光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...


光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

Windows 8 and 10 let you to create a recovery drive (USB) or system repair disc (CD or DVD) that you can use to troubleshoot and restore your computer. Each type of recovery media gives you access to Windows’ advanced startup options, but there are differences between the two options.

Windows 8和10允许您创建恢复驱动器(USB)或系统修复光盘(CD或DVD),可用于故障排除和还原计算机。 每种类型的恢复媒体都使您可以访问Windows的高级启动选项,但是这两个选项之间存在差异。

The system repair disc has been around since the Windows 7 days. It is a bootable CD/DVD that contains tools you can use to troubleshoot Windows when it won’t start correctly. The system repair disc also gives you tools for restoring your PC from an image backup that you’ve created. The recovery drive is new to Windows 8 and 10. It’s a bootable USB drive that gives you access to the same troubleshooting tools as a system repair disc, but also allows you to reinstall Windows if it comes to that. To achieve this, the recovery drive actually copies the system files necessary for reinstallation from your current PC.

自Windows 7天以来,系统修复光盘已经存在。 它是可引导的CD / DVD,其中包含可用于在Windows无法正常启动时对Windows进行故障排除的工具。 系统修复光盘还为您提供了用于从创建的映像备份还原PC的工具。 恢复驱动器是Windows 8和10的新增功能。它是可引导的USB驱动器,可让您访问与系统修复光盘相同的故障排除工具,但如果需要,也可以重新安装Windows。 为此,恢复驱动器实际上从当前PC复制了重新安装所需的系统文件。

您应该创建哪个恢复/修复工具? (Which Recovery/Repair Tool Should You Create?)

While you can use both tools to access the Windows advanced boot options for troubleshooting startup, we recommend using a USB-based recovery drive when possible, since it contains all the same tools as the system repair disc, and then some. That said, there’s no reason not to go ahead and create both, and in fact, there are a couple of reasons you might want to create a system repair disc as well:

尽管您可以使用这两种工具访问Windows高级启动选项以排除启动故障,但我们建议您尽可能使用基于USB的恢复驱动器,因为它包含与系统修复光盘相同的所有工具,然后还包含一些工具。 就是说,没有理由不继续创建两者,实际上,您可能还想创建系统修复光盘有两个原因:

  • If your PC cannot boot from USB, you’ll need the CD/DVD-based system repair disc.

    如果您的PC无法从USB启动,则需要基于CD / DVD的系统修复光盘。
  • The USB-based recovery drive is tied to the PC that you used to create it. Having a system repair disc around will let you troubleshoot startup problems on different PCs running the same version of Windows.

    基于USB的恢复驱动器已绑定到您用来创建它的PC。 随身携带系统修复光盘,将使您对运行相同版本Windows的不同PC上的启动问题进行故障排除。

Like we said, though, both tools will let you access the advanced boot options and other recovery tools if you can’t access them any other way. Also, know that the recovery drive backs up the system files necessary to reinstall Windows, but you should not consider it a back up. It does not back up your personal files or installed applications. So, be sure to keep your PC backed up, as well.

就像我们说的那样,如果您无法通过其他方式访问它们,则这两个工具都将允许您访问高级启动选项和其他恢复工具。 另外,要知道恢复驱动器会备份重新安装Windows所需的系统文件,但您不应将其视为备份。 它不会备份您的个人文件或已安装的应用程序。 因此,请确保也备份您的PC

创建恢复驱动器(USB) (Create a Recovery Drive (USB))

To open the recovery drive creation tool, hit Start, type “recovery drive” into the search box, and then select the “Create a recovery drive” result.

要打开恢复驱动器创建工具,请单击“开始”,在搜索框中键入“ recovery drive”,然后选择“创建恢复驱动器”结果。

Update: Before you continue, ensure the USB drive you will be using is formatted as NTFS. Windows will format the drive as FAT32 during the process, but the creation tool seems to need the drive in NTFS format to begin.

更新 :在继续之前,请确保将要使用的USB驱动器格式化为NTFS 。 Windows将在此过程中将驱动器格式化为FAT32,但是创建工具似乎需要NTFS格式的驱动器才能开始。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

In the “Recovery Drive” window, you’ve got a choice to make right off the bat. If you select the “Back up system files to the recovery drive” the creation of the recovery drive will take a good bit longer—up to an hour in some cases—but in the end, you’ll have a drive you can use to reinstall Windows in a pinch. We think it’s well worth selecting this option, but make your decision, and then click the “Next” button.

在“恢复驱动器”窗口中,您可以选择立即进行操作。 如果选择“将系统文件备份到恢复驱动器”,则恢复驱动器的创建将花费更长的时间(在某些情况下可能需要一个小时),但最终,您将拥有一个可用于执行以下操作的驱动器重新安装Windows。 我们认为选择此选项非常值得,但是请您做出决定,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Note: Instead of backing up system files, Windows 8 includes an option named “Copy the recovery partition to the recovery drive” instead. This option copies the hidden recovery partition created when you install Windows, and also gives you an option to delete that partition when the process is done.

