vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

vue app 重置

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

You were messing around with the settings for a Mac app, and now that app won’t load. Is there some way to reset the application, start fresh, and get things working properly again?

您正在弄乱Mac应用程序的设置,现在该应用程序无法加载。 有什么方法可以重置应用程序,重新启动并重新正常运行?

As to turns out, yes. Your Mac, for the most part, stores settings for your applications in the Library folder, and they’re easy enough to delete. The application will re-create them from scratch, with its original default settings intact. Here are two ways to clear those settings.

至于结果,是的。 在大多数情况下,您的Mac将应用程序的设置存储在Library文件夹中,它们很容易删除。 该应用程序将从头开始重新创建它们,并保留其原始默认设置。 这有两种清除这些设置的方法。

简单方法:使用AppCleaner (The Easy Way: Use AppCleaner)

AppCleaner is a simple free application that lets users completely uninstall any Mac app, without leaving files behind. It’s useful for that purpose, it’s a also quick way to remove all settings associated with a given application without uninstalling.

AppCleaner是一个简单的免费应用程序,它使用户可以完全卸载任何Mac应用程序,而不会留下文件。 这对于此目的很有用,也是一种无需卸载即可删除与给定应用程序关联的所有设置的快速方法。

First, head to the AppCleaner website and download the most recent version compatible with your version of macOS.


vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

The program comes in a ZIP file, which you can unzip by double-clicking. Install in the typical Mac fashion, by dragging the icon to your Applications folder.

该程序位于一个ZIP文件中,您可以通过双击将其解压缩。 通过将图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中,以典型的Mac方式进行安装。

Close the application you want to reset (we’ll use Twitter as an example), then open AppCleaner. Click the button at top-right to see your list of installed applications.

关闭要重置的应用程序(以Twitter为例),然后打开AppCleaner。 单击右上角的按钮以查看已安装的应用程序列表。

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

Find the program you want to delete settings for, by searching or scrolling. Click your application, and you’ll see a list of files to remove. Uncheck the application itself in this list–that way, AppCleaner will leave the app in place, but delete all its settings.

通过搜索或滚动找到要删除其设置的程序。 单击您的应用程序,您将看到要删除的文件列表。 取消选中此列表中的应用程序本身–这样,AppCleaner会将应用程序保留在原位,但删除其所有设置。

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

If you’re a confident power user, you can browse the list and make sure everything is related to your app. If not, don’t panic: AppCleaner is generally pretty good about only deleting things relevant to a specific app. Click “Remove” when ready, and everything will be sent to the Trash.

如果您是自信的高级用户,则可以浏览列表并确保所有内容都与您的应用相关。 如果没有,请不要惊慌:AppCleaner通常只删除与特定应用程序相关的内容就很好。 准备就绪后,单击“删除”,所有内容将发送到垃圾箱。

Fire up the application and you should see all settings restored to the default. This means that, if you were previously signed into an account, you’ll need to sign in again.

启动该应用程序,您应该看到所有设置都恢复为默认设置。 这意味着,如果您以前登录过帐户,则需要重新登录。

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

Hopefully whatever you won’t break things again, but we both know that’s not true. Power users break things; that’s just how it is, so you should keep AppCleaner handy.

希望无论您做什么都不会再次破坏事情,但是我们俩都知道那是不对的。 高级用户会破坏事物; 就是这样,因此您应该方便使用AppCleaner。

手动方式:搜索库文件夹 (The Manual Way: Search the Library Folder)

If you don’t want to install AppCleaner just for this purpose, or if AppCleaner is having trouble finding the right files, you can also do this manually.


First, close the program you want to reset. Then head to your Mac’s Library folder, and search for the application’s name. Do not use spaces, even if the app in question has a space in its name. Then narrow your search by clicking “Library” in the toolbar above the results.

首先,关闭要重置的程序。 然后转到Mac的Library文件夹 ,并搜索应用程序的名称。 即使有问题的应用程序名称中有空格,也不要使用空格。 然后,通过单击结果上方工具栏中的“库”来缩小搜索范围。

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

You’ll see a lot of results, most of them irrelevant. To narrow things down, I like to limit the results to folders. To do that, click the “+” icon below the search box, then set the second row to “Kind” is “Folder”. Like this:

您会看到很多结果,其中大多数都是不相关的。 为了缩小范围,我想将结果限制为文件夹。 为此,请单击搜索框下方的“ +”图标,然后将第二行设置为“种类”为“文件夹”。 像这样:

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

Now, seek out the folders that are relevant to your app. In our example, Twitter’s Mac app, the proper folders are named “com.twitter.twitter-mac”, but this will vary depending on the application you’re trying to clear out.

现在,找出与您的应用相关的文件夹。 在我们的示例中,Twitter的Mac应用程序,正确的文件夹名为“ com.twitter.twitter-mac”,但这取决于您要清除的应用程序而有所不同。

Figuring out which folders to delete can be a puzzle. Sometimes, the correct folders will follow a pattern: com, followed by the name of the company who makes the app, followed by the name of the app itself. But sometimes the folders will have straight-forward names, like “Firefox.” Use your best judgement, and try to avoid deleting folders that reference other applications. For example: the the above list, I didn’t delete the “TweetDeck” folder, because that’s another app entirely. You’re going to have to use similar judgement.

弄清楚要删除的文件夹可能是一个难题。 有时,正确的文件夹将遵循以下格式:com,后跟制作应用程序的公司的名称,然后是应用程序本身的名称。 但有时,这些文件夹会使用简单明了的名称,例如“ Firefox”。 使用最佳判断,并尝试避免删除引用其他应用程序的文件夹。 例如:上面的列表,我没有删除“ TweetDeck”文件夹,因为这完全是另一个应用程序。 您将不得不使用类似的判断。

When you’re sure you’ve found the correct folders, go ahead and delete them. Fire up the application and everything should be set to default again.

如果确定找到正确的文件夹,请继续删除它们。 启动该应用程序,所有内容都应再次设置为默认值。

vue app 重置_如何将任何Mac App重置为其默认设置

You are now free to break things again with your excessive tweaking, fellow crazy person. Enjoy!

现在,您可以*地通过过度的调整再次破坏事物,疯狂的同伴。 请享用!


vue app 重置