


Video call and video conference software allows online messages for voice meetings, video conferences, and discussion groups, which includes features such as converse, screen division, and video recording. These apps are realized to enable long-distance calls or international messages, enhance teamwork, and lessen travel costs. Workers at every stage within a group can use video conferencing applications to the multitude or attend effective meetings with beneficiary employees.

视频通话和视频会议软件允许用于语音会议,视频会议和讨论组的在线消息,其中包括对话,屏幕分割和视频录制等功能。 这些应用程序的实现可实现长途电话或国际消息,增强团队合作并降低差旅成本。 小组中每个阶段的员工都可以使用视频会议应用程序进行众多会议,或参加与受益员工的有效会议。

Premium Video call is no normal video conferencing platform. It’s a make unclear based modern technology that homes a full range of up to date conferencing apparatus. In Premium Video call approach with getaway sessions, which you can control to come apart from your spectators for instance customers or workers into lesser groups for online workshop training, specific matter or online class planning.

高级视频通话不是正常的视频会议平台。 这是一个基于不清楚的现代技术,可以容纳各种最新的会议设备。 在带有逍遥游的高级视频通话方法中,您可以控制与观众或观众等旁观者的互动,将他们分成较小的组,以进行在线讲习班培训,特定问题或在线课程规划。

多点视频会议 (Multi-point Video Conferencing)

The mentioned above three places can be either centralized or decentralized. To perform a multi-point meeting with three or more isolated locations, in several cases a software or hardware connection communicates the endpoints, close to a voice conference call. A multi-point connection, multi-point management unit or multipoint meeting unit, either on a far-off server or implanted in the video discussion system, ties the place together.

上面提到的三个地方可以集中也可以分散。 为了在三个或更多个隔离的位置执行多点会议,在某些情况下,软件或硬件连接会在语音会议呼叫附近通信端点。 远程服务器上或植入视频讨论系统中的多点连接,多点管理单元或多点会议单元将地点联系在一起。

为什么免费视频通话是企业家会议的理想视频会议工具? (Why is a Free Video Call is an Ideal Video Conferencing Tool for Entrepreneur Meetings?)

Despite all the several advantages, video conferencing is not avoiding its problem. Let’s converse a few cases: Some of that problem can be compensated by simple actions such as appearing directly into the camera or responsibility irregular hand gestures to show concern and anticipation. To avoid this situation, the executive needs to examine their subordinates and ensure they care for video conferences just as acutely as a regular conference.

尽管具有所有这些优点,但视频会议仍无法避免其问题。 让我们来谈谈一些情况:通过简单的动作(例如直接出现在相机中或责任不规则的手势来表示关注和期待),可以弥补其中的一些问题。 为了避免这种情况,执行人员需要检查下属,并确保他们像常规会议一样认真地照顾视频会议。

Companies as well need to set limitations in regards to when workers can be speaking outside their working time. Now that we’ve analyzed the advantage and disadvantages of video conferencing, you can build a good decision about using it in your instruction, career, or other parts.

公司还需要对何时可以在工作时间以外发言的时间设置限制。 现在,我们已经分析了视频会议的利弊,您可以就在教学,职业生涯或其他方面使用视频会议做出一个明智的决定。

一些流行的基于SaaS的视频会议平台的列表 ( List of Some popular SaaS-based Video conferencing Platform)

1.缩放 (1. Zoom)

Zoom is the organizer in modern project video connections, with a simple, consistent cloud raised area for audio and video conferencing, make conversation, and online seminar


2. Skype (2. Skype)

Skype is remarkable. Someone can get down it, and you can utilize it to have a chat face to face or make a usual audio call. It’s simple to use, and most excellent of all, it’s free of charge.

Skype非常出色。 有人可以接受它,您可以利用它进行面对面的聊天或进行普通的音频通话。 它使用简单,而且最重要的是,它是免费的。

3.挖角 (3. Gotomeeting)

The GoToMeeting smartphone app provides you the convenience and consistency you need to get your effort with you on the street and across the world.


4. BlueJeans (4. BlueJeans)

BlueJeans set-up is a business that gives an interoperable shade support video call conferencing service that joins contestants across a wide variety of devices and conferencing areas.

