chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

chrome gpu加速

chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

If you’re running Google Dev channel version of Chrome, you might have noticed that the latest update really broke—the problem is the GPU accelerated canvas option, but you can’t get in there to change it since it keeps crashing. Here’s how to fix it.

如果您运行的是Google Dev通道版本的Chrome,那么您可能已经注意到最新的更新确实失效了-问题在于GPU加速画布选项,但由于它一直崩溃,因此您无法进入那里进行更改。 解决方法如下。

This problem isn’t affecting everybody, but hopefully there’s enough other people having the same problem that it’ll help somebody. And it’ll probably help out in the future if any other bugs crop up.

这个问题并没有影响到每个人,但是希望有足够多的其他人也遇到同样的问题,它将对某人有所帮助。 如果将来出现其他任何错误,可能会有所帮助。

It’s also worth noting that running development versions of any application is a bad idea if you want stability—some of us prefer all the extra features that come out almost daily, so we choose to risk it. That’s the price we pay for being geeks.

还要指出的是,如果您想要稳定性,则运行任何应用程序的开发版本都是一个坏主意-我们中的一些人喜欢几乎每天都会出现的所有额外功能,因此我们选择冒险。 那就是我们为成为极客而付出的代价。

解决方案1:卸载Dev Channel,改为安装Beta (Solution 1:  Uninstall Dev Channel, Install Beta Instead)

Yeah, this solution is pretty obvious, but it’s also the best one. Any time the Dev channel is acting too unstable, you should simply uninstall it, and then head over to the channel releases page and install the Beta version instead.

是的,这种解决方案很明显,但也是最好的解决方案。 任何时候开发通道的运行情况都非常不稳定,您只需将其卸载,然后转到通道发布页面并安装Beta版本即可。

chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

Or you could always install the stable release if you really wanted to.


解决方案2:通过命令行参数禁用GPU (Solution 2: Disable GPU via Command Line Argument)

As suggested by Ben in the comments, there’s a simple method you can do, which makes more sense: just use a command line argument to disable GPU acceleration temporarily. Simply tack this on to the end of the command, either through the command prompt, or in the shortcut.

正如Ben在评论中建议的那样,您可以执行一个简单的方法,该方法更有意义:只需使用命令行参数临时禁用GPU加速即可。 只需通过命令提示符或快捷方式将其添加到命令末尾即可。



chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

You’d want to head into about:flags, remove the experiment, and then you won’t need the command line anymore.


解决方案3:将Chrome Dev替换为较早的版本 (Solution 3: Replace Chrome Dev with an Older Build Version)

Head into the following folder by pasting this into an open Explorer window—of course, if you’ve installed Chrome elsewhere, you’ll need to head there instead.



%localappdata%\ Google \ Chrome \ Application

Once you’re there, you should see two folders with numeric names, like this:


chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

Rename the newer one with something else (or move it out of the directory), and then rename the older one to match the version number of the newer one.


chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

Open up chrome, head to about:flags and then turn off GPU Accelerated Canvas.

打开chrome,转到about:flags ,然后关闭GPU Accelerated Canvas。

chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

Close Chrome, then head back into the folder, rename them back to normal, and Chrome should be working fine again.


解决方案4:删除您的首选项文件 (Solution 4: Delete Your Preferences File)

You can head to the following folder to delete your preferences file, which contains all the settings, including the option to have GPU acceleration enabled or disabled.


%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

%localappdata%\ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \

Once you’re there, find the Preferences file, and kill it.


chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

Update: alternatively, as tahlyn points out in the comments, you can open up the Preferences file in Notepad and remove this bit of text:



“ gpu-canvas-2d”

chrome gpu加速_Google Chrome GPU加速功能崩溃了吗? 解决方法

If you were using Google Sync, you’ll need to enter those details again, along with any other settings.

如果您使用的是Google Sync,则需要再次输入这些详细信息以及其他任何设置。


chrome gpu加速