



A Bitcoin wallet is basically a software program in which you store Bitcoin. An exchange lets you convert “real money” like US dollars to Bitcoin. Exchanges also provide a wallet—but you don’t necessarily have full control of that wallet.

比特币钱包基本上是一个用于存储比特币的软件程序。 交易所可让您将美元等“真实货币”转换为比特币。 交易所还提供了一个钱包,但是您不必完全控制该钱包。

We’re not recommending you invest in Bitcoin. But, if you’re putting money into Bitcoin—or you’re just interested in how it works—you should know this stuff.

我们不建议您投资比特币。 但是,如果您要向比特币投入资金,或者您只是对它的工作方式感兴趣,那么您应该了解这些知识。

什么是比特币钱包? (What Is a Bitcoin Wallet?)


So, we mentioned before that a Bitcoin wallet is a software program in which you store Bitcoin. While true, it’s drastic oversimplification. Bitcoins are never really “stored” anywhere. To understand what a Bitcoin wallet is, it’s important to understand what Bitcoin is and how it works.

因此,我们之前提到过,比特币钱包是一个用于存储比特币的软件程序。 确实如此,但它过于简单。 比特币从未真正“存储”在任何地方。 要了解什么是比特币钱包,重要的是要了解什么是比特币及其工作原理

A Bitcoin wallet actually contains one or more private keys that allow you to sign transactions. These private keys are the mathematical proof that you indeed own a certain amount of Bitcoin. Think of these private keys as secret codes that allow you to spend that Bitcoin. The blockchain is a record of all these transactions.

一个比特币钱包实际上包含一个或多个允许您签署交易的私钥。 这些私钥是您确实拥有一定数量的比特币的数学证明。 将这些私钥视为允许您花费该比特币的密码。 区块链是所有这些交易的记录。

These private keys are very important. If someone steals your private keys—say, if they had malware running on your computer—they could spend your Bitcoin. For example, they could use your private keys to send your Bitcoin to their own Bitcoin address. Your Bitcoin would then be stored in their wallet and would be secured by their own private keys, to which you wouldn’t have access. That’s why it’s very important to store your Bitcoin wallet and its private keys securely.

这些私钥非常重要。 如果有人窃取了您的私钥(例如,如果您的计算机上运行了恶意软件),他们可能会花费您的比特币。 例如,他们可以使用您的私钥将您的比特币发送到他们自己的比特币地址。 然后,您的比特币将存储在他们的钱包中,并由他们自己的私钥保护,而您将无法访问这些私钥。 这就是为什么安全地存储您的比特币钱包及其私钥非常重要的原因。

Attackers aren’t the only concern. If you lose the wallet and your private keys, you’ll also lose access to all your Bitcoin. That’s why it’s important to have backup copies of your Bitcoin wallet, too—just like you’d have backup copies of any important data.

攻击者不是唯一的问题。 如果您丢失了钱包和私钥,还将失去对所有比特币的访问权限。 这就是为什么拥有比特币钱包的备份副本也很重要的原因,就像您拥有任何重要数据的备份副本一样。

If Bitcoin was being widely used for payments, a Bitcoin wallet is the program you’d use to send and receive Bitcoin for day-to-day transactions, too. You might want to store only a small amount of Bitcoin in a wallet you carry with you—for example, on your phone—and leave a larger amount of Bitcoin in a more secure location, similar to how you don’t carry your life savings in cash in your physical wallet. However, Bitcoin is largely being used for speculative investing at the moment.

如果比特币被广泛用于支付,那么比特币钱包也是您用于日常交易发送和接收比特币的程序。 您可能只想将少量的比特币存储在随身携带的钱包中(例如,在手机上),而将大量的比特币留在更安全的位置,类似于您不携带救生储蓄的方式现金存入您的实物钱包。 但是,目前,比特币主要用于投机性投资

In addition to typical software Bitcoin wallets you might run on a PC or phone, there are hardware-based Bitcoin wallets like the TREZOR. You could also use a paper Bitcoin wallet, which has a public Bitcoin address and private key printed on it. This is effectively an offline Bitcoin wallet, and you could store it in a safe or other secure location without worrying that it could be compromised by malware running on your PC. Of course, anyone who acquired the piece of paper would have the ability to spend your Bitcoin.

