如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

A new hidden context menu, called the “Power User” or Win+X menu, has been added to Windows 8 and 10 that is available by moving your mouse to the extreme lower left corner of your screen and right-clicking. You can also access it by pressing Windows+X on your keyboard.

Windows 8和10中已添加了一个新的隐藏上下文菜单,称为“高级用户”或Win + X菜单,可通过将鼠标移至屏幕的左下角并单击鼠标右键来使用。 您也可以通过按键盘上的Windows + X来访问它。

But if the items in that menu aren’t enough for you, a tool called Win+X Menu Editor will let you add, remove, and rearrange items in it.

但是,如果该菜单中的项目不足以容纳您,那么一个名为Win + X Menu Editor的工具将允许您在其中添加,删除和重新排列项目。

To use the Win+X Menu Editor, unzip the file and open either the x64 or x86 folder, depending on your system. You’ll find the Win+X Menu Editor and the hashlnk executable files. The Win+X Menu Editor uses the hashlnk.exe to make the changes to the Win+X menu, just like you can do manually, as we’ve talked about previously. The Win+X Menu Editor does not need to be installed. Simply double-click on the WinXEditor.exe file to run the program.

要使用Win + X菜单编辑器,请解压缩文件并打开x64或x86文件夹,具体取决于您的系统。 您会找到Win + X菜单编辑器和hashlnk可执行文件。 赢+ X菜单编辑器使用hashlnk.exe做出更改WIN + X菜单,就像你可以手动执行,因为我们已经谈到之前 。 不需要安装Win + X菜单编辑器。 只需双击WinXEditor.exe文件即可运行该程序。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

If the Open File – Security Warning dialog box displays, click Run to continue to open the Win+X Menu Editor.

如果显示“打开文件-安全警告”对话框,请单击“运行”以继续打开Win + X菜单编辑器。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

On the Win+X Menu Editor window, the default three groups of shortcuts display. If you want to separate your own shortcuts from the rest of the default shortcuts, you can create a new group. To do so, click Add Group.

在Win + X菜单编辑器窗口上,显示默认的三组快捷方式。 如果要将自己的快捷方式与其余的默认快捷方式分开,则可以创建一个新组。 这样做,单击添加组。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

A fourth group displays at the top of the window. To add a shortcut to this new group, highlight the group and click Add Shortcut.

第四组显示在窗口顶部。 要将快捷方式添加到该新组,请突出显示该组,然后单击“添加快捷方式”。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

For this example, we are going to add Notepad to the Win+X menu. On the Open dialog box, navigate to the location of the program you want to add to the Win+X menu. Select the .exe file for the program and click Open.

对于此示例,我们将向Win + X菜单添加记事本。 在“打开”对话框上,导航到要添加到Win + X菜单的程序的位置。 选择该程序的.exe文件,然后单击“打开”。

NOTE: You can also add existing shortcuts to the Win+X menu. To do so, navigate to the Desktop or other folder containing shortcut (.lnk) files and select the desired shortcut.

注意:您还可以将现有的快捷方式添加到Win + X菜单。 这样做,导航到桌面或包含快捷方式(.lnk)文件的其他文件夹,然后选择所需的快捷方式。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

The Win+X Menu Editor uses the name of the .exe file for the name of the shortcut. However, you can change this. We decided we wanted to capitalize Notepad on the menu. To rename a shortcut, either right-click on the shortcut and select Rename, or press F2.

Win + X菜单编辑器使用.exe文件的名称作为快捷方式的名称。 但是,您可以更改此设置。 我们决定要在菜单上大写记事本。 要重命名快捷方式,请右键单击该快捷方式,然后选择“重命名”,或按F2键。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

The Rename dialog box displays. Enter a new name for the shortcut and click OK. You’ll notice that there is nothing in the edit box, not even the original name. You must type in a name from scratch.

显示“重命名”对话框。 输入快捷方式的新名称,然后单击“确定”。 您会注意到,编辑框中没有任何内容,甚至没有原始名称。 您必须从头开始输入名称。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

Once you’ve added some more shortcuts to your new group, you can reorder them using the arrow buttons on the right side of the Win+X Menu Editor window.

将新的快捷方式添加到新组后,可以使用Win + X菜单编辑器窗口右侧的箭头按钮对它们进行重新排序。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

When you move shortcuts, the Win+X Menu Editor uses the hashlnk program included in the download. You may see the Open File – Security Warning dialog box again. We recommend that you uncheck the Always ask before opening this file check box for the hashlnk.exe file before clicking Run. Otherwise, this dialog box will keep on displaying. We’ve tested the hashlnk.exe file and haven’t encountered any problems with it.

移动快捷方式时,Win + X菜单编辑器将使用下载中包含的hashlnk程序。 您可能会再次看到“打开文件-安全警告”对话框。 我们建议您取消选中hashlnk.exe文件,然后再单击“运行”,然后取消选中“在打开此文件之前始终询问”复选框。 否则,该对话框将继续显示。 我们已经测试了hashlnk.exe文件,但没有遇到任何问题。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

You can also remove shortcuts from your new group or from the default groups. Select the shortcut and click Remove Shortcut. A confirmation dialog box displays to make sure you want to remove the shortcut.

您也可以从新组或默认组中删除快捷方式。 选择快捷方式,然后单击“删除快捷方式”。 显示确认对话框,以确保您要删除快捷方式。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

To apply your changes to the Win+X menu, click Apply. This restarts Windows Explorer, so any Explorer windows you had open will now be closed.

要将更改应用到Win + X菜单,请单击“应用”。 这将重新启动Windows资源管理器,因此您之前打开的所有资源管理器窗口都将关闭。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

Your custom shortcuts are now available on the Win+X menu.

您的自定义快捷方式现在可以在Win + X菜单上找到。

如何在Windows 8和10中编辑Win + X菜单

To return to the default Win+X menu, click Restore Defaults on the Win+X Menu Editor window.

若要返回到默认的Win + X菜单,请在“ Win + X菜单编辑器”窗口上单击“还原默认值”。

The Win+X Menu Editor does not allow you to rename or move the groups or move shortcuts among the groups.

Win + X菜单编辑器不允许您重命名或移动组或在组之间移动快捷方式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113570/how-to-edit-the-winx-menu-in-windows-8-using-a-free-tool/