流利阅读 2019.2.28 Huawei launches new $2,600 foldable 5G phone to rival Samsung

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流利阅读 2019.2.28 Huawei launches new $2,600 foldable 5G phone to rival Samsung

Huawei launches new $2,600 foldable 5G phone to rival Samsung
华为发布售价 2600 美元的 5G 折叠屏手机,意与三星抗衡

Huawei Technologies Co. announced a smartphone that unfolds into a small tablet computer, potentially rendering the need to carry two separate devices obsolete.

The Mate X supports next-generation 5G networks and will cost 2,299 euros ($2,606) when released in the summer. When folded, the Mate X has a 6.6-inch display; but when opened out, it becomes an 8-inch tablet computer. It’s the second folding phone announced by a major manufacturer within a week. Samsung revealed the Galaxy Fold on Wednesday.
Mate X 支持新一代 5G 网络,预计将在今年夏季以 2299 欧元(合 2606 美元)的价格开售。折叠后,Mate X 显示屏有 6.6 英寸,但展开时,它就变成了一台 8 英寸的平板电脑。在一周内,这是主要(手机)制造商发布的第二款折叠屏手机。这是在同一周内第二款由大型手机制造商发布的折叠屏手机。在周三,三星刚发布了新品 Galaxy Fold。

The market for smartphones is slowing, and manufacturers are scrambling to find new ways to convince consumers they should upgrade their devices. Next-generation high-speed networks are still far away from mainstream availability, so device makers are looking at new device form factors to conjure up excitement.

Huawei has been battling global scrutiny over its telecom equipment, but often overlooked is the company’s rapid growth as a smartphone manufacturer. Last year it surpassed Apple to become the world’s second-largest maker of smartphones, according to data from market research firm IDC.
华为一直忙于应对全球范围内对其通讯设备的审查。但作为智能手机制造商,该公司的迅速发展常常被忽视。根据市场调研公司 IDC 提供的数据,去年华为赶超了苹果,成为了世界第二大智能手机制造商。

Thomas Husson, an analyst at Forrester, said the Mate X “shows Huawei is a leader in tech innovation.” But it will be “a few years” before a significant mass of customers get their hands on 5G functionalities and foldable screens, he said.
托马斯·哈逊是弗雷斯特研究公司的一名分析师。他认为,Mate X“证明了华为是科技创新领域的领先者”,但是要让广大用户能亲自使用 5G 功能和可折叠屏幕,还需要“几年时间”。

————— 文章来源 / 彭博社


v. 启动,推出;发射

  • 搭配短语:launch a rocket
  • 例句:The programme was launched three years ago.
  • 例句:The phone was launched.

adj. 可折叠的

  • 词性拓展:fold(v. 折叠,对折)
  • 例句:He folded the map up.
  • fold 反义词:unfold(v. 打开,展开)
  • 同义词:folding
  • 搭配短语:a folding bicycle

v. 可与…相媲美,比得上

  • 词性拓展:rival (n.)
  • 例句:No computer can rival a human brain in complexity.

tablet computer
n. 平板电脑

  • tablet 英文释义:a thin, flat, often square piece of hard material

v. 使成为;使变得

  • 英文释义:to cause someone or something to be in a particular state
  • 搭配短语:render sb./sth. + adj.
  • 例句:His rudeness rendered me speechless.

adj. 过时的,被淘汰的

  • 同义词:out-of-date
  • 例句:Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.

n. (计算机屏幕等的)显示屏

  • 词性拓展:display (v.)
  • 搭配短语:LED display

n. 制造商

  • 词性拓展:manufacture (v.)
  • 例句:Germany is a major manufacturer of motor cars.

v. 展示,显示;揭露

  • 英文释义:to allow something to be seen that had been hidden
  • 例句:The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.

v. 争抢

  • 英文释义:to compete with other people for something there is very little of
  • 搭配短语:scramble to do sth.
  • 例句:People are scrambling to buy property.

v. 说服,使相信,使信服

  • 例句:I hope this will convince you to change your mind.

adj. (思维、思想或信念等)主流的

  • 搭配短语:mainstream education
  • 词性拓展:mainstream (n.)
  • 例句:He was never part of the literary mainstream as a writer. (n.)

conjure up

  • 英文释义:to make something appear by magic
  • 搭配短语:conjure a dove from the hat
  • 英文释义:to make a picture or idea appear in someone’s mind
  • 例句:That smell always conjured up memories of holidays in France.

n. 检查,仔细审查

  • 搭配短语:come under close scrutiny
  • 相关词汇:inspection (n.)
  • 例句:Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny.

v. 超过,优于,胜过

  • 词根词缀:sur-(超过)
  • 搭配短语:surpass oneself

n. 大量,大批,众多;群众

  • 搭配短语:a mass of sth./masses of sth.
  • 搭配短语:the masses(群众,平民)
  • 搭配短语:a mass of people/masses of people

get one’s hands on

  • 英文释义:If you get your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it.
  • 近义词:lay/put one’s hands on
  • 例句:I’ll kill him if I ever get my hands on him.

n. 功能性;设计目的

  • 相关词汇:function (n.)
  • 词义辨析:functionality, function
    functionality 是 function 的派生词。functionality 的意思更抽象,多指一件产品的所有功能,也就是我们常说的“技能组”,而 function 侧重指产品的具体某项功能或者用途。另外,functionality 也可以指产品的设计目的。