志·面部整形外科学卷》最近的一篇报告显示,加了滤镜的照片“模糊了现实与幻想间的界线”,这种照片可能会诱发一种叫做体象障碍(BDD)的精神疾病。在这种精神疾病的影响下,人们会变得执着于他们想象中的外表缺陷。

Tijion Esho, founder of the Esho clinics, says the pervasiveness of airbrushing on social media means it can create “unrealistic expectations of what is normal” and lower the self-esteem of those who don’t use it. Even novelty filters such as Snapchat and Instagram’s, as well as adding bunny ears or specs to your selfie, plump your lips, erase your pores and lift your jowls.
埃索诊所的创始人缇吉昂·埃索说,(用于修图的)“气笔”在社交媒体上的泛滥意味着它会造成“对正常状态不切实际的期望”,并降低不用气笔者的自尊。哪怕是 Snapchat 和 Instagram 上那些新奇的滤镜,都在给你的自拍加上兔耳朵或是眼镜的同时,帮你丰了唇、磨了皮、收了双下巴。

For Dr Wassim Taktouk, referrals from social media make it harder to safeguard patients’ mental health. Taktouk says far more industry-wide regulation is needed, before there is a headline-grabbing tragedy and apps become even more transformative.
对瓦西姆·塔克图克医生来说,来自社交媒体的传送链接,让保障患者们的精神健康这件事变得更加困难了。他说,在瞩目的悲剧发生和自拍 App 的美颜功能变得更加强大之前,(*部门)还需要大大加强对整个行业的管理。

————— 文章来源 / 卫报

n. 体象障碍,身体畸形恐惧症

  • 词根词缀:前缀 dys- 表示病态的,不正常的
  • 词根词缀:后缀 -ia 构成名词

be obsessed with

the height of

  • at the height of summer 夏天最热的时候
  • at the height of sb.’s fame 某人名气最大的时候

cosmetic doctor

  • cosmetic dental work 牙齿美容工作

adj. 整形的;重建的,重新塑造的

  • v. :reconstruct
  • He’s recovering well from a reconstructive surgery on his nose. 他从隆鼻手术恢复得很好。

n. 外科医生

  • surgery 外科手术
  • surgical 外科手术的

n. 手术;程序

  • Leah needs to undergo a surgical procedure. Leah需要接受外科手术。

v. 像…,与…相似

  • She grew up to resemble her mother.

v. 过滤,使用滤镜

adj. 异常依恋的,专注于某物的

  • Daniel has never been so fixated on gaining weight. Daniel从未如此专注于增重。

n. 缺陷,瑕疵

  • a genetic defect

n. 广泛性,普遍性

  • the pervasiveness of online media 在线媒体的普遍性
  • the pervasiveness of popular culture 流行文化的普遍性
  • pervade v. 弥漫于,遍及


  • In the photo, her wrinkles have been airbrushed out. 在照片中,她的皱纹被修饰了。

self-esteem/ˌself ɪˈstiːm/
n. 自尊

  • esteem n. 尊重
  • Your words touched her self-esteem. 你的话触动了她的自尊心。

n. 眼镜

  • = spectacles, glasses

v. 使丰满,使鼓起

n. 毛孔;小孔

  • Sweat passes through the pores and cools down the body. 汗水穿过毛孔,冷却身体。

n. 面颊;下颌;下颌垂肉

n. 介绍转诊;转送,移交

  • illnesses requiring referral to hospitals 需要转院的疾病

v. 保护,捍卫

  • safeguard the environment
  • safeguard one’s interests/rights/welfare

adj. 吸引眼球的;头条新闻的

adj. 变形的,有改造能力的