dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度


dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

Windows 10’s built-in Game DVR feature helps you record your gameplay, capture screenshots, and share them online. But it can interfere with your game’s performance, too. Background recording requires some of your GPU power, and some gamers will want all the GPU power they can get.

Windows 10的内置游戏DVR功能可帮助您记录游戏玩法,捕获屏幕截图并在线共享。 但这也会干扰游戏的性能。 后台录制需要您的某些GPU功能,有些游戏玩家会希望获得他们可以获得的所有GPU功能。

The “Game DVR” feature is the background service associated with the Game Bar. Even if you don’t see the the Game Bar when you launch a game, it may be slowing down your PC gameplay. If you’re having issues with PC gaming performance on Windows 10, you should check the Game DVR settings and ensure they aren’t interfering. Here are a few things we recommend.

“游戏DVR”功能是与游戏栏关联的后台服务。 即使您在启动游戏时没有看到游戏栏,也可能会减慢PC的游戏速度。 如果您在Windows 10上的PC游戏性能方面遇到问题,则应检查Game DVR设置,并确保它们没有干扰。 这是我们建议的几件事。

如何访问游戏DVR的设置 (How to Access Game DVR’s Settings)

All of the following settings can be accessed in the Xbox app on your Windows 10 PC, but you can also access them right from the Game Bar itself.

可以在Windows 10 PC上的Xbox应用程序中访问以下所有设置,但也可以直接从游戏栏本身访问它们。

First, pull up the Game Bar while playing a game by pressing Windows+G on your keyboard. Click the gear-shaped “Settings” icon on the Game Bar.

首先,在玩游戏时通过按键盘上的Windows + G拉起游戏栏。 单击游戏栏上的齿轮状“设置”图标。

dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

From there, tweak one or all of the settings below to improve performance.


确保游戏DVR不在后台录制 (Ensure Game DVR Isn’t Recording in the Background)

Game DVR has a feature that can automatically record your gameplay in the background. It works a lot like the background gameplay recording features on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The system records the gameplay in the background. If something cool happens, you can tell Windows to save the buffer and you’ll get a clip.

游戏DVR具有可以在后台自动记录您的游戏玩法的功能。 它的工作原理与Xbox One和PlayStation 4上的后台游戏记录功能非常相似。系统会在后台记录游戏记录。 如果发生了一些很酷的事情,您可以告诉Windows保存缓冲区,然后您将获得一个剪辑。

Even if you have a beefy graphics card, though, this will require a constant percentage of your graphics horsepower while playing a game. This leaves fewer resources for actually rendering and playing the game.

即使您拥有强大的图形卡,在玩游戏时这也将需要一定比例的图形能力。 这就留下了更少的资源来实际渲染和玩游戏。

This option is disabled by default, but it can slow things down if you’ve enabled it.


To ensure Windows isn’t recording gameplay in the background, open the Game DVR settings screen and ensure the “Record game in the background” option is unchecked.

为确保Windows在后台不录制游戏玩法,请打开Game DVR设置屏幕,并确保未选中“在后台录制游戏”选项。

dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

防止游戏栏出现在全屏游戏中 (Prevent the Game Bar From Appearing in Full-Screen Games)

Starting with the Anniversary Update, Microsoft now allows the Game Bar to pop up and appear in full screen games. Previously, the Game Bar only worked in games running in windows on your desktop.

周年更新开始,Microsoft现在允许弹出游戏栏并在全屏游戏中显示。 以前,游戏栏仅适用于在桌面上的Windows中运行的游戏。

Microsoft claims this feature is only enabled for games tested to work well with it. However, interfering with full screen mode can cause performance problems and other glitches with games. These problems may only appear on certain hardware devices. If you’re having performance problems—and especially if you don’t use the Game Bar—try turning it off for your full screen games.

Microsoft声称此功能仅适用于经过测试可与之良好配合使用的游戏。 但是,干扰全屏模式可能会导致性能问题以及游戏的其他故障。 这些问题可能仅出现在某些硬件设备上。 如果您遇到性能问题,特别是如果不使用游戏栏,请尝试将其关闭以用于全屏游戏。

This option is enabled by default, and Microsoft is enabling it for more full screen games with every new release of Windows.


To prevent the Game bar from interfering with full screen games, open the Game DVR settings window and uncheck the “Show Game bar when I play full-screen games Microsoft has verified” option.


dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

完全禁用游戏栏 (Disable the Game Bar Entirely)

You can also choose to disable the Game Bar entirely, but you don’t need to do this if you’ve tweaked the above settings. If you disable background gameplay record and prevent the Game Bar from appearing in full screen games, the rest of the Game DVR features shouldn’t hinder game performance.

您还可以选择完全禁用游戏栏,但是如果您对上述设置进行了调整,则无需执行此操作。 如果您禁用后台游戏记录并阻止游戏栏出现在全屏游戏中,则游戏DVR的其余功能不应影响游戏性能。

To launch it, open your Start menu, search for “Xbox”, and launch the app. You’ll have to sign in with an account just to access the settings. You can just use any Microsoft account. Click the “Sign In” button and Windows will offer to sign you in with the Microsoft account you signed into Windows 10 with.

要启动它,请打开“开始”菜单,搜索“ Xbox”,然后启动该应用程序。 您仅需使用帐户登录即可访问设置。 您可以只使用任何Microsoft帐户。 单击“登录”按钮,Windows将提供您使用登录Windows 10的Microsoft帐户登录的信息。

dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

Click the gear-shaped “Settings” icon at the left side of the window and select the “Game DVR” category at the top of the Settings screen. Disable the “Record game clip and screenshots using Game DVR” slider at the top of the screen.

单击窗口左侧的齿轮状“设置”图标,然后在“设置”屏幕顶部选择“游戏DVR”类别。 禁用屏幕顶部的“使用Game DVR记录游戏剪辑和屏幕截图”滑块。

dvr软件_如何阻止Windows 10的游戏DVR减慢PC游戏速度

Game DVR may not be the only gameplay-slowing background-recording feature on your system. For example, the latest versions of NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience software include an “Instant Replay” feature that records your gameplay in the background, reserving GPU resources that could otherwise be used for improving your PC’s gaming performance. Be sure to poke around for any other similar features you may want to turn off.

游戏DVR可能不是系统上唯一降低游戏玩法的后台录制功能。 例如,最新版的NVIDIA GeForce Experience软件包括一项“即时重​​播”功能,可在后台记录您的游戏玩法,并保留GPU资源,这些资源可用于改善PC的游戏性能。 请确保为您可能想要关闭的其他任何类似功能都打个招呼。

