禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区


禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

Windows 10’s Anniversary Update improves on Windows 10’s stylus support with a new “Windows Ink Workspace” feature. It’s designed to make using a digital pen faster and easier with a Windows 10 tablet or convertible device.

Windows 10的周年更新通过新的“ Windows Ink工作区”功能改进了Windows 10的手写笔支持。 它旨在使Windows 10平板电脑或可转换设备上的数字笔的使用更加便捷。

Aside from being a dedicated launcher for pen-enabled apps, the Windows Ink Workspace includes new Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch applications. You’ll also find more options for controlling how your pen functions in the Settings app.

除了作为启用笔的应用程序的专用启动器之外,Windows Ink工作区还包括新的便利贴,画板和屏幕素描应用程序。 您还可以在“设置”应用中找到更多用于控制笔的功能的选项。

如何打开Windows墨水工作区 (How to Open the Windows Ink Workspace)

To launch the workspace, click or tap the pen-shaped Windows Ink Workspace icon that appears in your notification area.


If you have a stylus or digital pen with a shortcut button, you can also quickly launch the Windows Ink Workspace by pressing the button on the pen. For example, if you have a Surface Pen, you can press the button on the pen to launch the workspace. That’s the default setting, at least–you can customize what the button does from the Settings app.

如果您有带有快捷按钮的手写笔或数字笔,则也可以通过按笔上的按钮来快速启动Windows Ink工作区。 例如,如果您有Surface手写笔,则可以按手写笔上的按钮以启动工作区。 至少这是默认设置,您可以在“设置”应用中自定义按钮的功能。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

如何启动和查找启用笔的应用程序 (How to Launch and Find Pen-Enabled Apps)

The Windows Ink Workspace is like a Start menu for getting stuff done with a pen. Rather than hunting down individual apps, you just grab your pen, press the button, and then tap the app you want to use with the pen.

Windows Ink工作区就像一个开始菜单,用于用笔完成工作。 您无需抓住单个应用程序,而只需握住笔,按下按钮,然后点击要与笔一起使用的应用程序即可。

It opens as a sidebar on the right side of your screen and provides quick access to apps like the new Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch tools, along with quick shortcut tiles to launch pen-enabled apps you recently used. These shortcut tiles are just another way to find and launch pen-enabled apps without your other installed applications getting in the way.

它在屏幕的右侧以侧边栏的形式打开,并提供对新粘滞便笺,画板和屏幕素描工具等应用程序的快速访问,以及用于启动您最近使用的启用笔的应用程序的快速快捷方式。 这些快捷方式块是查找和启动启用笔的应用程序的另一种方式,而不会妨碍您安装的其他应用程序。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

You’ll also see “Suggested” apps from the Windows Store here, and you can click or tap “Get more pen apps” to view a special page on the Windows Store that lists only pen-enabled apps. This gives you a faster way to find pen-enabled apps, like Microsoft’s own Fresh Paint application for digital art.

您还将在此处看到Windows应用商店中的“建议”应用程序,您可以单击或点击“获取更多手写应用程序”以查看Windows应用商店中仅列出启用手写笔的应用程序的特殊页面。 这为您提供了一种更快的方式来查找支持笔的应用程序,例如Microsoft自己的Fresh Paint数字艺术应用程序。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

如何使用便签,画板和屏幕素描 (How to Use Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch)

The three main Windows Ink Workspace apps are provided by Windows and designed to make using your pen easier and faster.

Windows提供了三个主要的Windows Ink Workspace应用程序,这些应用程序旨在使使用笔更容易,更快。

Use Sticky Notes to jot down notes with a pen (or just type them out with your keyboard) and refer to them later. Sticky Notes is a more lightweight app that’s ideal for quick notes. For more detailed, extensive note-taking, you’re probably better off with Microsoft’s OneNote.

