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Want to download drivers for your NVIDIA GeForce GPU without installing NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience application? NVIDIA doesn’t make them easy to find, but you can do it. Here’s how to avoid GeForce Experience on Windows.

是否想在不安装NVIDIA GeForce Experience应用程序的情况下为NVIDIA GeForce GPU下载驱动程序? NVIDIA并不容易找到它们,但是您可以做到。 这是避免在Windows上使用GeForce Experience的方法。

这是你的选择 (It’s Your Choice)

We’re not bashing GeForce Experience here. It has some neat features like the ability to automatically optimize graphics settings for your PC games and record your gameplay. It also can automatically search for and install driver updates. You’ll have to find and install updates manually if you skip the GeForce Experience application.

我们不是在这里抨击GeForce Experience。 它具有一些简洁的功能,例如能够自动优化PC游戏的图形设置记录游戏玩法 。 它还可以自动搜索并安装驱动程序更新。 如果您跳过GeForce Experience应用程序,则必须手动查找并安装更新。

But GeForce Experience is also a heavier application that requires you sign in with an account. You even have to sign in with an account just to get driver updates. If you’d like to install your drivers the classic way—just the drivers themselves and the NVIDIA Control Panel tool—you can.

但是GeForce Experience也是一个较重的应用程序,需要您使用帐户登录。 您甚至必须仅使用帐户登录即可获取驱动程序更新。 如果您想以经典方式安装驱动程序-仅驱动程序本身和NVIDIA Control Panel工具-就可以。

如何在没有GeForce经验的情况下下载NVIDIA驱动程序 (How to Download NVIDIA’s Drivers Without GeForce Experience)

You can download the drivers from NVIDIA’s website. Either head to the newer GeForce Drivers page and use the “Manual Driver Search” section or use the classic NVIDIA Driver Download page.

您可以从NVIDIA网站下载驱动程序。 转到较新的GeForce驱动程序页面,然后使用“手动驱动程序搜索”部分,或者使用经典的NVIDIA驱动程序下载页面

Whichever page you use, you’ll have to know the model of your graphics card, whether you’re using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, and which type of driver you want. (Not sure which GPU you have or what type of Windows operating system you have? Scroll down for instructions on how to find out.)

无论使用哪个页面,都必须知道图形卡的型号,使用的是32位还是64位版本的Windows ,以及所需的驱动程序类型。 (不确定您拥有哪个GPU或拥有哪种类型的Windows操作系统。向下滚动以获取有关如何查找的说明。)

The “Game Ready Driver (GRD)” features optimizations for the latest games and is intended for gamers, while the “Studio Driver (SD)” prioritizes stability and is intended for creative professionals

“ Game Ready Driver(GRD)”具有针对最新游戏的优化功能,供游戏玩家使用,而“ Studio Driver(SD)”则将稳定性放在首位,并面向创意专业人士

Use the fields to select your drivers and click “Search.” When you’re done, click the “Download” button to get the drivers.

使用字段选择驱动程序,然后单击“搜索”。 完成后,单击“下载”按钮以获取驱动程序。


如何在没有GeForce经验的情况下安装驱动程序 (How to Install the Drivers Without GeForce Experience)

Download the driver’s EXE file and double-click it to install like any other application. Let the installer extract its files and begin installation.

下载驱动程序的EXE文件,然后双击它以像其他任何应用程序一样进行安装。 让安装程序提取其文件并开始安装。


After the installer extracts its files and starts, you’ll be prompted to choose the kind of installation you want. By default, it will try to install the “NVIDIA Graphics Driver and GeForce Experience” software.

安装程序提取其文件并启动后,将提示您选择所需的安装类型。 默认情况下,它将尝试安装“ NVIDIA图形驱动程序和GeForce Experience”软件。

Be sure to select “NVIDIA Graphics Driver” instead to avoid installing NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

确保选择“ NVIDIA图形驱动程序”,以避免安装NVIDIA GeForce Experience。


如何查看拥有的NVIDIA GPU (How to See Which NVIDIA GPU You Have)

To check which NVIDIA GPU you have on your Windows 10 PC, open the Task Manager. You can do so by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc or by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager.”

