-pixel-ratio_Pixel 2并不是Verizon真正独有的:您可以在AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint上使用它...

-pixel-ratio_Pixel 2并不是Verizon真正独有的:您可以在AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint上使用它...


-pixel-ratio_Pixel 2并不是Verizon真正独有的:您可以在AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint上使用它...

Another year, another Pixel event…and another round of confusing “Only on Verizon” ad campaigns. But here’s the thing: the Pixel 2 can be used on any major carrier in the US. So what’s with this “exclusive” junk?

再过一年,又发生一次Pixel事件…以及另一轮令人困惑的“ Only on Verizon”广告系列。 但问题是:Pixel 2可以在美国的任何主要运营商上使用。 那么,这个“独家”垃圾又是什么呢?

The Pixel 2 is not exclusive to Verizon. In fact, it’s one of the few phones out there that can actually be used on any carrier (including many MVNOs)—Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Project Fi, Cricket Wireless,  MetroPCS, US Cellular…you get the idea. All you have to do is pop a SIM card in and you’re ready to go. Hell, T-Mobile will even give half of your money back if you bring a Pixel 2 and open a new line on its network.

Pixel 2并非Verizon独有。 实际上,这是实际上可以在任何运营商(包括许多MVNO)上使用的少数几款手机之一-Verizon,AT&T,T-Mobile,Sprint,Project Fi,Cricket Wireless,MetroPCS,US Cellular等……您明白了。 您所要做的就是将SIM卡插入其中,然后就可以开始使用了。 糟糕,如果您携带Pixel 2并在其网络上开辟一条新线路,T-Mobile甚至会退还一半的钱。

But Verizon is the exclusive carrier for the Pixel in the US. All that really means is that Verizon is the only carrier that allows you to walk in the store and buy the Pixel directly from them. If you want to use it on another carrier, you’ll have to buy directly from the Google Store rather than buying it in the AT&T store or T-Mobile store.

但是Verizon是Pixel在美国的独家运营商。 这实际上意味着Verizon是唯一允许您走进商店并直接从他们那里购买Pixel的载体。 如果要在其他运营商上使用它,则必须直接从Google Store购买,而不是在AT&T商店或T-Mobile商店中购买。

-pixel-ratio_Pixel 2并不是Verizon真正独有的:您可以在AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint上使用它...

So, why would Google do this? Because money, that’s why. Verizon pays a lot of money to have “exclusive” rights to a phone, and in exchange gets to use verbiage like “Only on Verizon” in the ad campaign, even if it’s really, really misleading (if not downright false). While I understand why Google would make the choice to allow this—Verizon is huge, after all—I also think the wording and ad directions are highly misleading as a result.

那么,为什么Google会这样做? 因为钱,所以。 Verizon付出了很多钱才能拥有手机的“专有”权利,并且作为交换,可以在广告系列中使用“ Only on Verizon”之类的词汇,即使这确实是非常令人误解的(如果不是完全错误的话)。 尽管我理解了Google为什么会选择允许这样做(毕竟Verizon规模巨大) ,但我也认为其措辞和广告方向极易产生误导。

And really, that’s what Verizon wants. It wants you to think that you can only use the Pixel with its network, because that type of advertising sells service, which is what Verizon is after. Your money, every month. Over and over. For all of eternity.

实际上,这就是Verizon想要的。 它希望您认为您只能将Pixel与它的网络一起使用,因为这种广告销售服务,这正是Verizon所追求的。 您的钱,每个月。 一遍又一遍。 为了永恒。

But now you know, so you don’t have to fall into that trap. And you can help out all the other people you know who may not realize the truth behind the “Only on Verizon” crap. Godspeed.

但是现在您知道了,因此您不必陷入陷阱。 而且,您可以帮助所有您认识的其他人,他们可能没有意识到“ Only on Verizon”垃圾背后的真相。 上帝的速度。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328648/the-pixel-2-isnt-really-exclusive-to-verizon-you-can-use-it-on-att-t-mobile-and-sprint/
