windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

windows 解锁日志

Everyone likes the idea of a cheat mode, or "God Mode." Many years ago - I think around 1993 - Doom introduced the idea of switching a player into God Mode within the game by typing IDDQD. You'd then be invincible and get to feel like you'd discovered an exciting secret "easter egg" in the game. How exciting the the developers hid this for us to find!

每个人都喜欢作弊模式或“上帝模式”的想法。 多年前-我想大约在1993年-毁灭战士(Doom)提出了通过输入IDDQD在游戏中将玩家切换到上帝模式的想法。 然后,您将立于不败之地,并感到好像自己在游戏中发现了一个令人兴奋的秘密“复活节彩蛋”。 开发人员将其隐藏起来让我们发现这是多么令人兴奋!

You may have heard of a "God Mode" hidden in the depths of Windows 8 (or 7 for that matter). The idea is that you make a folder somewhere, I like using my desktop, and name the folder "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" and it "unlocks" a bunch of secret functionality.

您可能已经听说过Windows 8(或Windows 7)隐藏的“上帝模式”。 这样的想法是,您在我喜欢使用桌面的某个位置创建一个文件夹,并将文件夹命名为“ GodMode。{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}”,它“解锁”了许多秘密功能。

Let's try.


windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Now I hit Enter...


windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Hm, the folder icon looks like the Control Panel now, and the long GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is gone.  Cool.

嗯,文件夹图标现在看起来像“控制面板”,而长长的GUID(全局唯一标识符)消失了。 凉。

What's the properties for this folder say? Right Click, Properties. There's the Type with the GUID. It's not just a File Folder, it's a File Folder with some metadata associated..

该文件夹的属性是什么? 右键单击属性。 GUID有类型。 它不仅是一个文件夹,还是一个与某些元数据相关联的文件文件夹。

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Where is this GUID in the Registry? Let's run Regedit.exe and Find it.

此GUID在注册表中的哪里? 让我们运行Regedit.exe并找到它。

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Ah, it's the All Tasks view of the Control Panel. By naming this folder this way, its view is now the Control Panel with All Tasks shown.

嗯,这是“控制面板”的“所有任务”视图。 通过以这种方式命名该文件夹,它的视图现在是显示所有任务的控制面板。

But 'GodMode?' That is a little dodgy as a name, right? That might offend. Is it needed? Let me rename it to MagicPants.

但是“ GodMode?” 这个名字有点狡猾,对吗? 那可能得罪了。 需要吗? 让我将其重命名为MagicPant。

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Does it still work? Sure. I can call it whatever I need.

它仍然有效吗? 当然。 我可以随便叫它。

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Is there a reason to have this "All Tasks" folder? No. It's just a view on a list of control panel tasks you already have.

是否有理由拥有此“所有任务”文件夹? 不,这只是您已经拥有的控制面板任务列表上的视图。

See there where it says "add clocks for different time zones?" What if I just press the Start Button and type "add clocks" and click on Settings?

在哪里看到“添加不同时区的时钟?” 如果我只按开始按钮并输入“添加时钟”并单击“设置”,该怎么办?

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

The Control Panel tasks are searched from the Start Screen's settings already. They always have been, even in Windows 7.

已经从“开始”屏幕的设置中搜索了“控制面板”任务。 即使在Windows 7中,它们也一直如此。

If you like the idea of an "All Tasks" or "God Mode" folder, be happy and make yourself one on your desktop. If not, know that ALL those features are already there. Just press the Windows button, type something, and hit settings. If you're a hotkey person, you can press Windows Key + W and access any of these 265 (and growing) helpers to customize your system.

如果您喜欢“所有任务”或“上帝模式”文件夹的主意,请开心地将自己放在桌面上。 如果没有,请知道所有这些功能已经存在。 只需按Windows按钮,输入内容,然后点击设置即可。 如果您是热键人员,则可以按Windows键+ W并访问这265个(且正在不断增长的)帮助程序中的任何一个以自定义系统。

Some cool examples, search for "RAM"

一些很酷的例子,搜索“ RAM”

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

or "Fonts"


windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

or "Mouse"


windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬

Either way, enjoy the God Mode that your computer already has, or feel free to customize your machine to your heart's content.


关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬
windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬
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windows 解锁日志_解锁Windows 8“上帝模式”-一个有用的技巧,但也很荒谬


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