除了可以在PC或电话上运行的典型软件比特币钱包之外,还有基于硬件的比特币钱包,例如TREZOR 。 您还可以使用纸质比特币钱包,上面有一个公开的比特币地址和私人**。 这实际上是一个脱机的比特币钱包,您可以将其存储在安全或其他安全的位置,而不必担心PC上运行的恶意软件会破坏它。 当然,任何获得这张纸的人都可以使用您的比特币。

什么是比特币交易所? (What Is a Bitcoin Exchange?)


A Bitcoin exchange is a website or service that lets you convert “fiat currency” like US dollars and Euros to Bitcoin. These websites also let you convert that Bitcoin back to US dollars or your fiat currency of choice. In other words, exchanges buy and sell Bitcoin at the current market rate.

比特币交易所是一个网站或服务,可让您将美元和欧元等“法定货币”转换为比特币。 这些网站还允许您将比特币转换回美元或您选择的法定货币。 换句话说,交易所以当前市场价格买卖比特币。

If exchanges didn’t exist and you wanted to buy Bitcoin with US dollars, you’d have to find someone with Bitcoin, agree on an exchange rate, pay them, and then have them send that Bitcoin to your wallet. And, to sell Bitcoin, you’d have to find someone who wanted to purchase it from you. Exchanges simplify this process, providing a single place you can purchase or sell Bitcoin at the current market rate using your bank account.

如果不存在交易所,而您想用美元购买比特币,则必须找到一个拥有比特币的人,商定汇率,付钱,然后让他们将比特币发送到您的钱包。 而且,要出售比特币,您必须找到一个想要向您购买比特币的人。 交易所简化了这一过程,提供了一个可以使用您的银行帐户以当前市场价格购买或出售比特币的地方。

但是交易所也集成了钱包 (But Exchanges Have Integrated Wallets, Too)


Exchanges like Coinbase, which we think is the best choice if you’re looking to buy Bitcoin, provide you with a Bitcoin wallet hosted by that website. Think of this as a sort of web-based Bitcoin wallet.

Coinbase这样的交易所(如果您想购买比特币,我们认为这是最好的选择) ,它为您提供该网站托管的比特币钱包。 可以将其视为一种基于网络的比特币钱包。

So, when you head to Coinbase, create an account, and buy some Bitcoin, that Bitcoin isn’t immediately sent to a Bitcoin wallet address you provide. Instead, it’s stored in a wallet in your Coinbase account. You can sign into the Coinbase app or website, view your balance, and sell the Bitcoin if you want. Coinbase does allow you to transfer the Bitcoin from the Coinbase exchange to another Bitcoin wallet, if you like, but you have to go out of your way to do that.

因此,当您前往Coinbase,创建帐户并购买一些比特币时,该比特币不会立即发送到您提供的比特币钱包地址。 而是将其存储在您的Coinbase帐户的钱包中。 您可以登录Coinbase应用程序或网站,查看余额,并根据需要出售比特币。 如果愿意,Coinbase确实允许您将比特币从Coinbase交易所转移到另一个比特币钱包,但是您必须竭尽所能。

This dramatically simplifies the process of buying Bitcoin. You don’t need to install and manage a Bitcoin wallet program. You don’t have to back up your wallet. You don’t have to worry about losing your Bitcoin if you forget your wallet’s password or lose all copies of the wallet files. Instead, you just create an account, and then you can access your Bitcoin by signing into that account. If you forget your account’s password, you can go through an account recovery process.