注意:Windows 8包含一个名为“将恢复分区复制到恢复驱动器”的选项,而不是备份系统文件。 此选项将复制在安装Windows时创建的隐藏恢复分区,并为您提供在完成该过程后删除该分区的选项。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

Select the USB drive you want to use for the recovery drive, keeping in mind that the drive will be erased and reformatted. When you’ve made your selection, click the “Next” button.

选择要用于恢复驱动器的USB驱动器,请记住该驱动器将被擦除并重新格式化。 做出选择后,单击“下一步”按钮。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

When you’re ready, click “Create” to let Windows reformat your USB drive and copy the necessary files. Again, this step can take a while to complete—especially if you’re backing up system files.

准备就绪后,单击“创建”以使Windows重新格式化USB驱动器并复制必要的文件。 同样,此步骤可能需要一段时间才能完成,尤其是在备份系统文件时。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

After the process is complete, you can close the “Recovery Drive” window. Note that if you’re using Windows 8, you’ll also be asked if you want to delete the recovery partition. If you do delete the recovery partition, you’ll need the recovery drive to Refresh and Reset your PC in the future.

该过程完成后,您可以关闭“ Recovery Drive”窗口。 请注意,如果您使用的是Windows 8,还将询问您是否要删除恢复分区。 如果确实要删除恢复分区,则将来需要恢复驱动器来刷新并重置PC

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

创建系统修复光盘(CD / DVD) (Create a System Repair Disc (CD/DVD))

To create a CD/DVD-based system repair disc, head to Control Panel > Backup and Restore (Windows 7), and then click the “Create a system repair disc” link on the left.

要创建基于CD / DVD的系统修复光盘,请转至“控制面板”>“备份和还原”(Windows 7),然后单击左侧的“创建系统修复光盘”链接。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

In the “Create a system repair disc” window, select the disc-burner drive with a writable CD or DVD inserted into it, and then click the “Create disc” button to create your system repair disc.


光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

Windows begins writing the disc immediately. Unlike creating a recovery drive, burning a system repair disc only takes a few minutes because it’s not also backup up system files to the disc. When it’s done, it gives you a bit of advice about using the disc. Note that the repair disc is tied to your version of Windows. If you have Windows 10 64-bit installed, that’s the kind of PC you can use the repair disc on. Click the “Close” button, and then click “OK” to close the “Create a system repair disc” window.

Windows立即开始刻录光盘。 与创建恢复驱动器不同,刻录系统修复光盘仅需几分钟,因为它也不会将系统文件备份到该光盘中。 完成后,它会为您提供有关使用光盘的一些建议。 请注意,修复光盘与您的Windows版本绑定在一起。 如果您安装了Windows 10 64位,则可以在其上使用修复光盘。 单击“关闭”按钮,然后单击“确定”以关闭“创建系统修复光盘”窗口。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘 (Using a Recovery Drive or System Repair Disc)

Most of the time, you won’t really need a recovery drive or system repair disc. If Windows fails to start normally twice in a row, it automatically boots from your recovery partition on the third restart, and then loads the advanced startup options. This gives you access to the same tools as a recovery drive would.

大多数时候,您实际上并不需要恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘。 如果Windows连续两次无法正常启动,则它将在第三次重新启动时从恢复分区自动启动,然后加载高级启动选项。 这使您可以使用与恢复驱动器相同的工具。

If Windows can’t bring up these tools automatically, that’s when you’ll need the recovery drive, system repair disc, or a Windows 8 or 10 installation disc. Insert the recovery media into your PC and start it up. Your computer should boot from the recovery media automatically. If it doesn’t, you may need to change the boot order of your drives.

如果Windows无法自动启动这些工具,则需要恢复驱动器,系统修复光盘或Windows 8或10安装光盘。 将恢复媒体插入PC并启动。 您的计算机应自动从恢复介质启动。 如果不是,则可能需要更改驱动器的引导顺序

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

When the PC boots from the recovery media, you’ll see options for troubleshooting and repairing your PC. You can refresh and reset your PC or access advanced options to use system restore, recover from a system image, or automatically repair your computer. You can even get a command prompt that lets you fix problems by hand.

当PC从恢复介质启动时,您将看到用于故障排除和修复PC的选项。 您可以刷新和重置PC或访问高级选项以使用系统还原,从系统映像恢复或自动修复计算机。 您甚至可以获取命令提示符,通过它可以手动解决问题。

光盘装系统未找到任何驱动器_如何在Windows 8或10中创建和使用恢复驱动器或系统修复光盘...

If Windows isn’t starting normally, you should try the “Automatic Repair” option first, and then maybe pursue the “System Restore” option. Reinstalling Windows—whether by restoring from an image backup or resetting your PC entirely—should be a last resort.

如果Windows无法正常启动,则应首先尝试“自动修复”选项 ,然后再尝试“系统还原”选项。 重新安装Windows(无论是通过映像备份还原还是完全重置PC)应该是最后的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/131907/how-to-create-and-use-a-recovery-drive-or-system-repair-disc-in-windows-8/
