


Google offers many helpful web tools that make our lives easier, but it also collects an enormous amount of data about its users. Here’s how you can opt-out of some automatic data collection and preserve a bit more privacy.

Google提供了许多有用的网络工具,使我们的生活更轻松,但它也收集了大量有关其用户的数据。 这是您选择退出一些自动数据收集并保留更多隐私的方法。

Privacy has been a big issue online lately, and many people have been trying to cut back on the amount of information they share about themselves online.  But 2 popular Google services, Analytics and AdSense, both collect data about you from many sites you visit across the internet.  With these quick tricks, though, you can opt-out of some of Google’s data collection.

隐私最近一直是在线上的大问题,许多人一直在努力减少在线上分享的有关自己的信息量。 但是Google Analytics(分析)和AdSense这两项流行的Google服务从您通过互联网访问的许多网站上都收集了有关您的数据。 不过,有了这些快速技巧,您就可以选择退出Google的某些数据收集。

Opt out of Google Analytics Tracking

选择退出Google Analytics(分析)跟踪

Google Analytics is a popular service that web publishers use to find out information about the visitors to their site and their number of page views over time.  This information can be very helpful for optimizing websites.  However, it does mean that Google is collecting information about your visits to many sites across the web.

Google Analytics(分析)是一种流行的服务,网络发布者可使用该服务来查找有关其网站访问者及其随时间的浏览量信息。 此信息对于优化网站可能非常有帮助。 但是,这确实意味着Google正在收集有关您访问网络上许多站点的信息。

If you’d like to opt-out of this data collection, Google has a simple browser add-in you can install to prevent Analytics from collecting information about your visit.  Head over to the Google Analytics Opt-out site (link below), and click the Get Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on button.  The site will detect the browser you’re using, and offer you the correct add-on.

如果您想退出此数据收集,则可以安装Google的简单浏览器插件,以防止Google Analytics(分析)收集有关您访问的信息。 转到Google Analytics(分析)退出网站( 下面的链接 ),然后单击“ 获取Google Analytics(分析)退出浏览器插件”按钮。 该站点将检测到您正在使用的浏览器,并为您提供正确的加载项。


Visit the site in your favorite browser, and follow the steps below to install on each browser


Google Chrome


When you click the button above in Google Chrome, it will redirect you to the addon’s page in the Extension directory.  Click Install.

当您在Google Chrome浏览器中单击上方的按钮时,它将重定向您到Extension目录中的插件页面。 点击安装


Now click Install again in the popup to verify that you want to install the extension.  Now your browser will not send any information to Google Analytics.

现在,再次在弹出窗口中单击“ 安装 ”以确认您要安装扩展。 现在,您的浏览器将不会向Google Analytics(分析)发送任何信息。


By default, extensions do not run when you’re using Google Chrome in Incognito mode.   You’d likely want to keep Analytics from tracking your private browsing, too, so open the Extensions page in Chrome and check the Allow this extension to run in incognito box.

默认情况下,当您在隐身模式下使用Google Chrome浏览器时,扩展程序不会运行。 您可能还想阻止Google Analytics(分析)跟踪您的私人浏览,因此请在Chrome中打开“扩展程序”页面,然后选中允许此扩展程序在隐身模式下运行


Internet Explorer


When you click the button to install the add-on in Internet Explorer, you’ll be asked to accept a license agreement.  Click Accept and Install.

当您单击按钮以在Internet Explorer中安装加载项时,系统将要求您接受许可协议。 单击接受并安装


The add-on will then automatically download and install.  If you’re using Vista or Windows 7, you may have to approve a UAC prompt to complete the installation.  Then click Restart Browser Now to run the add-on and keep your data away from Google Analytics.

然后,该加载项将自动下载并安装。 如果您使用的是Vista或Windows 7,则可能必须批准UAC提示才能完成安装。 然后,单击立即重新启动浏览器以运行加载项,并使您的数据远离Google Analytics(分析)。


Unfortunately, the Internet Explorer add-on installs as a normal Windows application.  If you choose to remove it in the future, open Control Panel, select Uninstall a Program, and then select the Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to uninstall it.

不幸的是,Internet Explorer加载项作为普通的Windows应用程序安装。 如果您选择将来删除它,请打开“控制面板”,选择“ 卸载程序” ,然后选择“ Analytics停用浏览器加载项”以将其卸载。




You’ll see a similar license agreement when installing the Add-on in Firefox as you do in Internet Explorer.  Click Accept and Install.  Firefox may warn you that it blocked a site from installing software on your computer; click Allow to let it install.

在Firefox中安装附件时,您将看到与Internet Explorer中类似的许可协议。 单击接受并安装 。 Firefox可能会警告您,它阻止了站点在计算机上安装软件。 点击允许以进行安装。


Click Install Now in the popup window to confirm that you want to install it.



Once the extension is downloaded and installed, restart Firefox as usual for it to take effect.



Opt out of Personalized AdSense Ads


Google’s AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks on the internet.  It appears on Google services, such as Search and Gmail, but is also commonly used on many sites across the net.  AdSense ads are generally based on the content of the page you’re reading, but they will also personalize to your interests that Google learns from the sites you visit over time.

Google的AdSense是互联网上最受欢迎的广告网络之一。 它出现在Google服务(例如Search和Gmail)上,但也经常在网络上的许多网站上使用。 AdSense广告通常基于您正在阅读的页面的内容,但是它们也会根据您从Google随时间访问的网站中学到的兴趣来个性化。

If you’d like to opt-out of this personalization, visit the Google Ads Preference Manager (link below).  Here you’ll see a list of your interests that Google has stored in cookies on your computer.  You can click the Remove link beside any of them to remove that category from your personalization.

如果您想退出此个性化设置,请访问Google Ads偏好设置管理器( 下面的链接 )。 在这里,您会看到Google储存在计算机Cookie中的兴趣列表。 您可以单击任意一个旁边的“ 删除”链接,以从您的个性化设置中删除该类别。


Or, you can simply opt-out of personalized ads by clicking the Opt out button near the bottom of the page.  This will disable the tracking cookie, and now your ads will either be purely random or based only on the content of the page you’re visiting.

或者,您只需单击页面底部附近的“ 退出”按钮,即可退出个性化广告。 这将禁用跟踪Cookie,现在您的广告将完全是随机的,或者仅基于您所访问页面的内容。


Please note that this setting is actually stored in a cookie, so if you delete your cookies you’ll actually need to go back and opt out again.  Also, if you use multiple browsers, you’ll need to opt out in each browser you use.

请注意,此设置实际上存储在cookie中,因此,如果您删除cookie,则实际上需要返回并再次选择退出。 另外,如果您使用多个浏览器,则需要在使用的每个浏览器中选择退出。



With these two simple tricks, you can reduce the amount of information that you automatically give Google every day.  If you are a tin foil hat type, this may make you feel more secure online.

通过这两个简单的技巧,您可以减少每天自动为Google提供的信息量。 如果您是锡纸帽子类型的人,这可能会使您在网上感觉更安全。



Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

Google Analytics(分析)退出浏览器插件

Opt out of Personalized Ads with Google Ads Preference Manager

使用Google Ads Preference Manager退出个性化广告

