android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

android wi-fi

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Starting with Android 10, phones running Google’s mobile OS can share Wi-Fi passwords between handsets using a QR code. All the recipient has to do is open the default camera app on their iPhone or Android device to scan the code and instantly connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Android 10开始,运行Google移动操作系统的手机可以使用QR码在手机之间共享Wi-Fi密码 。 收件人所要做的就是在iPhone或Android设备上打开默认的相机应用程序以扫描代码并立即连接到Wi-Fi网络。

When you’re ready to grant access to your Wi-Fi network, navigating to your handset’s Settings menu. The easiest way to do this is by swiping down from the top of the device’s screen to show the Quick Settings menu. From there, tap on the Gear icon to open the Settings menu.

当您准备授予对Wi-Fi网络的访问权限时,请导航至手机的“设置”菜单。 最简单的方法是从设备屏幕顶部向下滑动以显示“快速设置”菜单。 从那里,点击齿轮图标以打开设置菜单。

As each Android smartphone is slightly different, you might need to swipe down a second time to locate the Gear icon.


android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

Alternatively, you can swipe up from the bottom edge of your phone to access the App Drawer. Here, you can locate and open the “Settings” app.

或者,您可以从手机的底部边缘向上滑动以访问App Drawer。 在这里,您可以找到并打开“设置”应用。

Next, select the “Connections,” “Network & Internet,” or similar option. Again, this menu name might differ depending on the manufacture of your Android handset.

接下来,选择“连接”,“网络和Internet”或类似选项。 同样,此菜单名称可能会因Android手机的制造商而异。

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

Now, tap on the “Wi-Fi” listing from the top of the menu.

现在,点击菜单顶部的“ Wi-Fi”列表。

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

Make sure that you’re connected to the Wi-Fi network that you want to share with others and then either select the network name (SSID) or the corresponding Gear icon.


android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

You’re now in the Advanced Settings menu for the given network. Tap on the “QR Code” or “Share” button. No matter what your smartphone calls the button, it should be represented with a QR code icon.

您现在位于给定网络的“高级设置”菜单中。 点击“ QR Code”或“ Share”按钮。 无论您的智能手机叫什么按钮,都应以QR码图标表示。

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

Note: Some OEMs might require you to input your screen lock password/PIN/pattern/biometrics before it displays a code.

注意:某些OEM可能会要求您在显示代码之前输入屏幕锁定密码/ PIN /图案/生物特征。

Your Android handset will now generate and show a QR code. Have your guests open the default camera app on their Android smartphone or iPhone and scan the code. A message might pop up, asking if they want to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

您的Android手机现在将生成并显示QR码。 让您的客人在其Android智能手机或iPhone上打开默认的相机应用程序,然后扫描代码。 可能会弹出一条消息,询问他们是否要连接到Wi-Fi网络。

android wi-fi_如何从Android到任何智能手机共享Wi-Fi密码

Devices that are running Android 10 and later also have an option within the phone’s Wi-Fi Settings menu to scan a QR code.

运行Android 10及更高版本的设备在手机的“ Wi-Fi设置”菜单中也可以选择扫描QR码。


android wi-fi