如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

We have all had to connect to a network share at some point only to have the authentication dialog pop up. There are many ways around it, for example mapping a network drive, but if you have a lot of users connecting to copy some files you may want to disable the password dialog instead of distributing your password.

为了使身份验证对话框弹出,我们都必须在某个时刻连接到网络共享。 周围有很多方法,例如映射网络驱动器,但是如果您有很多用户正在连接以复制某些文件,则可能需要禁用密码对话框而不是分发密码。

禁用密码保护的共享 (Disabling Password Protected Sharing)

If you try to connect to any modern Windows OS that’s hosting a network share you will probably be greeted with an authentication dialog. If you try to type in your current username and password and hit enter, it just bounces back and asks for your credentials again.

如果您尝试连接到托管网络共享的任何现代Windows操作系统,则可能会看到一个身份验证对话框。 如果您尝试输入当前的用户名和密码,然后按Enter键,它将反弹并再次要求您提供凭据。

如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

To make things worse, this happens even if you you have given the Everyone security principle on the remote machine Full Access to the share.


如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

What you are experiencing is normal Windows behavior–on the recent versions of Windows Microsoft enabled password protected sharing by default, so although “Everyone” has access to that particular file share you need to authenticate as a user on the remote machine before the share permissions are even evaluated. To disable this behavior go to the machine that is hosting the file share, right click on the Network Notification Icon and select Open Network and Sharing Center from the context menu.

您遇到的是正常的Windows行为-在Windows的最新版本中,Microsoft默认情况下启用了密码保护的共享,因此,尽管“每个人”都可以访问该特定文件共享,但是您需要在共享权限之前以远程计算机上的用户身份进行身份验证甚至被评估。 要禁用此行为,请转到托管文件共享的计算机,右键单击“网络通知”图标,然后从上下文菜单中选择“打开网络和共享中心”。

如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

Then click on the Change advanced sharing settings Link in the left hand panel.


如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

Now expand the All Networks section.


如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

Finally switch the radial button to the Turn off password protected sharing setting and click Save changes.


如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

That’s all there is to it, now anyone will be able to connect to the share without a password.


如何在Windows 8中创建没有密码的网络文件共享

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/126214/how-to-create-network-file-shares-with-no-passwords-in-windows-8/