

This article is part of a web development series from Microsoft. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是Microsoft的Web开发系列的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。


Yes I’m a Microsoft Evangelist and in my day-to-day browsing, I use Chrome Canary. I want to see the latest and greatest emerging standards and experimental features. It will occasionally have display / graphical issues, so I’ll have to revert to standard Chrome, but after a few weeks the issues seem to be resolved. My main development machine is a late-2013 MacBook Pro. I’m on the road (AKA flying) constantly, and I need a strong laptop with discrete graphics, and also allows me to work on every mobile platform, so this does the trick.

是的,我是Microsoft的布道者,在日常浏览中,我使用的是Chrome Canary。 我想看看最新和最伟大的新兴标准和实验功能。 它偶尔会出现显示/图形问题,因此我将不得不恢复为标准的Chrome,但是几周后问题似乎已经解决。 我的主要开发机器是2013年底的MacBook Pro。 我一直在旅途中(又名飞行),并且我需要一台坚固的笔记本电脑并带有独立的图形显示功能,并且还允许我在每个移动平台上工作,因此就可以了。

On my Windows 10 machine, I use Microsoft Edge. It’s lightweight and incredibly fast, but still missing some features for me to make it my day-to-day browser as a web developer, but for browsing content I haven’t run into many issues – in fact, the JavaScript rendering is wicked fast. I do test all my web apps for Edge because Windows 10 is growing rather fast, 110+ devices. I tried installing Win 10 on my Mac, but the SSD was failing. Oddly enough, Windows 8 and 10 both detected it, but OS X didn’t. It wasn’t until I brought it into the Apple store and they ran their in-store diagnostics that it was picked up. Even the diagnostics tool built into OS X couldn’t detect it. Odd.

在Windows 10计算机上,我使用Microsoft Edge。 它是轻量级的,而且速度之快令人难以置信,但是作为Web开发人员,我仍然无法使用它作为日常浏览器,但是对于浏览内容,我并没有遇到很多问题–实际上, JavaScript渲染速度很快 。 我确实测试了所有适用于Edge的Web应用程序,因为Windows 10的增长速度非常快 ,可以支持110多种设备。 我尝试在Mac上安装Win 10,但SSD出现故障。 奇怪的是,Windows 8和10都检测到了,但OS X却没有。 直到我将其带入Apple商店,他们进行店内诊断后才将其捡起。 甚至OS X内置的诊断工具也无法检测到它。 奇。

Considering most of my day is spent in the browser, I need extensions to help me get the most of my work. For that, I use a number of extensions in Chrome. Microsoft Edge has also announced support for JS-based extensions while removing legacy features like Active-X and conditional comments. Bear in mind, extensions can not only pose a security hazard, but also occasionally offer a ton of overhead, both in terms of CPU but especially RAM, as they all run as each tab in Chrome runs as its own process, and brings a separate instance of each extension. That means if I have 10 tabs open, and 10 extensions, then I can have some serious overhead!

考虑到我大部分时间都花在浏览器上,我需要扩展来帮助我充分利用自己的工作。 为此,我在Chrome中使用了许多扩展程序。 Microsoft Edge还宣布支持基于JS的扩展,同时删除了诸如Active-X和条件注释之类的旧功能。 请记住,扩展程序不仅会造成安全隐患,而且偶尔会带来大量的开销,无论是在CPU方面,还是在RAM方面,因为扩展程序都是在Chrome中的每个标签页按其各自的进程运行时运行的,并带来了单独的每个扩展的实例。 这意味着如果我有10个标签页和10个扩展名,那么我可能会有一些开销!

Nonetheless, here are several which I’ve found to be extremely useful:


Start – A better new tab When I create a new blank tab, Start will fill it with useful information, such as RSS, Facebook messages, Gmail, how far local Uber drivers are, weather, etc.



Buffer I pay $10 / mo for the Buffer service, which allows me to ‘buffer’ or create a pool of tweets which I can set out at predetermined times. This is fantastic for spreading the word about things that pique my interest, but also information which I think would be useful to my audience. Each morning, I’ll hop onto Feedly or buffer and find 20 stories or so and buffer them for the day. This way, I can continue to program, but also spread the good word about things I found interesting. Even better, if I put a lot of work into a blog post or particular project, I’ll frequently buffer it 4x each day, so that individuals who were not on Twitter when I first sent out a notification about the post can find it later.

缓冲我每月要为缓冲服务支付10美元,这使我可以“缓冲”或创建一组推文,这些推文可以在预定时间显示。 这对于散布引起我兴趣的事物以及我认为对我的听众有用的信息而言是很棒的。 每天早晨,我都会跳到Feedly或缓冲上,找到20个左右的故事并将其缓冲在当天。 这样,我不仅可以继续编程,还可以传播关于我发现有趣的事情的好话。 甚至更好的是,如果我在博客帖子或特定项目中投入大量工作,那么我会每天将其频繁地缓冲4倍,这样,当我第一次发送有关该帖子的通知时不在Twitter上的个人可以在以后找到它。

BigConsole This adds a multi-line JavaScript console to chrome dev tools, similar to what appears in Firefox’s dev tools. May not sound like much, but it makes diving into your JavaScript code that much easier.

BigConsole这会在chrome开发工具中添加一个多行JavaScript控制台,类似于Firefox的开发工具中出现的控制台。 听起来可能并不多,但它使您更轻松地深入JavaScript代码。

Dev Tools Theme: Zero Dark Matrix I spend a lot of time staring at a screen, either programming for work, or playing games for leisure. Heroes of the Storm is my new jam. Because of this, my eyes grow sensitive to the bright lights throughout the day, so I tend to use dark settings for my IDEs and browsers. This extension makes Chrome’s Dev Tools dark, to match the browser theme that I have.