这大大简化了购买比特币的过程。 您不需要安装和管理比特币钱包程序。 您不必备份钱包。 如果您忘记了钱包的密码或丢失了钱包文件的所有副本,则不必担心丢失比特币。 相反,您只需创建一个帐户,然后登录该帐户即可访问您的比特币。 如果您忘记了帐户密码,则可以执行帐户恢复过程。

In this situation, the exchange sort of functions like a bank. When you store your Bitcoin with Coinbase, Coinbase holds onto your Bitcoin for you and gives you access to it. But the Bitcoin is under their control, and not yours. And, while banks are heavily regulated in the US and other countries, it’s important to remember that Bitcoin exchanges are not subject to all the same regulations.

在这种情况下,交换功能类似于银行。 当您将比特币存储在Coinbase中时,Coinbase会为您保留比特币并为您提供访问权限。 但是比特币是在他们的控制之下,而不是您的。 而且,尽管在美国和其他国家/地区对银行进行了严格的监管,但重要的是要记住,比特币交易所不受所有相同法规的约束。

交易所控制钱包的私钥 (The Exchange Controls The Wallet’s Private Keys)

Here’s the big concern. When you store your Bitcoin in a wallet controlled by an exchange, like Coinbase, that exchange actually holds the private keys. In other words, it’s sort of like the exchange storing your Bitcoin in their own wallet and giving you access via an account. You don’t actually have the Bitcoin in your own wallet that you fully control, as you would with a traditional Bitcoin wallet.

这是最大的问题。 当您将比特币存储在由交易所(如Coinbase)控制的钱包中时,该交易所实际上拥有私钥。 换句话说,这有点像交易所将您的比特币存储在自己的钱包中,并通过帐户授予您访问权限。 实际上,您并没有像传统的比特币钱包那样完全掌控自己钱包中的比特币。

You’re placing a lot of trust in the exchange if you store your Bitcoin there. For example, you could lose your Bitcoin if the exchange were hacked, a rogue employee stole your private keys, or if the owners of the exchange took the money and ran. That’s one reason we recommend Coinbase, which is a bigger company with a decent track record that’s based in the USA, over smaller exchanges that may not be as trustworthy.

如果您将比特币存储在交易所,那么您将对交易所充满信任。 例如,如果交易所被黑客入侵,流氓员工偷走了您的私钥,或者如果交易所的所有者拿走了钱并跑了,您可能会丢失比特币。 这就是我们推荐Coinbase的原因之一,Coinbase是一家规模较大的公司,其总部位于美国,在较小的交易所(可能不那么值得信赖)上拥有良好的业绩。

The design of web-based Bitcoin wallets that function like banks is actually counter to some of Bitcoin’s original intent. Bitcoin promises a totally decentralized system that allows you to store your own money without trusting anyone else. And you can—if you store it in your own wallet. If you store it with an exchange, you’re relying on that exchange like you’d rely on a bank.

像银行一样运作的基于网络的比特币钱包的设计实际上与比特币最初的意图背道而驰。 比特币承诺一个完全去中心化的系统,使您可以存储自己的钱而无需信任任何其他人。 而且,如果您将其存储在自己的钱包中,则可以。 如果将其存储在交易所中,那么您将依赖该交易所,就像依赖银行一样。

Of course, there are trade-offs. When you rely on an exchange, you have a more convenient experience. You don’t have worry about securing, backing up, or otherwise managing your own Bitcoin wallet. The exchange’s website will be more secure than many people’s computers.

当然,需要权衡取舍。 依靠交流时,您会获得更便捷的体验。 您不必担心保护,备份或以其他方式管理自己的比特币钱包。 该交易所的网站将比许多人的计算机更安全。

Should you hold your Bitcoin in a web-based wallet provided by in an exchange, or your own Bitcoin wallet? There’s no right answer for everyone, but it’s important to understand the trade-offs if you hold Bitcoin.

您应该将比特币存放在交易所提供的基于网络的钱包中,还是您自己的比特币钱包中? 没有适合所有人的正确答案,但重要的是要掌握比特币的权衡取舍。

Image Credit: IhorL/Shutterstock.com.

图片提供: IhorL /Shutterstock.com。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/347464/whats-the-difference-between-a-bitcoin-wallet-and-an-exchange/
