ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

ios 锁屏手势

ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

Jailbroken iOS devices have a lot of useful apps. If you want easy access to simple tasks, but don’t want to unlock your phone or compromise your security to do it, LockGestures is for you.

越狱的iOS设备有很多有用的应用程序。 如果您想轻松访问简单的任务,但又不想解锁手机或损害安全性,则LockGestures适合您。

(Image by bredgur)

(图片来自bredgur )

ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

LockGestures is a Cydia app for iOS that lets you easily access various functions using gesture shortcuts from your lock screen. Once installed, head into Settings.

LockGestures是一款适用于iOS的Cydia应用程序,可让您使用锁定屏幕上的手势快捷方式轻松访问各种功能。 安装完成后,进入“设置”。

ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

At the top, you’ll find a setting for which application you want to launch when using that action.


ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

When you use the gesture to launch that app, you’ll be taken straight to it from the lockscreen, though you’ll still have to enter your security code if you have one set.


ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

You can turn individual gestures on or off, and there’s a wide variety of actions you can configure, like adjusting brightness and controlling your music. One particular option – Quickcall – bypasses the security code and takes you right to the dial pad so you can make a call.

您可以打开或关闭单个手势,并且可以配置多种动作,例如调节亮度和控制音乐。 一种特殊的选择-快速呼叫-绕过安全代码,直接带您进入拨号盘,以便您拨打电话。

ios 锁屏手势_如何在iOS锁屏上使用基于手势的快捷方式

You can even bring up the Power Options dialog.


LockGestures is a great app for those of you who don’t want to unlock and enter a password every time you want to adjust brightness or make a quick call. The functionality’s also pretty inconspicuous, in case someone does take your phone. At only $1, it’s also really cheap compared to other options on Cydia. You may also want to check it out if you’ve moved to iOS from CyanogenMod, which has a similar functionality.

LockGestures是一款很棒的应用程序,适合那些不想在每次想要调整亮度或进行快速呼叫时解锁并输入密码的人。 万一有人拿走了您的手机 ,该功能也就不那么引人注目了。 与Cydia上的其他选项相比,它的价格仅为1美元,确实非常便宜。 如果您已经具有类似功能的CyanogenMod移至iOS,则可能还需要检查一下。


ios 锁屏手势