BlueJeans设置是一家提供可互操作的阴影支持视频呼叫会议服务的公司 ,该服务可将参加者跨多种设备和会议区域加入。

免费视频通话与高级视频通话应用程序 (Free Video calling vs Premium Video Calling Apps)

A conversation on whether the free application is improved enough or you must advance to a rewarded best arrangement has been stable for as wide-ranging as the system has been around. In truth, some industries already surround their entire root by just using add-ons with Skype. However, if you’re usual trade method is being belated by the protected facility.

关于免费应用程序是否已得到充分改进或您必须晋升为最佳的最佳安排的讨论一直稳定,与系统存在的范围一样广泛。 实际上,某些行业已经通过使用Skype附加组件将其整个根基包围了。 但是,如果通常情况下,受保护的设施将使贸易方法迟来。

We recognize that small industries want to utilize the greatest tools that will find the work done correctly but can’t afford a maximum subscription plan, that’s why we’ve come up with some of the best free video call conferencing solutions that you can select from. If u have any doubt to check this link

我们认识到,小型行业希望利用最强大的工具来找到正确完成的工作,但无法负担最大的订阅计划,这就是为什么我们提出了一些最好的免费视频会议解决方案的原因,您可以从中选择。 如果您有任何疑问,请检查此链接

SaaS与SaaP视频会议软件的区别 (SaaS vs SaaP Video Conferencing Software Difference)


SaaS Provider

SaaP Provider

100% Customization

No Yes

Hosting Possibilities

On Cloud On Cloud/On Premises


Limited Un Limited


Monthly Payment Onetime Cost

Hire Team

No Yes

End to End Security

Yes Yes (Customization)







在云端 在云端/在本地


有限 联合国有限公司


每月支付 一次性费用





视频电话会议的一些好处 (Some Benefits of the Video conference call)

At a time, voice conferencing was one of the best creative technological companies in the U.S.


With the use of some buttons, the customer could speak with team components quickly and simply. Although voice conferencing may have once appeared convenient, here were still a few mistakes that had to be accepted for the sake of receiving through the conference.

使用某些按钮,客户可以快速,简单地与团队成员交流。 尽管语音会议可能曾经看起来很方便,但是为了通过会议进行接收,这里仍然存在一些错误,必须接受。

  • 提高生产力 (Increased productivity )

    — Most every person has qualified the unlimited conference video call from hell.


    Video conferencing mostly reduces those problems, even in huge group calls.视频会议可以最大程度地减少这些问题,即使是在大型群组通话中也是如此。
  • 视觉辅助 (Visual aids)

    — while audio call conferencing can still save populace time and avoid the cost of travel, video conferencing offers the advantage of visual aids.


  • 改善沟通 (Improved communication)

    — Video conferencing reinstate lots of visual cues that are needed in long-distance messages. Non-verbal messages constitute two-thirds of messages between people.

    视频会议恢复了长途消息中所需的大量视觉提示。 非语言信息构成人与人之间信息的三分之二。

  • 会议品质 (Conferencing quality)

    — All of the advantages and disadvantages of video call conferencing depend on system quality. An early description of video call conferencing had not level clarity of the voice call and video transmit.

    —视频会议的所有优点和缺点都取决于系统质量。 对视频呼叫会议的早期描述不能使语音呼叫和视频传输的层次清晰。

  • 错误更少 (Fewer errors )

    — Video conferences can as well support eliminating the miscommunication that regularly occurs during the replacement of ideas between team parts.


有两种主要协议可帮助进行语音,视频呼叫和会议。 (There are Two Major Protocols That Helps To Make Voice, Video Calling and Conferencing.)

1. Websocket (1. Websocket)

The WebSocket protocol, explained in the condition provides a method to replace data between web-browser and server using a persistent link. The information can be approved in both guidelines as packets, with no breaking the link and other HTTP requirements.

该条件中说明的WebSocket协议提供了一种使用持久链接在Web浏览器和服务器之间替换数据的方法。 可以在两个准则中以分组的形式批准该信息,而不会破坏链接和其他HTTP要求。

2. WebRTC (2. WebRTC)


WebRTC is an HTML requirement that you can utilize to include real-time multimedia communications directly with one browser and plans.


WebRTC is the significant act for streaming of broadcasting content from one client-server to any more.