使用便签可以用笔记下便笺(或仅用键盘将其键入),以后再参考。 即时贴是一款更轻便的应用程序,非常适合快速笔记。 有关更详细,更详尽的笔记,使用Microsoft的OneNote可能会更好。

When you open Sticky Notes, you’ll be asked if you want to “Enable insights”, which will make Windows use character recognition read your sticky notes and use Bing and Cortana to provide more detailed information. For example, if you jot down a flight number, Sticky Notes will perform character recognition, recognize the flight number, and turn it into a link. Click or tap the link to view up-to-date details about that flight number. This is entirely optional, and the main purpose of the Sticky Notes app is just for writing notes with a pen or your keyboard.

当您打开即时贴时,系统会询问您是否要“启用洞察力”,这将使Windows使用字符识别功能读取您的即时贴,并使用Bing和Cortana提供更详细的信息。 例如,如果您记下一个航班号,便笺便会执行字符识别,识别航班号,然后将其变成链接。 单击或点击链接以查看有关该航班号的最新详细信息。 这是完全可选的,Sticky Notes应用程序的主要目的只是为了用笔或键盘写笔记。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

Sketchpad is basically just a digital whiteboard. You’ll find options for choosing different styles of writing, from thin pencil to colored pens and thicker highlighters of different colors. There’s also a virtual ruler you can enable that will allow you to draw a completely straight line. Place the ruler, draw, and your line will stay snapped to the edge of the ruler. You can save an image of your whiteboard to an image file or use the share button to send it to someone through another app.

画板基本上只是一个数字白板。 您会发现选择不同风格的笔迹的选择,从稀薄的铅笔到彩色的笔以及各种颜色的较粗的荧光笔。 您还可以启用一个虚拟标尺,使您可以绘制一条完整的直线。 放置标尺,绘制,您的线将保持对齐到标尺的边缘。 您可以将白板图像保存到图像文件,也可以使用共享按钮通过其他应用程序将其发送给某人。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

Screen Sketch is a fairly simple tool that allows you to mark up your screen. When you launch Screen Sketch, it will take a screenshot and give you drawing tools you can use to annotate it. Draw or write whatever you want over your screen, and then you can save the sketch to an image file and send it to someone or use the share button to share it with another app.

屏幕草图是一个相当简单的工具,可让您标记屏幕。 启动“屏幕草图”时,它将截取屏幕截图,并为您提供可用于对其进行注释的绘图工具。 在屏幕上绘图或书写任何内容,然后可以将草图保存到图像文件并将其发送给某人或使用“共享”按钮与其他应用程序共享。

If you just want to save a screenshot without annotating it, use the Windows+PrintScreen keyboard shortcut instead.

如果只想保存屏幕快照而不添加注释,请改用Windows + PrintScreen键盘快捷键。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

如何配置笔和自定义工作区 (How to Configure Your Pen and Customize the Workspace)

To customize the Windows Ink Workspace, head to Settings > Devices > Pen & Windows Ink. You’ll find a variety of options for controlling your pen and the Windows Ink Workspace here. For example, you can tell Windows whether you write with your right or left hand and choose what the button on the pen does when you click, double-click, or long-press it.

要自定义Windows Ink工作区,请转到“设置”>“设备”>“ Pen&Windows Ink”。 您将在此处找到用于控制笔和Windows Ink工作区的各种选项。 例如,您可以告诉Windows是用右手还是左手书写,并选择单击,双击或长按时笔上的按钮的功能。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

如何禁用Windows Ink工作区图标 (How to Disable the Windows Ink Workspace Icon)

If you don’t plan on using a pen with Windows 10 and you want to get the Windows Ink Workspace off your taskbar, you can turn it off just like you’d turn off other system icons.

如果您不打算在Windows 10上使用笔,并且希望将Windows Ink工作区从任务栏上删除,则可以将其关闭,就像关闭其他系统图标一样

To do this, head to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > Turn System Icons On or Off. Locate the Windows Ink Workspace icon here and set it to “Off”.

为此,请转到设置>个性化>任务栏>打开或关闭系统图标。 在此处找到Windows Ink工作区图标,并将其设置为“关”。

禁用windows10更新_如何在Windows 10上使用(或禁用)Windows Ink工作区

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/265056/how-to-use-or-disable-the-windows-ink-workspace-on-windows-10/
