



Bluetooth mice are conveniently cordless, but it’s very frustrating when they lose their connection. Read on as we troubleshoot a reader’s Windows laptop and help them keep their mouse awake and in communication with their computer.

蓝牙鼠标很方便,是无绳的,但是当它们失去连接时,它会非常令人沮丧。 请继续阅读,以便对读者的Windows笔记本电脑进行故障排除,并帮助他们保持鼠标清醒并与计算机进行通信。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’m so annoyed with my mouse I’m about to switch back to a full size corded model. I bought a Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 about six months ago and started using it with my Windows 7 laptop. Don’t get me wrong, the mouse itself is great and I have no issue with it.

我对鼠标非常恼火,准备将其切换回全尺寸有线模型。 我大约六个月前购买了Microsoft蓝牙笔记本鼠标5000,并开始在Windows 7笔记本电脑上使用它。 不要误会我的意思,鼠标本身很棒,我对此也没有任何疑问。

What I do have an issue with is that Windows will randomly fail to see the mouse. No amount of trouble shooting will fix it, short of outright removing the mouse from the Devices menu and then re-syncing it. This happens every other day. I can’t just turn the mouse on and off, I have to full out “re-install it,” if you will.

我确实遇到的一个问题是Windows将随机无法看到鼠标。 没有任何麻烦的解决方法可以解决,除非直接从“设备”菜单中删除鼠标,然后重新同步它。 每隔一天就会发生一次。 我不能只是打开和关闭鼠标,如果需要的话,我必须完全“重新安装”它。

The mouse in question is very highly reviewed and everyone seems to love it (and I’d love it too if it weren’t for this connectivity issue). Barring that my actual mouse is defective and there’s no fixing it, what can I do to remedy the situation?

有问题的鼠标受到了高度评​​价,每个人似乎都喜欢它(如果不是因为连接问题,我也会喜欢它)。 除非我的实际鼠标有缺陷并且无法修复,如何解决该情况?



Mouse Frustrated


If ever there was an email to motivate us to get around to fixing a problem with one of our infrequently used laptops, this is it. For months we’ve been meaning to take a moment to troubleshoot an identical problem: we too have a Windows 7 laptop laying around the office that frequently forgets it has a little Bluetooth friend. Now that your email has lit a fire under us, let’s boot up the ole laptop in question and document the troubleshooting steps required to remedy the situation.

如果有一封电子邮件能够激励我们解决不经常使用的笔记本电脑中的一个问题,就是这样。 几个月来,我们一直想花点时间解决一个相同的问题:我们在办公室周围也有一台Windows 7笔记本电脑,经常忘记它有一个蓝牙小朋友。 既然您的电子邮件已为我们火上加油,让我们启动有问题的ole笔记本电脑,并记录纠正这种情况所需的故障排除步骤。

更新您的驱动程序 (Update Your Drivers)

Most Bluetooth mice don’t have their own individual drivers and simply use the default drivers for a Windows Bluetooth/HID compliant device. That said, the first stop should always be to check for device drivers by searching for the devices name and your operating system. In the case of the Microsoft mouse you’re using there are no device-specific drivers as it uses the generic Windows ones.

大多数蓝牙鼠标没有自己的驱动程序,仅对Windows蓝牙/ HID兼容设备使用默认驱动程序。 就是说,第一站应该始终是通过搜索设备名称和您的操作系统来检查设备驱动程序。 如果您使用的是Microsoft鼠标,因为它使用的是通用Windows驱动程序,所以没有特定于设备的驱动程序。

There’s a good chance your Bluetooth radio itself, however, (whether you have an on-board one or a dongle) has drivers. There’s also a good chance that they’re out of date. Before attempting the manual fixes we’re about to outline you should ensure you have the most current drivers for your Bluetooth radio. If you’re using generic Windows drivers for the Bluetooth radio you’ll likely find several of the settings you need to toggle will be unavailable.

但是,您的蓝牙无线电本身很有可能具有驱动程序(无论是板载蓝牙还是加密狗)。 他们很有可能已经过时了。 在尝试进行手动修复之前,我们将概述您的问题,应确保您拥有适用于蓝牙无线电的最新驱动程序。 如果您将通用Windows驱动程序用于蓝牙无线电,则可能会发现您需要切换的一些设置不可用。

启用自动蓝牙服务 (Enable Automatic Bluetooth Services)

The first stop on the troubleshooting trail is the Services menu. Open your Windows start menu and type “Services” in the search box or hit WIN+R and type “services.msc” in the run dialog box to launch the Services menu. Sort the columns by name and look for the “Bluetooth Support Service” entry.

