ue4oculus_Oculus Connect 4综述

ue4oculus_Oculus Connect 4综述


Oculus Connect, the flagship VR conference for Oculus from Facebook, took place on October 11-12 in San Jose. Engineers, designers, and creatives from around the world came together to push virtual reality forward, with Unity right alongside them.

Oculus Connect,来自Facebook的Oculus旗舰VR会议,于10月11日至12日在圣何塞举行。 来自世界各地的工程师,设计师和创意人员齐心协力,将Unity推向了虚拟现实的前沿。

主题演讲 (Keynote Announcements)

Among major announcements at the event were several exciting reveals of how Unity continues to drive VR forward on Oculus platforms.


新硬件:Oculus Go和Oculus Santa Cruz (New Hardware: Oculus Go and Oculus Santa Cruz)

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Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced a new goal of achieving one billion VR users, and several key announcements were made that will help them achieve that goal. Oculus Go is an all-in-one, 3DOF standalone headset with an orientation-tracked controller. As a binary-compatible Gear VR build target, Unity is thrilled that you can publish games straight from Unity on the Oculus Go out of the box. This super lightweight headset was designed for ease-of-use, comfort and accessibility. It also features built-in spatial audio to ensure users enjoy the complete experience, making the Oculus Go the easiest way to jump into VR.

Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布了实现10亿VR用户的新目标,并发布了几项重要公告,将帮助他们实现这一目标。 Oculus Go是一款具有方向跟踪控制器的多合一3DOF独立耳机。 作为与二进制兼容的Gear VR构建目标,Unity激动不已,您可以直接从Unity上的Oculus Go发布游戏。 这款超轻便的耳机旨在提供易用性,舒适性和可及性。 它还具有内置的空间音频,以确保用户享受完整的体验,从而使Oculus Go成为进入VR的最简单方法。

ue4oculus_Oculus Connect 4综述

The prototype Santa Cruz is an untethered 6DOF headset, allowing users to experience the freedom of positionally tracked VR without cables. The Santa Cruz controllers, built by the same team behind the Touch controllers, introduce four ultra-wide sensors to achieve a large controller tracking volume. This enables natural and unrestricted movement, making the immersion in the VR experience all that more believable.

圣克鲁斯(Santa Cruz)原型是一款不受限制的6DOF头戴式耳机,使用户无需电缆即可体验位置跟踪VR的*。 由Touch控制器背后的同一团队构建的Santa Cruz控制器引入了四个超宽传感器,以实现较大的控制器跟踪量。 这可以实现自然而不受限制的移动,让您更加沉浸在VR体验中。

For more info on both the Oculus Go and the Santa Cruz prototype, check out the blog here.

有关Oculus Go和Santa Cruz原型的更多信息,请访问此处的博客。

新软件:Multiview和Rift Core 2.0 (New Software: Multiview and Rift Core 2.0)

ue4oculus_Oculus Connect 4综述

Multiview (also known as stereo instancing or single-pass instanced rendering) is an exciting advancement that optimizes performance for stereo images, freeing up overhead on mobile, and increasing draw call performance up to 40% on the API side. After years in development with companies across the industry – including Unity – this is now ready for primetime. Multiview gives you more room for creative and complex content in your experiences.

多视图(也称为立体声实例化或单遍实例渲染)是一项令人兴奋的进步,它可以优化立体声图像的性能,释放移动设备的开销,并将API端的绘图调用性能提高多达40%。 经过与包括Unity在内的行业内公司的多年发展,现在已经准备就绪。 多视图为您的体验提供了更多创造空间和复杂内容的空间。

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Rift Core 2.0 introduced Rift’s biggest software update yet. One key system is Dash, a new user interface that’s instantly accessible anywhere in VR. It also enables full desktop access, for a traditional computer monitor with nearly unlimited VR screenspace. That means you can launch and use Unity without leaving VR!

Rift Core 2.0引入了Rift迄今为止最大的软件更新。 Dash是一个关键系统,Dash是一个新的用户界面,可以在VR中的任何位置立即访问。 它还为具有几乎无限VR屏幕空间的传统计算机显示器提供了完全的桌面访问权限。 这意味着您无需离开VR就可以启动和使用Unity!

Did you miss it? Watch the keynote here!

你想念吗? 在这里观看主题演讲!

在Oculus Connect 4上使用Unity制作 (Made with Unity at Oculus Connect 4)

  • Developer Camouflaj announced that République is coming to Gear VR

    开发商Camouflaj宣布*即将加入Gear VR

  • Brian Howell, head of developer strategy of applications at Oculus, and Maureen Fan, founder of Baobab Studios, shared insights on VR game development in a fireside chat, discussing the state of VR and what the future holds. Baobab also announced the full, commercial release of Asteroids, launching on mobile VR on Christmas Day.

