如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

With offline maps and traffic data, Windows 10 Maps is the perfect companion for mapping out long journeys. To help you get from point A to B, you can save your favorite locations to quickly bring up directions. Here’s how.

Windows 10 Maps具有离线地图和路况数据,是规划长途旅行的理想伴侣。 为了帮助您从A点到达B点,您可以保存自己喜欢的位置以快速调出路线。 这是如何做。

The Maps app in Windows 10 is pre-installed, ready for you to use. To open it, click on the Start button and search for “Maps,” find and click the Maps icon in your Windows Start menu tiles, or look for “Maps” in your installed programs list.

Windows 10中的Maps应用已预先安装,可供您使用。 要打开它,请单击“开始”按钮并搜索“地图”,找到并单击Windows“开始”菜单图块中的“地图”图标,或者在已安装的程序列表中查找“地图”。

添加您的家庭,工作和汽车位置 (Adding your Home, Work, and Car Locations)

You can access your favorite places in Windows Maps by clicking the “Saved Places” button in the Maps window. The button resembles a star-like icon in the top right.

您可以通过单击“地图”窗口中的“保存的地方”按钮来访问Windows地图中您喜欢的地方。 该按钮类似于右上角的星形图标。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

The pop-up menu that appears has two tabs: “Favorites” and “Collections.” When you choose the Favorites tab, you will be shown three common locations.

出现的弹出菜单有两个选项卡:“收藏夹”和“收藏夹”。 选择“收藏夹”选项卡时,将显示三个常见位置。

The “Home” and “Work” locations are fairly self-explanatory while “Car” lets you save the location of where you parked. This might be useful if you’ve parked your car in a temporary location, for instance.

“家庭”和“工作”位置是不言自明的,而“汽车”可让您保存停车位置。 例如,如果您将汽车停在临时位置,这可能会很有用。

Under each of the tabs is an “Add” button. Click on this button to begin adding locations to these common locations.

每个选项卡下都有一个“添加”按钮。 单击此按钮开始将位置添加到这些常见位置。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

When you click the “Add” button, a search bar will appear. Use this to choose your desired locations. For instance, for your “Home” location, search for your home address and then press the “Enter” key.

当您单击“添加”按钮时,将出现一个搜索栏。 使用它来选择所需的位置。 例如,对于您的“家庭”位置,搜索您的家庭地址,然后按“ Enter”键。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

As soon as you press the “Enter” key, your new location will be saved. You can then quickly refer to it again in the “Favorites” tab in the “Saved Places” menu.

按下“ Enter”键后,您的新位置将被保存。 然后,您可以在“保存的位置”菜单中的“收藏夹”选项卡中再次快速引用它。

If you need to quickly direct yourself to your “Home” location, you can click the “Directions” link that appears underneath the item. This will provide you with directions from your current location or from a location of your choosing.

如果您需要快速将自己定向到“家”位置,则可以单击该项目下方显示的“方向”链接。 这将为您提供当前位置或所选位置的指示。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

You can also search for “Home,” “Work,” or “Car” in the Maps search bar. This will bring up these locations as a listing for you to share, print, or list directions to.

您也可以在地图搜索栏中搜索“家”,“工作”或“汽车”。 这会将这些位置显示为清单,供您共享,打印或列出路线。

添加收藏夹 (Adding a Favorite Place)

Windows Maps allows you to save more than just the three most important locations. You can save additional locations in the “Favorites” tab by clicking the “Add a Place” button.

Windows Maps使您不仅可以保存三个最重要的位置。 您可以通过单击“添加位置”按钮在“收藏夹”选项卡中保存其他位置。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

You have two options for adding a favorite place. You can search for a location using the search bar or you can click “Choose Location” to manually position the map to your chosen location.

您可以通过两种方式添加喜欢的地方。 您可以使用搜索栏搜索位置,也可以单击“选择位置”将地图手动定位到您选择的位置。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

If you choose to manually position the map, move it to the appropriate location and then click the “Set” button.


如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

Once set, your newly added location will appear as a listing in the “Saved Places” tab underneath your prominent “Home,” “Work,” and “Car” locations.


如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

Clicking on one of these entries will take you to the listing, where you can share it, add notes, see what’s nearby, or remove it from your favorites list entirely.


如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

You can add as many entries as you like to your list. For quick directions, click the “Directions” link underneath the name of each entry.

您可以在列表中添加任意数量的条目。 有关快速指导,请单击每个条目名称下方的“方向”链接。

创建收藏 (Creating a Collection)

If you’re somebody who likes to travel a lot, the “Favorites” tab might start to get a little cluttered. To help you, Windows 10 Maps allows you to create collections.

如果您是一个经常旅行的人,“收藏夹”标签可能会变得有些混乱。 为了帮助您,Windows 10 Maps允许您创建集合。

Collections are groups of your saved, favorite locations. For example, you might decide to group a list of your favorite tourist destinations by location. You can keep these private, or you can share them with others.

集合是已保存的收藏位置的组。 例如,您可能决定按位置对自己喜欢的旅游目的地列表进行分组。 您可以将其保密,也可以与他人共享。

To start, click the “Saved Places” icon in the top right and then click the “Collections” tab.


如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

To create a new collection, click the “New Collection” button. Give your collection a suitable name and description.

要创建一个新集合,请单击“新集合”按钮。 给您的收藏一个合适的名称和描述。

If you want to make your new collection private, press the “Make Collection Private” checkbox. When you’re ready to create your collection, click the “Save” button.

如果要将新收藏设为私人,请按“将收藏设为私人”复选框。 准备好创建集合时,请单击“保存”按钮。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

Your new collection will appear in the “Collections” list, ready for you to begin adding locations.


如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

To start adding locations, click on your new collection. Next, click “Add a Place” to begin the search.

要开始添加位置,请点击您的新收藏集。 接下来,点击“添加地点”开始搜索。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

Type in your chosen favorite location in the search bar or click “Choose Location” to position your map manually. Click “Set” when you’re ready to save the item.

在搜索栏中输入您喜欢的位置,或单击“选择位置”以手动定位地图。 准备保存项目时,单击“设置”。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

Once set, your selected location will be added to your new collection. You can add as many locations as you want to a collection.

设置后,您选择的位置将被添加到您的新收藏中。 您可以向集合中添加任意多个位置。

如何在Windows 10地图中保存收藏夹位置

As with any individually saved favorite location, clicking on any item saved within a collection will bring up the listing, where you can save notes, share it with others, or remove it entirely.


You can also click “Directions” underneath the listing to quickly bring up directions.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/444547/how-to-save-favorite-places-in-windows-10-maps/