



Have you ever wanted to print something from your iPhone, or needed to print something on your office printer from your netbook at home?  Here’s how you can make Dropbox into a quasi virtual print server.

您是否曾经想通过iPhone打印某些内容,或者需要在家中通过上网本在办公室打印机上打印某些内容? 这是使Dropbox成为准虚拟打印服务器的方法。

Syncing files between your own computers or sharing them halfway around the world is simple and quick with Dropbox.  The only problem is, these files are digital.  Even today, sometimes we all need printouts of our documents on paper.  Most of us are not near a printer all the time, and often today we’re using documents on mobile devices that can’t even print normally.

使用Dropbox可以在您自己的计算机之间同步文件或在世界各地共享文件,这非常简单快捷。 唯一的问题是,这些文件是数字文件。 即使在今天,有时我们所有人都需要纸上文件的打印输出。 我们中的大多数人一直都不在打印机旁,而如今,我们经常在无法正常打印的移动设备上使用文档。

Dropbox, amazingly, can be a solution to this.  Thanks to a free VBS script from our friend Amit over at Labnol.org, you can set your computer to automatically print any file you place in a certain folder in Dropbox.  This way, you can save a file to this folder from your smartphone, and get the printout within seconds from your desktop.  Let’s see how this works.

令人惊讶的是,Dropbox可以解决此问题。 感谢我们的朋友Amit在Labnol.org上提供的免费VBS脚本,您可以将计算机设置为自动打印放置在Dropbox特定文件夹中的任何文件。 这样,您可以将文件从智能手机保存到此文件夹,然后在几秒钟内从桌面获取打印输出。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

从Dropbox设置自动打印 (Setup Automatic Printing From Dropbox)

If you don’t already have Dropbox installed on your computer, download it from the link below and set it up.  Then, download and unzip the ePrint.vbs script.

如果您尚未在计算机上安装Dropbox,请从下面的链接下载它并进行设置。 然后,下载并解压缩ePrint.vbs脚本。


Double-click the eprint.vbs script to run it.  This will automatically create a new PrintQueue folder in your Dropbox.

双击eprint.vbs脚本以运行它。 这将在您的Dropbox中自动创建一个新的PrintQueue文件夹。


Now, when you want to print something using your default printer and default print settings, simply copy and paste the file into the PrintQueue folder.  Note that if you simply drag and drop a file to the folder, it will move the file by default; simply hold the Ctrl key at the same time, though, and it’ll copy the file instead.

现在,当您想使用默认打印机和默认打印设置进行打印时,只需将文件复制并粘贴到PrintQueue文件夹中即可。 请注意,如果您只是将文件拖放到文件夹中,默认情况下它将移动文件。 只需同时按住Ctrl键,它就会复制文件。

That’s it!  Your file will automatically open in the default program and print.  Once your file’s printed, it’ll be moved from PrintQueue to the log subfolder.  This way, if you ever accidently move a file into the folder, you’ll still be able to retrieve it.

而已! 您的文件将在默认程序中自动打开并打印。 文件打印完成后,将从PrintQueue移至日志子文件夹。 这样,如果您不小心将文件移动到文件夹中,仍然可以检索它。


This PrintQueue folder will show up on any computer or mobile device you sync with Dropbox, but will only print from the computer running the vbs script.  So, you’ll want this script to always run on your primary computer.  Simply drag the eprint.vbs file to your Startup folder, and then it’ll always be ready to print your files whenever your computer is running.

PrintQueue文件夹将显示在与Dropbox同步的任何计算机或移动设备上,但仅从运行vbs脚本的计算机上打印。 因此,您将希望此脚本始终在主计算机上运行。 只需将eprint.vbs文件拖到您的Startup文件夹中,然后只要您的计算机在运行,它就随时可以打印文件。


直接从程序打印 (Printing Directly From a Program)

Now, no matter what computer you’re on, it’ll be easy to print from your primary computer.  There’s just one thing to remember: Never save your main files in the PrintQueue folder.  Always save your files first to the folder you want to keep them in.  Then feel free to press Save as and push another copy to your print folder, and it’ll automatically print, no matter where you are.

现在,无论您使用的是哪台计算机,都可以从主计算机轻松进行打印。 只需记住一件事:切勿将主文件保存在PrintQueue文件夹中。 始终先将文件保存到要保留的文件夹中。然后随时按另存为,然后将另一份副本推送到打印文件夹,无论您身在何处,它都会自动打印。


从移动设备打印 (Printing From Your Mobile Device)

Once you have printing setup on your main computer, it’s easy to print files from any mobile device, too.  There are a number of apps for all the popular mobile platforms that integrated with Dropbox, so check out the link below to find apps for your device.  Now just write or paste any text you need to print, save it to that folder, and you’ll have your paper copy ready in seconds.  There are also many apps that can directly access your Dropbox, so you can copy existing files to your PrintQueue folder as well.

一旦在主计算机上进行了打印设置,就可以很容易地从任何移动设备上打印文件。 与Dropbox集成的所有流行移动平台上都有许多应用程序,因此请查看下面的链接以找到适合您设备的应用程序。 现在,只需编写或粘贴需要打印的任何文本,然后将其保存到该文件夹​​中,即可在几秒钟内准备好纸质副本。 还有许多应用程序可以直接访问您的Dropbox,因此您也可以将现有文件复制到PrintQueue文件夹中。


Alternately, you can email files to your Dropbox, and then later move them to the print folder.  This is not a perfect solution, but if your app doesn’t integrate with Dropbox, it may be the only way you can get it there.  Browse to Habilis (link below), and click Connect to Dropbox to setup the email service.

或者,您可以通过电子邮件将文件发送到Dropbox,然后再将其移动到打印文件夹。 这不是一个完美的解决方案,但是如果您的应用程序未与Dropbox集成,则可能是您在那里获得它的唯一方法。 浏览到Habilis( 下面的链接 ),然后单击Connect to Dropbox以设置电子邮件服务。


Login to your Dropbox, then click Allow.



Seconds later, you should see a notification from Dropbox that Habilis has been linked to your account.



Now, go back to Habilis’s site, and you’ll get a unique email address for Habilis.  Anything files you email to this address will be added to a /From Habilis folder in your Dropbox, and then you can move it to the print folder later from another app, your browser, or a full computer.

现在,返回到Habilis的站点,您将获得Habilis的唯一电子邮件地址。 您通过电子邮件发送到该地址的任何文件都将添加到Dropbox的/ From Habilis文件夹中,然后您可以稍后将其从另一个应用程序,浏览器或完整的计算机移至打印文件夹。


We never cease to be amazed at how useful Dropbox can be.  From syncing portable apps between computers to sharing files with others easily to staying on schedule with synced calendars, the ways you can make use of Dropbox are only limited by your imagination.  It’s actually cut down on the amount of pages we print out, but if you still need your files on dead trees, this is a great way to do it from anywhere, anytime.

我们从未对Dropbox的实用性感到惊讶。 从在计算机之间同步便携式应用程序到轻松地与他人共享文件,再到与同步日历保持进度一致 ,Dropbox的使用方式仅受您的想象力限制。 它实际上减少了我们打印的页面数量,但是,如果您仍然需要在枯树上保存文件,这是一种随时随地执行此操作的好方法。

Download Dropbox ePrint [via Labnol.org.]

下载Dropbox ePrint [通过Labnol.org。]

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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33088/print-files-from-anywhere-via-any-device-with-dropbox/