3.信令 (3. Signaling)


The function of converse with the situation is realized through a quantity of way that receives and develops signals, not just from the exterior environment but as well from various regions surrounded by the cell.


4. STUN服务器 (4. STUN Server)


The STUN server allows customers to find out their open IP address, NAT category, and the network-facing port linked by the NAT tool with a particularly limited port. This detail is used to arrange a UDP message session among the customer and the VoIP source to set up a call.

STUN服务器允许客户找出他们的开放IP地址,NAT类别以及由NAT工具链接的具有特定端口的面向网络的端口。 此详细信息用于安排客户和VoIP源之间的UDP消息会话以建立呼叫。

5. TURN服务器 (5. TURN Server)


Once you enclose a TURN server offered online, all you require is the exact RTC design for your client's purpose to utilize it. There is now some decision for TURN servers accessible online; both as a self-organized app like the public domain COTURN development and as cloud afford services.

一旦封装了在线提供的TURN服务器,您所需要的就是针对客户使用目的的精确RTC设计。 现在已经决定可以在线访问TURN服务器。 无论是像公共领域COTURN开发这样的自组织应用程序,还是云提供服务。

视频会议平台支持多个行业 (Video Conferencing Platform Supports Multiple Industries)

1.在线教育 (1. Online education)

Online education is a variable instructional rescue system that includes any type of education that takes place using the network.


2.医疗保健 (2. Healthcare)

Healthcare is a large, compound industry with a detailed definition: populace in this countryside work to support people to get well and stay in that mode.


3.公司 (3. Corporate)

A corporation is an authorized unit that is divided and separated from its holder. The business enjoys most of the human rights and tasks those individuals own.

公司是与持有人分开并分开的授权单位。 该企业享有个人所拥有的大部分*和任务。

4.* (4. Government)

The general individual can define administration as the cause of all iniquity. The thing concerning government is that refusal one end to think regarding how government comes about.

一般个人可以将管理定义为所有罪孽的原因。 关于*的事情是拒绝思考*如何产生。

为什么选择高级视频聊天解决方案? (Why Choose a Premium Video Chat Solution?)

Premium is a video conferring solution application that’s in use around the globe by storm; however, it’s only from many. Whether you’re worried about Premium details to retreat and protection problems, or you now desire the best video call solution for not many people, here are several options. This video call app has extensively been well-liked due to its wide ease of use and easy to use for one to one message and small group conversation.

Premium是一个视频会议解决方案应用程序,在全球范围内受到了极大的欢迎。 但是,它只是来自许多。 无论您是担心退缩和保护问题的高级细节,还是现在希望为很少的人提供最佳的视频通话解决方案,以下是几种选择。 这个视频通话应用程序因其广泛的易用性和易于使用的一对一消息和小组对话而广受欢迎。

基于SaaP的前四大视频会议平台列表 (List of Top Four SaaP-based Video Conferencing Platforms)

1. MirrorFly (1. MirrorFly )

Build a real-time video call app for ios & android, network through Mirrorfly’s solution that gathers any of your industry.


2. Apphitect (2. Apphitect )

Improved truth, a technology with a matchless possibility in driving customer engagement was our indication in the creation of our looking into customer knowledge redefining mobile app growth.


3. Cometchat (3. Cometchat)

Fast build a trustworthy and full facility chat occurrence into every mobile or network app. Our converse SDKs and API are made exclusively to support your transport faster and to be entirely flexible.

快速在每个移动或网络应用程序中构建值得信赖的功能齐全的聊天室。 我们的逆向SDK和API专为更快,更灵活地支持您的运输而设计。

4. 圆锥飞 (4. Contus fly)

With our messaging SDK, build futuristic features and balance up from two customers to millions with no lineup messages. Develop video call applications for your entire team collaboration, personal, group and communal converse rooms.

使用我们的消息传递SDK,构建未来派功能并在没有排队消息的情况下使两个客户平衡到数百万个客户。 为整个团队的协作,个人,团体和公共交谈室开发视频通话应用程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

Video call conference software allows teams to work together, connect global employees and enables effective working culture. Choose an enterprise video conferencing solution to multiply your team productivity and collaboration effectively.

视频电话会议软件使团队可以一起工作,联系全球员工,并建立有效的工作文化。 选择企业视频会议解决方案,以有效地提高团队生产力和协作能力。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/498342/
