新项目报以下异常 : Multiple markers at this line

新项目报以下异常 : Multiple markers at this line: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type org. apache. flink. api. common. typeinfo. Typelnformationtdf. Raytek]


Multiple markers at this line: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type org. apache. flink. api. common. typeinfo. Typelnformationtdf. Raytek]
not enough arguments for constructor OutputTag:(implicit evidence$ 1: org. apache. flink. api. common. typeinfo. Typelnformation(df. RaytekJ)
org. apache. flink. streaming. api. scala. OutputTag[ df. Raytek]. Unspecified value parameter evidence$1.

原因 : 框架依赖的 Sacala 版本不对

根据图示修改 Scala 版本即可

新项目报以下异常 : Multiple markers at this line