



Upgrading your laptop’s hard drive is a great way to get some extra life out of an old machine (or resurrect a dead one). Read on as we walk you through the prep work, the installation, and the followup.

升级笔记本电脑的硬盘驱动器是从旧机器(或恢复死机)中获得更多使用寿命的好方法。 在我们逐步完成准备工作,安装和后续操作时,请继续阅读。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

The most obvious reason you want to upgrade your laptop hard drive is because the old one is dying (or has already died). That’s exactly where we found ourselves, with a dying hard drive throwing up errors left and right, and why we promptly upgraded the drive in our work laptop.

您要升级笔记本电脑硬盘的最明显原因是旧的硬盘快要死了(或已经死了)。 那就是我们发现自己的地方,一个快要死了的硬盘驱动器向左和向右抛出错误,以及为什么我们立即在工作笔记本电脑中升级了该驱动器。

Aside from the obvious replacing-the-dying-drive scenario, there is the upgrading-to-an-SSD scenario. SSD prices have been falling for years and it’s now really economical to replace the budget drive that came in your laptop with a radically faster and pretty cheap SSD. For this tutorial we picked up a 250GB SSD for under $100, no coupons, bargain shopping, or sales necessary.  (Before you run out and buy a drive this second, however, do read ahead to the drive-selection section of the tutorial for some tips on ensuring you get the right drive for your laptop.)

除了明显的“即将死机”方案外,还有“升级到SSD”方案。 SSD的价格已经下降了多年,现在用一种更快,更便宜的SSD取代笔记本电脑中的预算驱动器,现在确实很经济。 在本教程中,我们以低于$ 100的价格购买250GB SSD ,无需优惠券,讨价还价或销售。 (但是,在此之前用完硬盘并购买驱动器之前,请务必先阅读本教程的驱动器选择部分,以获取有关确保为笔记本电脑获得正确驱动器的一些提示。)

While solid state drives improve any computer experience (we use them as primary/operating system disks in all our desktop machines too) they’re a match made in heaven for laptops: they’re silent, give off very little heat, consume very little power, and are very shock resistant all thanks to the lack of mechanical guts and moving parts. Further, they radically reduce your boot time and, in the process, give older laptops a much needed boost. Unless you have a very pressing need to use a mechanical drive in your laptop (e.g. you need a lot of local storage and only have one drive bay) there’s no reason not to upgrade to an SSD.

尽管固态驱动器可以改善任何计算机体验(我们在所有台式机中也将它们用作主要/操作系统磁盘),但它们却是笔记本电脑的绝配:它们无声,发热量极少,消耗很少由于没有机械胆量和活动部件,因此具有很高的抗冲击能力。 此外,它们从根本上减少了您的启动时间,并且在此过程中为旧笔记本电脑提供了急需的增强功能。 除非您迫切需要在笔记本电脑中使用机械驱动器(例如,您需要大量本地存储并且只有一个驱动器托架),否则没有理由不升级到SSD。

Now, before we proceed, let’s highlight one obvious thing: swapping out your laptop drive is not difficult and for veteran computer hobbyists who have been building computers their entire lives the rest of our guide is going to be a bit overkill in the guidance and explanation department. At its most basic a laptop HDD upgrade is simply: open back panel, pull old drive, stick new drive in, boot and install OS and you’re done. But there’s a bunch of little details that we (and the veteran computer hobbyists reading this) have learned the hard way over years of tinkering.

现在,在我们继续之前,让我们重点介绍一件显而易见的事情:更换笔记本电脑驱动器并不困难,对于一生都在建造计算机的资深计算机爱好者来说,本指南的其余部分在指导和解释中会有些过大。部门。 笔记本电脑HDD的升级最简单的方法是:打开后面板,拉出旧驱动器,插入新驱动器,启动并安装操作系统,就完成了。 但是,有很多小细节,我们(和资深的计算机爱好者阅读)在经过多年的修补后已经学会了艰难的方法。

For those of you attempting your first upgrade we’ll distill all those oops, errors, and hair pulling moments into a detailed walk through that ensures your blood pressure stays stable and no hair is pulled out.


