中国现Smartisan OS

“已经算得上**了的40岁再创业者罗永浩,去年四月宣布创立Smartisan 有限公司研发智能手机操作系统,并说它将以其革新性的用户体验羞辱 中国现Smartisan OS所有的制造商。失守他十二月份目标的承诺之后,罗永浩最终于上周踏上了北京的舞台,花了满满三个多小时时间,讲述了其 Smartisan OS背后 的心路历程。”图标还算好看,交互方式也还不错。但称之为“操作系统”,离它的突破点恐怕太远了。

中国现Smartisan OS 

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英文原文: Smartisan OS unveiled in China
posted by Thom Holwerda         on Tue 2nd Apr 2013 18:34 UTC
"Already a bit of a legend in China, the 40-year-old serial entrepreneur announced last April that he had formed Smartisan Co., Ltd. to work on a smartphone OS, and that it would shame all manufacturers with its revolutionary user experience. Having missed the December target that he promised, Luo eventually took the stage in Beijing last week to spend well over three - yes, three - hours going through the thought process behind his Smartisan OS, so bear with us here." The icons are nice, and there's certainly some nice touches in there, but calling this an 'operating system' is stretching the definition beyond its breaking point.
