Angel investors accumulated 10,000 in bitcoin slump in 2018

CAI wensheng, chairman of the Chinese angel investor and photo software company meitu, said he had achieved the goal of holding 10,000 bitcoins.

Angel investors accumulated 10,000 in bitcoin slump in 2018

Mr. CAI said on Thursday that while he held only one bitcoin in January, he increased his portfolio in the first quarter of this year as the currency plunged.

Bitcoin prices dropped shortly after reaching a record of 20,000 U.S. dollars in December last year. In January of this year the price of btc to usd suddenly dipped and fell to 7,057 U.S. dollars on February 7 and then climbed to 11,796 U.S. dollars again on the news release.

Angel investors accumulated 10,000 in bitcoin slump in 2018
Angel investors accumulated 10,000 in bitcoin slump in 2018

Image information source citicoins official website

According to the coindesk Bitcoin Price Index, Cai Wensheng now holds approximately $96 million in shares.

Cai Wensheng explained his investment logic in answering Wang Feng's ten questions. He said:

In January of this year, I only had single digit bitcoin, just playing tickets. When I determined that the blockchain and Bitcoin are the future, I set myself the goal of having 10,000 Bitcoin.

At the time of the peak in December, I personally thought that the price was high and I did not buy it. Later, I should be in the end of January 2018, only gradually with the decline in prices continue to build positions, continue to buy. Now this small goal has basically been achieved.

In the period of the Internet bubble, Cai Wensheng, who was born in the 1970s, earned his first pot of life by investing in domain names, and quickly became famous for this battle. Afterwards, Cai Wensheng, an angel investor, continued to expand his portfolio.

At present, Cai Wensheng’s Mito Co., Ltd. is said to have over 90 million monthly active users, and its valued at US$5 billion when it went public in * in November 2016.

The exposure of Cai Wensheng's "10,000 Bitcoin" facts made him one of the few well-known Chinese investors who disclosed his own bitcoin holdings. It should be noted that the timing of Cai Wensheng’s investment in this portfolio is also the time for Mito to publish a blockchain white paper. Mito plans to create a decentralized, secure and encrypted identity passport "MIP - Meitu Intelligent Passport" for users through blockchain technology, connecting the digital world and the real world to achieve open sharing and privacy protection Win-win.