准备交换驱动器 (Preparing To Swap The Drive)

If your hard drive is absolutely dead with no chance of data recovery possible, you can actually skip this entire section as the following tips and tricks are all for readers that have some data to recover or back up. If your drive is dead you can hop right into the next section and read all about selecting and installing the new one. The rest of this section assumes either that your current drive is in fully operating condition or that it is experiencing errors but has not completely failed.

如果您的硬盘驱动器已完全耗尽而无法进行数据恢复,则实际上可以跳过此部分,因为以下提示和技巧仅适用于具有一些要恢复或备份数据的读者。 如果驱动器已损坏,则可以跳至下一部分,并阅读有关选择和安装新驱动器的全部信息。 本节的其余部分假定您当前的驱动器处于完全运行状态,或者遇到错误,但还没有完全失效。

克隆原始驱动器 (Cloning Your Original Drive)

If your laptop is currently in good operating condition but you’d just like to upgrade to a new SSD then the most hassle-free option around is to clone the existing drive to the new drive and then swap them out. The short of it is that you take your brand new drive, tether it to your laptop with a special USB to SATA cable, and make a perfect 1:1 copy of the old drive to the new drive.

如果您的笔记本电脑当前处于良好的运行状态,但是您只想升级到新的SSD,那么最轻松的选择就是将现有驱动器克隆到新驱动器上,然后将它们换出。 简而言之,就是您将全新的驱动器拿来,用专用的USB到SATA电缆将其拴在笔记本电脑上,然后将旧驱动器完美地1:1复制到新驱动器。


We’ve used this technique on many desktops and laptops over they years with great success. It’s a really low-stress way to upgrade as you keep your OS, all your files, and other than the time it takes to clone the disk and put the new disk in you have no down time.

多年来,我们已经在许多台式机和笔记本电脑上使用了这项技术,并取得了巨大的成功。 在保留操作系统,所有文件以及克隆磁盘并将新磁盘放入新磁盘所需的时间之外,这是一种真正的低压力升级方法。

You can check out our detailed guide to the process here: How to Upgrade Your Existing Hard Drive in Under an Hour.


备份原始驱动器 (Backing Up Your Original Drive)

Even if you have every intention of starting fresh with a clean install of your current operating system or an upgrade to a newer operating system, we strongly recommend backing up your original drive. This step is especially important if the drive you’re replacing is experiencing errors; you want to capture a perfect copy of the data now so that you can recover as much of it as possible before the drive dies.

即使您打算从全新安装当前操作系统或升级到新版本的操作系统中重新开始,我们也强烈建议备份原始驱动器。 如果要更换的驱动器出现错误,则此步骤特别重要。 您现在要捕获数据的完美副本,以便可以在驱动器死机之前恢复尽可能多的数据。

This backup should include both a backup of your files and a backup of the entire disk. In most instances it is sufficient to simply copy all your important files (like the contents of My Documents and other data storage folders) to a flash drive or removable hard drive. This way you have a simple and easy-to-access file backup.

此备份应包括文件的备份和整个磁盘的备份。 在大多数情况下,只需将所有重要文件(例​​如“我的文档”和其他数据存储文件夹的内容)复制到闪存驱动器或可移动硬盘中就足够了。 这样,您可以进行简单且易于访问的文件备份。

The second component should be backing up the entire hard drive. We highly recommend using Macrium Reflect. Not only is it a free tool but you can easily mount the whole disk image as a drive to look for files you may have forgot to include in your personal file backup. You can read about performing a disk image in our tutorial How to Create an Image of your PC before Upgrading to Windows 10 (it doesn’t matter if you’re not upgrading to Windows 10, the process of creating the image is valid for any operating system and any version). If you later find you need to retrieve a file from that image, check out How to Mount a Macrium Reflect Backup Image to Retrieve Files.

第二个组件应该是备份整个硬盘驱动器。 我们强烈建议您使用Macrium Reflect。 它不仅是一个免费工具,而且可以轻松地将整个磁盘映像挂载为驱动器,以查找您可能忘记包含在个人文件备份中的文件。 您可以在我们的教程“如何在升级到Windows 10之前创建PC的映像”中阅读有关执行磁盘映像的信息(如果您不升级到Windows 10则无所谓,创建映像的过程对任何人都有效操作系统和任何版本)。 如果以后发现需要从该映像中检索文件,请查看如何安装Macrium Reflect备份映像以检索文件

选择新驱动器 (Selecting The New Drive)

Once you’ve properly backed up and imaged your disk (or if the poor old disk was so dead that wasn’t a necessary step) the next step is selecting your drive. While you might have assumed this section of the tutorial would talk about drive storage size that component of the process is completely at your discretion based on how much space you need. All we have to say about drive sizes is that given the falling price of SSD models we’d recommend against buying anything smaller than a 120GB drive and encourage you to aim more for the 250GB mark or bigger (once you have your operating system and all your apps installed, 120GB is pretty cramped these days).

