



Google Keyboard for Android has a new name: Gboard. This puts it in line with the iOS keyboard of the same name, bringing many of its features (and more) to Android. One of Gboard’s best new features is built-in Google Search from anywhere a keyboard can be accessed (think of it as a “portable” Google Assistant). In our experience, it seems to be enabled on some phones, but not others, by default.

Android版Google键盘有一个新名称: Gboard 。 这使其与同名的iOS键盘保持一致,从而将其许多功能(以及更多功能)引入了Android。 Gboard最好的新功能之一是内置的Google Search,可在任何可访问键盘的地方(将其视为“便携式” Google Assistant)。 根据我们的经验,默认情况下似乎已在某些电话上启用了此功能,但在其他电话上未启用该功能。

If you hate it, and it’s already turned on for your phone, you can turn it off.  And if you love the idea of having Google in your keyboard, you can turn it on. For example, if you’re trying to make dinner plans with a friend, you can search for nearby restaurants and share the results directly in a text message. It’s pretty brilliant.

如果您讨厌它,并且已经在手机上将其打开,则可以将其关闭。 如果您喜欢在键盘上安装Google的想法,则可以将其打开。 例如,如果您尝试与朋友一起制定晚餐计划,则可以搜索附近的餐厅,然后直接在短信*享结果。 非常棒。

First things first—you need to make sure you’re actually running Gboard. If you haven’t updated your Google Keyboard app, go ahead and do that now. I an update isn’t available to you yet, you can grab the latest version from APK Mirror—keep in mind that this app is processor-dependent, so you’ll need to know if you have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor, as well as if it’s x86 or arm. If you pull it from the Play Store, however, all that is done automatically.

首先,您需要确保实际上正在运行Gboard。 如果您尚未更新Google键盘应用程序,请立即进行操作。 如果您尚无更新,可以从APK Mirror中获取最新版本-请记住,此应用依赖于处理器,因此您需要知道您使用的是32位还是64位处理器,以及x86或arm。 但是,如果您从Play商店中将其拉出,则所有操作都会自动完成。

With all the logistics out of the way, let’s do this.


First, fire up Gboard’s settings. If you’ve been using Google Keyboard and previously enabled the “app icon” setting, then you already know where to go. If you haven’t done so, you can follow the previously-linked instructions to add it now, or just open the keyboard in any typing interface, long-press button to the left of the spacebar, then slide over to the cog icon. A new popup will show up—select “Gboard keyboard settings.”

首先,启动Gboard的设置。 如果您一直在使用Google键盘并先前启用了“应用程序图标”设置 ,那么您已经知道该去哪里了。 如果尚未执行此操作,则可以按照以前链接的说明立即添加它,或者只需在任何键入界面中打开键盘,长按空格键左侧的按钮,然后滑到齿轮图标即可。 将显示一个新的弹出窗口-选择“ Gboard键盘设置”。


Alright, now that you’re in the Settings menu, tap into the “Search” menu. From here it’s all smooth sailing.

好了,既然您现在在“设置”菜单中,请点击“搜索”菜单。 从这里开始一切顺利。


There are but two lonely options in this menu, and the second one is the one you’re after. Toggle on “Show ‘G’ Button.” If it was on by default, this will turn it off, and if it was off by default, this will turn it on.

此菜单中只有两个孤独选项,第二个是您所追求的。 切换“显示'G'按钮”。 如果默认情况下为打开状态,则将其关闭;如果默认情况下为关闭状态,则将其打开。


From there, you can back completely out of Gboard’s Settings.


If you turned the G button on, here’s how it works. When you launch any interface where a search makes sense (it won’t show up in password fields or Chrome’s address bar, for example), a new button will show up on the left of the keyboard’s suggestion bar. That’s your G Button.

如果您打开了G按钮,则它的工作原理如下。 当您启动任何有意义的搜索界面时(例如,不会显示在密码字段或Chrome的地址栏中),新的按钮将显示在键盘建议栏的左侧。 那就是你的G按钮。


Tapping that will open a search bar right  there in the keyboard. Go ahead, search for something—the results will be simplified for easy viewing and/or sharing. It’s awesome. For example, I can search for the Chicago Bulls score from their most recent game and share that info with Whitson—he won’t care about that and I’m still salty, but we’ll do it anyway.

轻按一下即可在键盘上打开搜索栏。 继续搜索,将简化结果以便于查看和/或共享。 这很棒。 例如,我可以从他们最近的比赛中搜索芝加哥公牛队的得分,并与惠特森分享该信息-他不会在乎,我仍然很咸,但是我们还是会做到这一点。


Below the search results, tap the blue “Share” button. That will send the results that you’re looking at, along with a link to relevant info, with whatever app you’re typing into. It’s not exactly what you see on-screen, since that’s wrapped into a tidy little package for easy viewing in a very small area, but it’s still all the same info.

在搜索结果下方,点击蓝色的“共享”按钮。 这将发送您正在查看的结果以及相关信息的链接,以及您键入的任何应用程序。 这并不是您在屏幕上看到的完全一样,因为它被包裹在一个整齐的小包装中,以便在很小的区域中轻松查看,但是仍然是相同的信息。


Beside the “Share” button, there are also quick links to execute related searches. In the above example, it offers up highlights, NBA standings, and more. You can swipe through these suggestions, too.

在“共享”按钮旁边,还存在用于执行相关搜索的快速链接。 在上面的示例中,它提供了亮点,NBA排名等等。 您也可以浏览这些建议。


And that’s pretty much that—it’s a very straightforward, but useful (and powerful) feature that is sure to come in handy for almost anyone who uses their phone. If you weren’t already using Google Keyboard, now would be the time to make the switch.

这就差不多了,它是一个非常简单但有用(且功能强大)的功能,对于几乎所有使用手机的人来说,它肯定会派上用场。 如果您尚未使用Google键盘,那么现在该进行切换了。

