jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

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jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Walmart has billed itself as the low-price leader, and they are usually hard to beat…but they don’t always have the lowest prices. Using the Walmart app is a great way to “catch” them when they don’t.

沃尔玛自称是低价领导者,他们通常很难被击败……但是他们并不总是价格最低。 使用沃尔玛应用程序是一种在不捕获时“捕获”它们的好方法。

The Walmart app’s Savings Catcher is, essentially, a price matching tool. After you shop at Walmart, you can scan your receipt with the app, and it will “scan circulars from top competitors in your area” for the same items you bought. If it finds a store offering an item for a lower price than you paid, Walmart will refund the difference to you.

沃尔玛应用程序的Savings Catcher本质上是一种价格匹配工具。 在沃尔玛购物后,您可以使用该应用程序扫描收据,它将“扫描您所在地区*竞争对手的通函”以查找您购买的相同商品。 如果发现一家商店提供的商品价格低于您支付的价格,沃尔玛将退还差价。

These refunds come in the form of an “eGift Card” that you can use on your next purchase at any Walmart or Sam’s Club location.


You might be surprised just how quickly things add up.


如何使用Walmart Savings Catcher扫描收据 (How to Scan Your Receipts with the Walmart Savings Catcher)

First, download the Walmart app for Android or the iPhone. Create an account if you don’t have one…

首先,下载适用于AndroidiPhone的Walmart应用程序。 如果您没有帐户,请创建一个帐户...

jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

…or sign in if you do.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

After you sign in, tap “Savings Catcher” on the Shop tab.

登录后,在“商店”选项卡上点击“ Savings Catcher”。

jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Tap “Add a Walmart Receipt”.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Scan the QR code on your receipt. If there isn’t a QR code, scan the barcode. If the barcode won’t scan, you can enter it manually by tapping “Type Receipt Info”.

扫描收据上的QR码。 如果没有QR码,请扫描条形码。 如果条形码无法扫描,您可以通过点击“类型收据信息”手动输入。

NOTE: you must scan your receipt(s) within seven days of shopping at Walmart and you can only submit seven receipts per week!


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Once you scan your receipt, you will receive an email letting you know that Walmart has received it and they are validating it.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

If they find a lower price, you will receive another email letting you know how many “Reward Dollars” you’re getting back.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Any Reward Dollars you get back are automatically added to the Savings Catcher. Once you have available, unclaimed funds, you can generate an eGift Card to spend at any Walmart or Sam’s Club location (although you can only scan Walmart receipts).

您取回的所有奖励美元都将自动添加到Savings Catcher。 拥有无人认领的可用资金后,您可以生成一张eGift卡以在任何Walmart或Sam's Club地点消费(尽管您只能扫描Walmart收据)。

To do this, tap “Get It Back” in the lower-right corner.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

On the Get It Back screen, tap “Transfer to eGift Card”.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Once you do this, you will receive an email—usually within 24 hours—confirming your new Savings Catcher eGift Card is ready.

完成此操作后,您通常会在24小时内收到一封电子邮件,确认您的新Savings Catcher eGift卡已准备就绪。

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Next time you visit a Walmart or Sam’s Club, just present the email at checkout and the cashier will scan it, or select “Gift Card” when you’re checking out online. Your eGift Card funds will be deducted from your purchase.

下次访问沃尔玛或山姆会员店时,只需在结帐时出示电子邮件,收银员就会对其进行扫描,或者在在线结帐时选择“礼品卡”。 您的eGift卡资金将从您的购买中扣除。

jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Here are several more things to keep in mind:


  • You don’t have to spend your entire eGift Card balance in one go. Any remaining funds will remain on the eGift Card. You can repeatedly use the eGift Card email until it hits zero.

    您不必一口气用完整个eGift卡余额。 所有剩余的资金将保留在eGift卡上。 您可以重复使用eGift卡电子邮件,直到电子邮件零。
  • You don’t have to transfer any accumulated money the Saving Catcher finds to an eGift Card right away. Instead, you can let it accumulate and tap “Get It Back” when you’re ready to redeem it.

    您无需立即将Saving Catcher所发现的任何累积资金转入eGift卡。 取而代之的是,您可以让它积累起来,然后在您准备好兑换时点按“取回”。
  • When you do tap “Get It Back” however, you will need to wait for Walmart to generate a new eGift Card and send you a confirmation email. Make sure to plan ahead so you have those funds available before your next shop.

    但是,当您点击“取回”时,您将需要等待沃尔玛生成新的eGift卡并向您发送确认电子邮件。 确保提前计划,以便在下一家商店之前有足够的资金。

That’s the basic rundown on how to use the Savings Catcher, and if that’s all you ever do with it, you will be saving money in no time.


如何查看您的奖励美元,购物历史记录和电子收据 (How to View Your Rewards Dollars, Shopping History, and eReceipts)

If you want to go back and see previous scanned receipts and reward dollars, you can do so from the app.


To see a total of how much you’ve been refunded, tap on “Your Reward Dollars”.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

The Your Reward Dollars screen shows you how much money you have earned and redeemed since opening your account, as well as how much you have available.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Next, tap “Your Results”.


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On the Your Results screen, you can scroll through and see your shopping history using the Savings Catcher.

在您的结果屏幕上,您可以使用Savings Catcher滚动浏览并查看您的购物记录。

jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱

Tap on any result to see the Results Details, where you can view a detailed list of what you purchased, how much you paid, and what each item cost. If any receipt is pending, it will show you that as well.

点击任何结果以查看“结果详细信息”,您可以在其中查看购买的商品,支付的金额以及每件商品的价格的详细列表。 如果有任何收据待处理,它也会向您显示。

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If a lower price was found from a scanned receipt, it will show you what that item was and how much you got back.


Tap the little icon in the upper-right corner to view your eReceipt.


jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱
The eReceipt is an electronic copy of your receipt. This can be useful if, for example, you lose the original paper receipt and need to present a copy for reimbursement or perhaps to itemize deductions on your taxes.
电子收据是收据的电子副本。 例如,如果您丢失了原始的纸质收据,并且需要出示复印件以进行报销,或者可能需要逐项列出您的税款扣除额,这将很有用。
jda 沃尔玛_如何通过沃尔玛应用程序的“储蓄守望者”省钱
As long as you remember to scan your receipts within seven days, the Savings Catcher can net you quite a chunk of change over the long run. If your goal is to stretch your money as far as it will go, it’s definitely a great tool to have at your disposal.
只要您记得在7天内扫描收据,从长远来看,Savings Catcher可以为您带来很多零钱。 如果您的目标是尽可能多地扩展您的资金,那绝对是一个支配您的好工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/296668/how-to-save-money-with-the-walmart-apps-savings-catcher/

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