一旦正确备份并镜像了磁盘(或者可怜的旧磁盘已经死了,这不是必需的步骤),下一步就是选择驱动器。 虽然您可能已经假定本节的内容将讨论驱动器的存储大小,但该过程的组成部分完全取决于您需要的空间,完全由您决定。 关于驱动器大小,我们要说的是,鉴于SSD型号的价格不断下降,我们建议您不要购买小于120GB的驱动器,并鼓励您将目标定为250GB或更大(一旦拥有操作系统,并且所有您安装的应用,这些天120GB的存储空间非常有限。

The really important consideration in drive selection isn’t the storage size but the physical size. First there is the footprint of the drive: laptops use 2.5″ drives and not the larger 3.5″ drives found in desktop computers. (It’s worth noting that solid state drives in general are 2.5″ so even when you use them in a desktop machine you use a bracket adapter to size them up). So that’s the first consideration: you need to buy a 2.5″ form factor drive.

选择驱动器时,真正重要的考虑因素不是存储大小,而是物理大小。 首先是驱动器的占用空间:笔记本电脑使用2.5英寸驱动器,而不是台式计算机中使用的较大的3.5英寸驱动器。 (值得注意的是,固态驱动器通常为2.5英寸,因此即使在台式机中使用固态驱动器,也要使用托架适配器来调整它们的大小)。 因此,这是第一个考虑因素:您需要购买2.5英寸外形驱动器。


The other consideration, and one less obvious than the 3.5″ vs. 2.5″ form factor distinction, is the thickness of the drive. 2.5″ form factor drives come in three thicknesses: 12.5mm, 9.5 mm, and 7 mm. The 12.5 mm thick drives are relatively uncommon and generally only found in beefy workstation-replacement type laptops, are mechanical, and are higher capacity (as the extra millimeters house an extra mechanical disk platter). The 9.5 mm thick is the most common mechanical 2.5″ hdd thickness. Solid state drives are, almost universally, are 7 mm thick (many models even ship with a little 2.5mm spacer to make up the difference if the mounting style requires it).

另一个考虑因素是驱动器的厚度,这是3.5英寸vs. 2.5英寸外形之间的明显区别。 2.5英寸外形尺寸的驱动器具有三种厚度:12.5毫米,9.5毫米和7毫米。 12.5毫米厚的驱动器相对较少见,通常仅在功能强大的工作站替换型笔记本电脑中找到,具有机械性和更高的容量(因为额外的毫米数会容纳额外的机械磁盘盘)。 9.5毫米厚是最常见的机械2.5英寸硬盘厚度。 固态驱动器的厚度几乎普遍为7毫米(许多型号甚至附带2.5毫米的小垫片,以弥补安装方式的要求)。

In many instances you won’t even need the spacer. In the photo above you can see our upgrade drive mounted in the small drive metal drive caddy from our Dell laptop. It’s large enough for a traditional 9.5 mm mechanical hard drive but there’s no issue mounting a newer 7 mm SSD inside it as the caddy acts as a spacer and the mount holds still hold the drive in the proper position.

在许多情况下,您甚至不需要垫片。 在上面的照片中,您可以看到我们的升级驱动器安装在Dell笔记本电脑的小型驱动器金属驱动器盒中。 它足以容纳传统的9.5毫米机械硬盘驱动器,但是在其中安装更新的7毫米SSD没问题,因为球童充当间隔物,并且安装座仍将驱动器保持在正确的位置。

Generally speaking you should run into no problems upgrading a laptop with a mechanical hard drive to an SSD as you’ll be going from a thicker drive (12.5 or 9.5 mm) to a thinner drive (7 mm). Still, we want you to be aware of this often overlooked distinction so that you can check the model of your laptop and what drive size it uses before ordering a new one.

