华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势


华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

While Windows 8 may seem a bit out of place on hardware without a touch screen, trackpad gestures can help bridge the gap. Gestures on a trackpad work similarly to gestures on a touch screen.

尽管Windows 8在没有触摸屏的硬件上似乎显得有些不合适,但触控板手势可以帮助缩小差距。 触控板上的手势与触摸屏上的手势类似。

Instead of moving the cursor to the corners of the screen, you can swipe the trackpad to reveal hidden menus and pinch your fingers to zoom in and out.


Image Credit: Michael Mol on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的Michael Mol

触控板驱动程序 (Trackpad Drivers)

Laptops that come with Windows 8 should have trackpad drivers preinstalled and working properly. If you’ve installed Windows 8 on an existing laptop, you may have to install the trackpad drivers yourself, as many people are reporting that the final version of Windows 8 doesn’t yet include these drivers.

Windows 8随附的笔记本电脑应预先安装触控板驱动程序并可以正常工作。 如果您已在现有笔记本电脑上安装Windows 8,则可能必须自己安装触控板驱动程序,因为许多人报告说Windows 8的最终版本尚未包含这些驱动程序。

You may be able to download the appropriate trackpad drivers for Windows 8 from your laptop manufacturer. Many people have also reported that the generic Synaptics touchpad drivers, even though they’re for Windows 7, enable gesture functionality.

您可以从笔记本电脑制造商那里下载适用于Windows 8的触控板驱动程序。 许多人还报告说, 通用的Synaptics触摸板驱动程序 (即使适用于Windows 7)也支持手势功能。

魅力 (Charms)

To access the charms bar wherever you are in Windows, place your finger at the right side of your trackpad and swipe inwards. The charms will appear at the right side of your screen.

要在Windows中的任何位置访问超级按钮栏 ,请将手指放在触控板的右侧,然后向内滑动。 超级按钮将出现在屏幕的右侧。

You can also move your mouse cursor to the top or bottom right corners of your screen and then move the cursor towards the middle of your screen or press WinKey+C to access the charms.

您也可以将鼠标光标移至屏幕的右上角或右下角,然后将光标移至屏幕的中间或按WinKey + C来访问超级按钮。

华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

切换台 (Switcher)

To access the new app switcher, place your finger at the left side of the trackpad and swipe inwards. The switcher will appear on the left side of your screen.

要访问新的应用切换器,请将手指放在触控板的左侧,然后向内滑动。 切换器将出现在屏幕的左侧。

You can also move your mouse to the top or bottom left corners of your screen and then move your cursor towards the middle of your screen or press the WinKey+Tab keyboard shortcut to use the switcher.

您也可以将鼠标移至屏幕的左上角或左下角,然后将光标移至屏幕的中间,或按WinKey + Tab键盘快捷键来使用切换器。

Note that the switcher shows the entire Desktop, including all your desktop applications, as a single thumbnail. You can still use Alt+Tab to switch between desktop apps.

请注意,切换器将整个桌面(包括所有桌面应用程序)显示为单个缩略图。 您仍然可以使用Alt + Tab在桌面应用程序之间切换。

华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

应用栏 (App Bar)

Swipe down from the top edge of your trackpad to access the app bar, which contains an app’s options. For example, in the “Windows 8 interface” version of Internet Explorer, the app bar contains the address bar, tab thumbnails, and navigation buttons.

从触控板的顶部边缘向下滑动以访问包含应用程序选项的应用程序栏。 例如,在Internet Explorer的“ Windows 8界面”版本中,应用程序栏包含地址栏,选项卡缩略图和导航按钮。

You can also right-click anywhere in an app or press WinKey+Z to reveal the app bar.

您也可以右键单击应用程序中的任何位置,或按WinKey + Z以显示应用程序栏。

华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

水平滚动 (Horizontal Scrolling)

To scroll horizontally, place two fingers on the trackpad and move them from right to left or left to right. Windows 8’s new interface uses horizontal scrolling in place of vertical scrolling, so this feels a bit more natural.

要水平滚动,请将两个手指放在触控板上,然后从右向左或从左向右移动它们。 Windows 8的新界面使用水平滚动代替垂直滚动,因此感觉更自然。

You can also scroll horizontally by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down.


华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

放大和缩小 (Zoom In and Out)

To zoom in and out, use a pinch gesture. Place two fingers on the trackpad and move them towards each other to zoom in or move them apart to zoom out.

要放大和缩小,请使用捏合手势。 将两个手指放在触控板上,将它们彼此相对移动以放大或分开以缩小。

You can also hold the Ctrl key and scroll your mouse wheel up and down or hold down the Ctrl key and use the + and – keys to zoom in and out.


华为笔记本触控板手势操作_如何在笔记本电脑触控板上使用Windows 8的手势

旋转 (Rotate)

You can rotate the screen by placing two fingers on the trackpad and moving them in a circle, as if you were turning a knob. This gesture may be disabled by default in your touchpad’s configuration application, so you may have to re-enable it

您可以通过将两个手指放在触控板上并将它们移动一圈来旋转屏幕,就像旋转旋钮一样。 默认情况下,您的触摸板的配置应用程序中可能会禁用此手势,因此您可能必须重新启用它

You can also use the trackpad to move the cursor and control Windows 8 with a mouse. However, the gestures approximate touch better – swiping in from the right feels more natural than moving the cursor to the top or bottom right corners of the screen.

您也可以使用触控板移动光标并使用鼠标控制Windows 8 。 但是,手势的触摸效果更好–与将光标移动到屏幕的右上角或右下角相比,从右侧向内滑动感觉更自然。

If you prefer using the keyboard, Windows 8 also supports a variety of keyboard shortcuts.

如果您更喜欢使用键盘,则Windows 8还支持各种键盘快捷键

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/126084/how-to-use-windows-8s-gestures-on-a-laptop-trackpad/
