如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

Thanks to a new iOS 10 feature, you can now install extensions for Apple Maps that let do things like reserve a table or get a ride without ever leaving the map. Here’s how it works.

借助iOS 10的新功能,您现在可以安装Apple Maps扩展程序,从而无需离开地图就可以进行诸如预订桌子或乘车之类的事情。 运作方式如下。

iOS 10 brought a lot of interesting new features, but arguably none as powerful as opening up some aspects of the platform to third-party developers. All the new iMessage apps are the standout example, but Apple has also opened up their Maps app to developers, giving you clever new options for interacting with locations and services all from within Maps.

iOS 10带来了许多有趣的新功能,但可以说没有功能比向第三方开发人员开放该平台的某些功能强大。 所有新的iMessage应用程序都是杰出的例子,但是Apple还向开发人员开放了他们的Maps应用程序,为您提供了巧妙的新选项,可以与Maps中的位置和服务进行交互。

如何启用Apple Maps Extensions (How to Enable Apple Maps Extensions)

Map extensions don’t get their own store the way iMessage apps do. Instead, you’ll need to install the extension’s actual app from the iOS App Store. Right now, there are only a handful, but they do include the big services you’d expect to see: Yelp, OpenTable, Lyft, Uber, and a few others. To use an app that supports Maps extensions, you’ll need to install the app first.

地图扩展程序无法像iMessage应用程序那样独立存储。 相反,您需要从iOS App Store安装扩展程序的实际应用程序。 现在,只有少数几个,但它们确实包括您期望看到的大型服务: YelpOpenTableLyftUber以及其他一些服务。 要使用支持Maps扩展的应用,您需要先安装该应用。

After installing one of those apps, you’ll have to turn the extension(s) you want to use on. Head to your Settings app, scroll down a bit, and tap the “Maps” option.

安装其中一个应用程序后,您必须打开要使用的扩展程序。 转到“设置”应用,向下滚动一点,然后点击“地图”选项。

如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

On the Maps settings, scroll down until you see the “Extensions” section and then turn on each extension you want to use in your Maps app.


如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

If you don’t see an “Extensions” section, it means you don’t have any apps that support them. If you do have apps installed that you think should support extensions, try updating those apps to the latest versions and then see if they appear in Settings.

如果您没有看到“扩展程序”部分,则表明您没有任何支持它们的应用程序。 如果确实安装了您认为应该支持扩展的应用程序,请尝试将这些应用程序更新为最新版本,然后查看它们是否显示在“设置”中。

如何使用Apple Maps Extensions (How to Use Apple Maps Extensions)

After enabling Maps extensions, using them is pretty straightforward. We’re going to look at a basic restaurant search here, but the process is the same if you’re trying to score a ride or anything else.

启用Maps扩展后,使用它们非常简单。 我们将在这里查看基本的餐馆搜索,但是如果您想获得乘车分数或其他任何东西,则过程是相同的。

In the Maps app, tap the search box.


如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

Type what you want to search for and then tap the result you’re after.


如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

The location is shown on the map as always, and card at the bottom of the map give you access to whatever functionality your extensions provide. Since we searched for a restaurant, we have the option of making reservations through OpenTable. Tap the button for whatever you want to do.

该位置将一如既往地显示在地图上,并且在地图底部的卡片可让您访问扩展程序提供的所有功能。 由于我们搜索的是餐厅,因此我们可以选择通过OpenTable进行预订。 点击按钮即可执行任何操作。

如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

And a card opens that lets you fully interact with the service without ever leaving the Maps app.


如何在iOS 10中启用和使用Apple Maps Extensions

Right now, there’s not a whole lot you can do other than these use these common services. But we expect that over time, other developers will come up with clever ways to integrate with the Maps app, as well.

目前,除了使用这些通用服务之外,您无能为力。 但是我们希望随着时间的推移,其他开发人员也会想出一些巧妙的方法来与Maps应用程序集成。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/274476/how-to-enable-and-use-apple-maps-extensions-in-ios-10/