一般来说,将具有机械硬盘驱动器的笔记本电脑升级到SSD时,应该不会遇到任何问题,因为您将从较厚的驱动器(12.5或9.5毫米)升级到较薄的驱动器(7毫米)。 尽管如此,我们还是希望您知道这一经常被忽略的区别,以便您在订购新笔记本电脑之前可以检查笔记本电脑的型号以及使用的驱动器大小。

准备安装 (Preparing for Installation)

With your backup/image secured and your new drive on hand, there’s a few considerations before we actually ***** open the case and start swapping parts.


The first thing we’d recommend is visiting the manufacturer’s website and downloading all the most current drivers for your device. Save them on a flash drive. Even if you’re just cloning the drive to a new drive things might get a little wonky and your OS might insist it needs drivers for something. If you’re installing a fresh OS or reinstalling your old OS it always pays to have the drivers ready to go.

我们建议的第一件事是访问制造商的网站并为您的设备下载所有最新的驱动程序。 将它们保存在闪存驱动器上。 即使您只是将驱动器克隆到新驱动器上,某些情况也可能会变得有些不稳定,并且您的OS可能会坚持认为它需要驱动程序才能完成某些工作。 如果您要安装新的操作系统或重新安装旧的操作系统,则始终需要准备好驱动程序,这总是值得的。

The next step, if you’re not keeping the old drive as a backup, is to properly wipe your drive so you don’t have to deal with data sanitizing issues once it is out of the machine. To that end you can just use trusty old Darik’s Boot and Nuke.

如果您不保留旧驱动器作为备份,则下一步是正确擦除驱动器,这样,当驱动器不在计算机中时,您就不必处理数据清理问题。 为此,您可以只使用值得信赖的旧版Darik's Boot和Nuke

Finally, if you’re doing a fresh OS installation, get your product key and installation media before you proceed.


安装新驱动器 (Installing The New Drive)

This is the step that most people think of when they think of installing a new drive on their laptop: all the prep work aside the real meat of the project is changing the physical drive. Power down your laptop if it isn’t already powered down, unplug it if it is plugged in, and remove the battery.

这是大多数人在笔记本电脑上安装新驱动器时想到的步骤:除了项目的实际工作之外,所有准备工作都在改变物理驱动器。 如果尚未关闭笔记本电脑电源,请关闭笔记本计算机的电源;如果已插入笔记本电脑的电源,请拔下电源插头,然后取出电池。

While you will need to consult with your manual and/or manufacturer to see how to access the drive compartment in your laptop, for the vast majority of laptops on the market there’s generally a quick access panel, like that seen in the photo below. One tip we would highly recommend is snapping pictures of each step of the process with a camera. Laptops are a little tighter and trickier than desktops and it’s very handy to have a photo to reference when you’re trying to remember how something was oriented.

虽然您需要咨询手册和/或制造商以了解如何访问笔记本电脑中的驱动器仓,但是对于市场上绝大多数笔记本电脑而言,通常都有一个快速访问面板,如下图所示。 我们强烈建议您使用相机为过程的每个步骤拍摄照片。 笔记本电脑比台式机更紧凑,更棘手,当您想记住某物的方向时,有一张要参考的照片非常方便。


Carefully loosen the screws (you may not be able to fully remove them as many laptop case screws have small retention washers that prevent them from falling completely out of the case) and gently open the panel.



With this particular model we gain access to multiple components via the service panel. At the far lower right we find the primary hard drive bay (which houses the dead drive we wish to replace). Beside the primary drive bay you can see the two memory DIMMs, then beside that an empty mSATA slot, below that (the white rectangle with the wires) the Wi-Fi adapter, and above that section where the bare circuit board is visible there is a secondary drive bay.

使用此特定模型,我们可以通过服务面板访问多个组件。 在最右下角,找到主硬盘驱动器托架(其中装有我们要更换的死驱动器)。 在主驱动器托架旁边,您可以看到两个内存DIMM,然后是一个空的mSATA插槽,在该插槽下方(带有电线的白色矩形)是Wi-Fi适配器,在该区域上方可以看到裸露的电路板。辅助驱动器托架。

Some laptops have individual service panels for each component so you’ll need to open the specific one for the hard drive bay. Other laptops are built so compactly that you have to go to greater lengths to access the drive bay (such as removing the keyboard).