故障排除线索的第一站是“服务”菜单。 打开Windows的开始菜单,然后在搜索框中键入“服务”,或按WIN + R,然后在运行对话框中键入“ services.msc”以启动“服务”菜单。 按名称对列进行排序,然后查找“蓝牙支持服务”条目。


Right click on that entry and select “Properties.” In the Properties menu look for the “Startup type” entry under the “General” tab.

右键单击该条目,然后选择“属性”。 在“属性”菜单中,在“常规”选项卡下查找“启动类型”条目。


Switch the type to “Automatic” and hit apply. Close the Services menu.

将类型切换为“自动”,然后单击“应用”。 关闭服务菜单。

禁用蓝牙电源管理 (Disable Bluetooth Power Management)

The updated drivers and the Services tweak are moving us in the right direction. Now it’s time to finish the job. While poor drivers or poor Service management may have been the culprits, it’s also possible that your laptop is aggressively managing the power for Bluetooth devices and, in the process, dropping the Bluetooth connection.

更新的驱动程序和服务调整使我们朝着正确的方向发展。 现在该完成工作了。 虽然可能是不良的驱动程序或不良的服务管理,但您的笔记本电脑也有可能积极管理蓝牙设备的电源,并在此过程中断开了蓝牙连接。

Fire up the device manager by typing “Device Manager” in the Start Menu search box or by pressing WIN+R and typing “devmgmt.msc” in the run dialog box.

通过在“开始”菜单搜索框中键入“设备管理器”或按WIN + R并在运行对话框中键入“ devmgmt.msc”来启动设备管理器。

Checking the Device Manager is going to be the most tedious part of resolving this problem. You need to look down through the sections of the Device Manager for any mention of a Bluetooth device and/or mouse and check the properties of each instance.  Look under “Bluetooth Radios,” “Mice and other pointing devices,” and “System devices.” What you’re looking for is “Power Management” tabs like this one.

检查设备管理器将是解决此问题最繁琐的部分。 您需要查看“设备管理器”的各个部分,以查找有关蓝牙设备和/或鼠标的任何内容,并检查每个实例的属性。 在“蓝牙无线电”,“鼠标和其他指针设备”和“系统设备”下查看。 您正在寻找的是“电源管理”选项卡。


Any instance of “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” should be unchecked. You absolutely do not want to allow the computer to turn off either the Bluetooth radio or the attached Bluetooth devices to save power as this is the primary cause of the un-syncing issue you’re seeing with your mouse. In addition to checking through everything for anything Bluetooth related don’t neglect the USB section at the bottom if you have a mouse connected via any kind of USB dongle. If you do, you’ll have to comb through the USB devices listed in the “Universal Serial Bus controllers” section to ensure that the computer isn’t set to turn off USB ports/hubs to save power (which would cause communication problems with the USB-powered dongle and the mouse).

应取消选中“允许计算机关闭此设备以节省电源”的任何实例。 您绝对不想让计算机关闭蓝牙无线电或所连接的蓝牙设备以节省电量,因为这是您在鼠标上看到的不同步问题的主要原因。 除了检查所有与蓝牙相关的内容外,如果您通过任何类型的USB加密狗连接了鼠标,请不要忽略底部的USB部分。 如果这样做,则必须梳理“通用串行总线控制器”部分中列出的USB设备,以确保未将计算机设置为关闭USB端口/集线器以节省电源(这可能会导致通信问题)。 USB供电的加密狗和鼠标)。

After you’ve updated the drivers, toggled the Services, and unchecked the power management options, reboot your computer. If you’re not enjoying interruption free mouse use at this point we’d strongly recommend finding another Bluetooth mouse to test the system with to rule out a faulty mouse and/or Bluetooth dongle.

更新驱动程序,切换服务并取消选中电源管理选项后,重新启动计算机。 如果您此时不喜欢使用无中断鼠标,我们强烈建议您找到另一只蓝牙鼠标来测试系统,以排除有问题的鼠标和/或蓝牙加密狗。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/189856/ask-htg-how-can-i-keep-my-bluetooth-mouse-connected/
