

Group chats can be a terrible experience for everyone, especially when you just need to send a single message—like an invitation—to a bunch of people at once. WhatsApp has a much better feature you can use instead: Broadcast Lists.

群组聊天对每个人来说都是一种糟糕的经历,尤其是当您只需要一次向一群人发送一条消息(例如邀请)时。 WhatsApp有一个更好的功能可供您使用:广播列表。

A Broadcast List lets you send the same WhatsApp message to up to 256 recipients at once. Each recipient receives the message as a normal WhatsApp message from the sender, instead of being included in a huge group chat that will quickly get out of hand. As an additional spam filter, only people who have the sender’s phone number saved in their contact list will receive the message.

广播列表使您可以一次将相同的WhatsApp消息发送给多达256个收件人。 每个收件人都从发件人接收该消息作为普通的WhatsApp消息,而不是被包括在庞大的群聊中,该聊天将很快失去控制。 作为附加的垃圾邮件过滤器,只有将发件人电话号码保存在联系人列表中的人才能收到该邮件。

如何创建广播列表 (How to Create a Broadcast List)

Creating a broadcast list differs slightly based on whether you’re using an iPhone or Android phone.


在iPhone上 (On an iPhone)

On iOS, tap “Broadcast Lists” at the top of the chat screen. On the Broadcast Lists page, tap the “New List” button.

在iOS上,点击聊天屏幕顶部的“广播列表”。 在“广播列表”页面上,点击“新建列表”按钮。


Select all the people you want to add (up to 256) and then tap the “Create” button. This creates a broadcast list with all the people you selected.

选择您要添加的所有人员(最多256个),然后点击“创建”按钮。 这将创建一个包含所有选定人员的广播列表。


在Android上 (On Android)

On Android, tap the Menu Button and then select the “New Broadcast” option. On the New Broadcast page, select all the people you want to add and then tap the green check mark.

在Android上,点击“菜单按钮”,然后选择“新广播”选项。 在“新建广播”页面上,选择要添加的所有人员,然后点击绿色的复选标记。


This adds the new Broadcast List to the top of the chat screen.



发送广播消息 (Sending Broadcast Messages)

To send a Broadcast, all you have to do is select the Broadcast List you want to use. It looks much like a normal group chat, but anything you send is received as a separate message by each person.

要发送广播,您要做的就是选择要使用的广播列表。 它看起来很像普通的群聊,但是您发送的任何内容都会作为单独的消息被每个人接收。


If one of the list recipients reply to your broadcast, their reply message goes only to you instead of to the whole group.


编辑广播列表 (Editing Broadcast Lists)

Editing broadcast lists also differs slightly, depending on whether you’re using an iPhone or Android phone.


在iPhone上 (On an iPhone)

Go to your Broadcasts List and tap the information icon (the “i” in the blue circle). The List Info page lets you give your list a name or edit the recipients.

转到您的广播列表,然后点击信息图标(蓝色圆圈中的“ i”)。 “列表信息”页面使您可以为列表命名或编辑收件人。


To delete a list, swipe it to the left, and then tap the “Delete” button.



在Android上 (On Android)

Select the Broadcast List from the Chat Screen, tap the menu button, and then select the “Broadcast List Info” option. On the list page, tap the “Edit” button (pen icon) to give your list a name or edit the recipients. Click the “Delete Broadcast List” option to delete your list.

从聊天屏幕中选择广播列表,点击菜单按钮,然后选择“广播列表信息”选项。 在列表页面上,点击“编辑”按钮(笔形图标)为您的列表命名或编辑收件人。 单击“删除广播列表”选项以删除您的列表。


Broadcast List are more useful than group chats in a number of situations. This is particularly true for times when you want to send information and don’t except a reply, or when you don’t need replies to be seen by all participants.

在许多情况下,广播列表比群聊更有用。 当您要发送信息且不希望有答复时,或者不需要所有参与者都看到答复时,尤其如此。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351055/how-to-message-lots-of-people-at-once-in-whatsapp-without-using-a-group-chat/