有些笔记本电脑的每个组件都有单独的服务面板,因此您需要打开硬盘驱动器托架的特定面板。 其他笔记本电脑的结构如此紧凑,以至于您必须加大长度才能访问驱动器托架(例如卸下键盘)。


Loosen the mounting screws on the hard drive or hard drive caddy and gently remove the assembly from the laptop. Your primary concern here should be to 1) not drop any of the tiny screws into the body of the laptop and 2) not drag the hard drive or caddy across the circuit board beneath it.

松开硬盘驱动器或硬盘驱动器盒上的安装螺钉,然后从笔记本电脑中轻轻卸下组合件。 您的主要关注点是:1)不要将任何细小的螺钉掉入笔记本电脑的主体中,以及2)不要将硬盘驱动器或盒式驱动器拖到其下方的电路板上。

With the assembly removed all that’s left to do is swap out the old drive with the new drive. As we mentioned earlier in the guide, we didn’t need to use a spacer for our drive as the drive caddy functions as a spacer.

拆下组件后,剩下要做的就是将旧驱动器换成新驱动器。 正如我们在指南前面提到的那样,我们不需要为驱动器使用垫片,因为驱动器盒可以用作垫片。


A few loosened screws later, we’ve swapped the old drive out and placed the new drive in the caddy (being careful to preserve the orientation of the drive so that the connectors still line up properly) and we’re good to go. Slide it gently back into place, secure any screws around the drive or the drive caddy in their original configuration, and then replace the service panel.

稍后松开了一些螺丝,我们将旧驱动器换出,并将新驱动器放入盒中(请小心保持驱动器的方向,以使连接器仍正确对齐),我们准备好了。 轻轻地将其滑入到位,以原始配置将驱动器或驱动器盒周围的所有螺钉拧紧,然后装回维修面板。

整理安装 (Wrapping Up The Installation)

If you’ve cloned your drive there isn’t really any wrap up to speak of: you should be able to boot right back into your computer as if nothing happened (albeit with a faster and/or bigger drive installed).


If you’re installing your operating system from scratch now is the time to plug in your installation media (be it a disk or USB drive) and boot the machine. You’ll likely need to make a pit stop in the BIOS (typically accesses via F2 during the boot process but check your screen and/or manual for instructions) and change the boot order so that removable media/USB drives rank above the DVD drive/hard drive.

如果现在要从头开始安装操作系统,是时候插入安装介质(无论是磁盘还是USB驱动器)并引导计算机了。 您可能需要在BIOS中进站(通常在引导过程中通过F2访问,但查看屏幕和/或手册以获取说明)并更改引导顺序,以使可移动介质/ USB驱动器位于DVD驱动器之上。 /硬盘。

After installing your operating system we would highly recommend revisiting the imaging technique we talked about in an earlier section of this article. Install the operating system, update all the drivers, install your applications, and before you actually begin using the machine take a moment to make an image of the drive. This will be your reset-to-zero recovery image should you desire to wipe the machine and start fresh (but without the hassle of reinstalling the OS and all your applications). We can’t tell you how many times we’ve not taken our own advice regarding creating a virgin disk image of a new installation and how many times we’ve regretted it. It’s a huge time saver to spend a few extra minutes making the disk image before putting the machine into regular use.

安装完操作系统后,我们强烈建议您重新使用本文前面部分中讨论的映像技术。 安装操作系统,更新所有驱动程序,安装应用程序,并且在实际开始使用计算机之前,请花一点时间制作驱动器映像。 如果您希望擦拭机器并重新启动,这将是重置为零的恢复映像(但无需重新安装操作系统和所有应用程序)。 我们无法告诉您多少次我们没有就创建新安装的原始磁盘映像采取自己的建议,还有多少次我们对此感到后悔。 在将机器投入正常使用之前,花一些额外的时间来制作磁盘映像可以节省大量时间。

By following our guide you’ll spend far more time preparing for the process and tidying up after than you actually spend physically changing the drives out, but the end result is a smoother experience with no worry that you forgot to backup an important file or time wasted searching for the right drivers.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229132/how-to-upgrade-your-laptop-hardrive/