    Oculus应用程序开发人员战略负责人Brian Howell和Baobab Studios创始人Maureen Fan在炉边聊天中分享了关于VR游戏开发的见解,讨论了VR的现状以及未来的发展。 猴面包树还宣布了小行星的完整商业版本,并于圣诞节在移动VR上发布。

  • Developer Psytec Games announced Windlands 2 for Oculus Rift

    开发商Psytec Games宣布推出适用于Oculus Rift的Windlands 2

  • In a “Shooters and Strategy” session, Trevor Blom, lead developer at Vertigo (Arizona Sunshine and Skyworld), shared his team’s experiences developing their games, including the Unity tools and tricks they used to make their titles available on various VR and hardware platforms.

    在“枪手和战略”会议上,Vertigo( 亚利桑那州阳光天空世界 )的首席开发人员Trevor Blom分享了他的团队开发游戏的经验,包括Unity工具和他们用来在各种VR和硬件平台上提供其作品的技巧。 。

  • While fewer than 250 people have visited the International Space Station ISS, thousands have  enjoyed the Mission:ISS experience courtesy of VR. A panel of experts, some who’ve been to space and others who brought Mission:ISS to life, discussed how the experience was made and what’s possible when you dare to imagine.

    虽然只有不到250人参观了国际空间站ISS ,但数千人都享受了VR提供的Mission:ISS体验。 一个专家小组,其中一些曾经去过太空,而另一些则使Mission:ISS栩栩如生,他们讨论了这种体验是如何产生的,以及当您敢于想象时可能发生的事情。

  • Luna by Funomena and Transference by Ubisoft were playable on the show floor, bringing their innovation and creativity directly to attendees through hands-on experiences.


是什么让VR更具粘性:数据驱动的设计和操作学习 (What Makes VR Sticky: Data-Driven Design and Operation Learnings)


John Cheng, the general manager of Unity Analytics, presented his initial findings in this session. Among the key takeaways are:

Unity Analytics总经理John Cheng在本次会议上介绍了他的初步发现。 关键要点包括:

  • Unity powers two-thirds of VR experiences in the world.

  • Unity has identified 12M VR app installs from 4K VR apps across 5M VR devices in 2017.

    Unity已在2017年从5M VR设备的4K VR应用程序中识别出1200万个VR应用程序安装。
  • Representing 67% of total global VR installs, Mobile VR is growing faster towards mobile than PC/Console VR. Developers will need to prepare for the upcoming F2P monetization model and focus more on user retention.

    移动VR占全球VR总安装量的67%,其向移动设备的增长速度超过了PC / Console VR。 开发人员将需要为即将到来的F2P货币化模型做准备,并更多地关注用户保留。
  • The VR market shows every unique install and engagement patterns in different regions and on different platforms. Oculus tops in both daily time spent and day-one retention metrics.

    VR市场显示了不同地区和不同平台上的每种独特的安装和参与模式。 Oculus在每日花费的时间和第一天的保留指标上均名列前茅。
  • The VR user market is evolving. In the PC/Console VR market, more new users (283K) are emerging as the barrier to entry has been lowered. Developers will need to segment users based on their experience life cycles.  For example, they will need to provide existing users with  refreshed experiences and new users  with smooth onboarding experiences.

    VR用户市场在不断发展。 在PC /控制台VR市场中,随着进入门槛的降低,越来越多的新用户(283K)涌现。 开发人员将需要根据他们的体验生命周期对用户进行细分。 例如,他们将需要为现有用户提供刷新的体验,为新用户提供流畅的入门体验。
  • Finally, Unity’s Rambod Kermanizadeh walked us through the Firewatch demo, which illustrates how developers can use the Unity Analytics toolkit to collect data, analyze user behavior, and adapt their experiences for different types of VR audiences and users.

    最后,Unity的Rambod Kermanizadeh引导我们完成了Firewatch演示,该演示演示了开发人员如何使用Unity Analytics工具包来收集数据,分析用户行为以及使他们的体验适应不同类型的VR受众和用户。

ue4oculus_Oculus Connect 4综述

这是一个包装! (That’s a wrap!)

Learn more about Unity’s exciting new features in the Oculus Core 2 beta, launching in December 2017.

在2017年12月发布的Oculus Core 2 beta中了解有关Unity令人兴奋的新功能的更多信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/10/25/oculus-connect-4-roundup/