开发工具主题:零黑暗矩阵我花了很多时间盯着屏幕,要么是为工作编程,要么是休闲游戏。 风暴英雄是我的新果酱。 因此,全天我的眼睛对明亮的光线变得敏感,因此我倾向于将深色设置用于IDE和浏览器。 此扩展程序使Chrome的开发工具变暗,以匹配我拥有的浏览器主题。


Postman REST Client Debugging RESTful calls couldn’t be easier. Extremely useful when troubleshooting AJAX calls.

邮递员REST客户端调试RESTful调用再简单不过了。 在对AJAX调用进行故障排除时非常有用。

Ripple Emulator A built-in mobile emulator which spoofs the UA string to that of the mobile device you select. Again, useful for debugging, in addition to testing out several other scenarios, such as triggering events, simulating different connection speeds, as well as spoofing GPS coordinates. A must for all mobile developers.

纹波模拟器内置的移动模拟器,它将UA字符串欺骗为您选择的移动设备的字符串。 同样,除了测试其他几种情况(例如触发事件,模拟不同的连接速度以及欺骗GPS坐标)外,它对于调试很有用。 所有移动开发人员都必须使用。

WebGL Inspector If you do any work with WebGL, then this is a must have. Makes much easier to dive deep into the code. And who says JavaScript isn’t a powerful language?

WebGL检查器如果您使用WebGL进行任何工作,那么这是必须的。 使深入研究代码变得容易得多。 谁说JavaScript不是一种强大的语言?

The Great Suspender Remember how I talked about Chrome being a resource hog above? Well with this extension, you can put tabs ‘to sleep’ after a set period of time, thereby disallowing them from drawing from your RAM. Very useful. Even better, you can whitelist sites, so that it does not put those to sleep!

伟大的悬念者还记得我曾经说过Chrome是资源浪费者吗? 借助此扩展,您可以在设置的时间段后将选项卡“Hibernate”,从而禁止它们从RAM中提取。 很有用。 更好的是,您可以将网站列入白名单,这样就不会使网站陷入沉睡!

Feedly This is the best thing for reading RSS since Google Reader (RIP). I frequently export my feeds, so if you are interested in downloading the .xml file to see which blogs I follow, post a note below and I’d be glad to share. Lots of old video games and programming ensue.

资讯提供ly这是因为对于谷歌阅读器(RIP)阅读RSS的最好的事情。 我经常导出我的提要,因此,如果您有兴趣下载.xml文件以查看我关注的博客,请在下面张贴说明,我很乐意分享。 随后出现了许多旧的视频游戏和编程。


SmoothScroll Scrolling on Chrome in Windows sucks. The trackpad on OS X makes for such a smooth experience. With SmoothScroll, you can emulate this across the windows version of Chrome and apply a variety of settings to get a much finer experience. My only complaint is that this does not automatically get disabled when I use Chrome on OS X, therefore I have SmoothScroll settings used, in addition to those set my default within OS X. I wish there was way for Chrome to detect which OS you are running and thereby enable / disable selected plugins.

Windows中的Chrome上的SmoothScroll滚动很糟。 OS X上的触控板可提供如此流畅的体验。 借助SmoothScroll,您可以在Windows版本的Chrome上对此进行仿真,并应用各种设置以获得更好的体验。 我唯一的抱怨是,当我在OS X上使用Chrome时,该功能不会自动被禁用,因此,除了那些在OS X中设置默认值的设置外,我还使用了SmoothScroll设置。我希望Chrome有办法检测到您使用的是哪个OS运行,从而启用/禁用选定的插件。

Save To Pocket I read tons of articles each week, and also send out a weekly newsletter. The best way that I’ve found to stay organized is to add them to Pocket, then create a tag, which allows me to easily organize and categorize them. You can create a free Pocket account and you’re good to go. Extremely useful for having to reference things months later, when you’re thinking ‘Oh geez, what was the name of that article?’

保存到口袋里,我每周阅读大量文章,并每周发送一次通讯。 我发现保持井井有条的最好方法是将它们添加到Pocket,然后创建标签,这使我可以轻松地对它们进行组织和分类。 您可以创建一个免费的Pocket帐户,一切顺利。 几个月后必须考虑事物时,当您想到“哦,天哪,那篇文章的名字是什么?”时,该功能非常有用。


Reddit Enhancement Suite This adds a ton of features to Reddit, including the ability to make the site darker (easier on the eyes). I occasionally post in Reddit, so I’ve found this makes the experience far greater than just browsing the vanilla site.

Reddit增强套件这为Reddit添加了很多功能,包括使站点变暗(更轻松)的功能。 我偶尔在Reddit上发帖,所以我发现这使体验比仅浏览原始网站要好得多。

If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to send them my way!


Web开发更多动手 (More hands-on with Web Development)

This article is part of the web development series from Microsoft tech evangelists on practical JavaScript learning, open source projects, and interoperability best practices including Microsoft Edge browser and the new EdgeHTML rendering engine.

本文是Microsoft技术传播者开发的Web开发系列文章的一部分,内容涉及实用JavaScript学习,开源项目以及互操作性最佳实践,包括Microsoft Edge浏览器和新的EdgeHTML呈现引擎

We encourage you to test across browsers and devices including Microsoft Edge – the default browser for Windows 10 – with free tools on dev.modern.IE:

我们鼓励您使用dev.modern.IE上的免费工具跨浏览器和设备进行测试,包括Microsoft Edge(Windows 10的默认浏览器):

In-depth tech learning on Microsoft Edge and the Web Platform from our engineers and evangelists:

我们的工程师和宣传人员在Microsoft Edge和Web平台上进行了深入的技术学习:

More free cross-platform tools & resources for the Web Platform:


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-evangelists-list-favorite-chrome-extensions/
