



Google has done an excellent job of baking its own cloud service, Google Drive, into the Chrome OS file manager. If you use Drive for most of your cloud needs, then it feels like native storage on a a Chrome OS device. But if you use something else, like Dropbox or network attached storage, things don’t seem so clean. Here’s how to add those directly to the file manager in Chrome OS so you can navigate them quickly and easily.

Google在将自己的云服务Google Drive集成到Chrome OS文件管理器方面做得非常出色。 如果您将云端硬盘用于大多数云需求,则感觉就像Chrome OS设备上的本机存储。 但是,如果您使用其他东西(例如Dropbox或网络附加存储),则看起来似乎不太干净。 将这些内容直接添加到Chrome操作系统中的文件管理器中的方法,使您可以快速轻松地对其进行导航。

There are a couple of different ways to go about doing this: you could search for each service one at a time and add them manually, or you could use the oft-overlooked “Add new services” link in the file manager. Yeah, the second way is much simpler, so we’re going to show you how to do that. We’re going to be adding a Dropbox share in this tutorial, but the same steps will apply to pretty much all the other cloud storage services out there.

有两种不同的方法可以执行此操作:您可以一次搜索一项服务并手动添加它们,也可以使用文件管理器中经常被忽略的“添加新服务”链接。 是的,第二种方法要简单得多,所以我们将向您展示如何做到这一点。 我们将在本教程中添加一个Dropbox共享,但是相同的步骤将适用于几乎所有其他云存储服务。

The first thing you’ll need to do is open the file manager—it’s the blue circle with the white folder in the center of it, in case you’re not sure.



On the left side, there are quick links to things like Google Drive and Downloads, but the option you’re looking for reads “Add new services” with a little plus icon next to it.



When you click on it, “Install new from the webstore” will show up. Click on that.

当您单击它时,将显示“从网上商店安装新内容”。 点击那个。


This will open a new window with a handful of services that can be installed, including Dropbox, OneDrive, Windows network shares, and more. It’s worth noting that most of these are not official Google extensions, but are made by a third-party developer. They are, however, recommended by Google in the “Add new services” menu, and to further rest your conscious, they’re all open source, too.

这将打开一个新窗口,其中包含可以安装的一些服务,包括Dropbox,OneDrive,Windows网络共享等。 值得注意的是,其中大多数不是官方的Google扩展程序,而是由第三方开发人员开发的。 但是,Google在“添加新服务”菜单中建议使用它们,并且为了进一步吸引您, 它们也都是开源的


It’s worth noting that if you’re trying to mount a network-attached storage to the file manager, you’ll have to use this app. It’s relatively new, so it doesn’t show up in the “Add new services” menu yet.

值得注意的是,如果您尝试将网络附加存储安装到文件管理器,则必须使用此应用程序 。 它相对较新,因此尚未显示在“添加新服务”菜单中。

Go ahead and click the install button next to the option that you want to add to your device. A popup will ask you go confirm, and the installation should only take a few seconds after that. Once it’s done, it should automatically launch.

继续,然后单击要添加到设备的选项旁边的安装按钮。 弹出窗口将要求您确认,然后安装仅需要几秒钟。 完成后,它将自动启动。


In our test situation, the File System for Dropbox window will open, with a button that reads “mount.” Clicking that will launch a Dropbox login—go ahead and log in here, and the service should automatically mount in the file manager.

在我们的测试情况下,“ Dropbox的文件系统”窗口将打开,并带有一个显示“ mount”的按钮。 单击该按钮将启动Dropbox登录-继续并在此处登录,该服务应自动安装在文件管理器中。


That’s it, you’re done—Dropbox (or whatever option you chose) will now show up as one of the choices in the file manager’s bookmarks bar.



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/264221/how-to-access-dropbox-and-other-cloud-storage-directly-from-chrome-os-file-manager/