要检查Windows 10 PC上具有的NVIDIA GPU,请打开“任务管理器” 。 您可以通过按Ctrl + Shift + Esc或右键单击任务栏并选择“任务管理器”来执行此操作。


Click the “Performance” tab at the top of the Task Manager window. If necessary, click “More Details” at the bottom of the Task Manager to expand the Task Manager and view the tabs.

单击任务管理器窗口顶部的“性能”选项卡。 如有必要,请单击任务管理器底部的“更多详细信息”以展开任务管理器并查看选项卡。

Select the “GPU” entry in the sidebar here. Look for the name of your GPU near the upper-right corner of the Task Manager window.

在此处的侧栏中选择“ GPU”条目。 在“任务管理器”窗口的右上角附近查找GPU的名称。

If you have multiple GPUs in your system, click each and examine their names. If you have a gaming laptop, there’s a good chance you have both NVIDIA graphics and Intel graphics. Look for the name of the NVIDIA GPU.

如果您的系统中有多个GPU,请单击每个GPU并检查其名称。 如果您有游戏笔记本电脑,则很有可能同时拥有NVIDIA图形和Intel图形。 查找NVIDIA GPU的名称。


如何查看您是否正在使用64位Windows (How to See Whether You’re Using 64-bit Windows)

To check whether you’re using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, head to Settings > System > About. You can open the Settings window from the Start menu or by pressing Windows+i.

要检查您使用的是32位还是64位版本的Windows,请转到“设置”>“系统”>“关于”。 您可以从“开始”菜单或按Windows + i打开“设置”窗口。

Look for the “Device specifications” section on this screen. To the right of “System type,” you’ll see whether you’re using a “64-bit operating system” or a “32-bit operating system.”

在此屏幕上查找“设备规格”部分。 在“系统类型”右侧,您会看到您使用的是“ 64位操作系统”还是“ 32位操作系统”。


记住,您必须手动更新它们 (Remember, You’ll Have to Update Them Manually)

You’re now responsible for updating your own NVIDIA drivers. They won’t automatically check for updates or download and install new versions of your GPU drivers for you. That feature requires the NVIDIA GeForce Experience software.

您现在负责更新自己的NVIDIA驱动程序。 他们不会为您自动检查更新或下载并安装新版本的GPU驱动程序。 该功能需要NVIDIA GeForce Experience软件。

如何卸载GeForce Experience (How to Uninstall GeForce Experience)

By the way, if you already have the NVIDIA GeForce Experience software installed, you can uninstall it while leaving your drivers installed.

顺便说一句,如果您已经安装了NVIDIA GeForce Experience软件,则可以在卸载驱动程序的同时将其卸载。

Just head to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program, search for “nvidia,” and uninstall the “NVIDIA GeForce Experience” application. Leave the other NVIDIA driver entries installed.

只需转到“控制面板”>“卸载程序”,搜索“ nvidia”,然后卸载“ NVIDIA GeForce Experience”应用程序。 保留其他NVIDIA驱动程序条目的安装。


或仅使用Windows Update (Or Just Use Windows Update)

If you don’t play PC gamers, you can always just get your drivers via Windows Update. Don’t install anything from NVIDIA and Windows will automatically install drivers for your GPU. However, the drivers won’t be the most up-to-date for the latest PC games and you don’t get utilities like the NVIDIA Control Panel.

如果您不玩PC游戏玩家,则始终可以通过Windows Update获取驱动程序。 不要从NVIDIA安装任何东西,Windows会自动为您的GPU安装驱动程序。 但是,驱动程序不是最新PC游戏的最新驱动程序,并且您没有NVIDIA控制面板之类的实用程序。

Having the latest drivers is important for gamers, but the average PC user can get by with the drivers from Windows Update.

拥有最新的驱动程序对游戏玩家来说很重要,但是普通PC用户可以通过Windows Update获得驱动程序。

