


Dropbox is an incredibly useful tool for keeping all your files synced between your computers and the cloud.  Here we’re going to look at how you can keep all of your team on the same page with Dropbox shared folders.

Dropbox是一种非常有用的工具,可让您的所有文件在计算机和云之间保持同步。 在这里,我们将研究如何使用Dropbox共享文件夹将所有团队保持在同一页面上。

Creating a Shared Folder


Setting up a shared folder in Dropbox is easy.  Add the files you want to share to a folder in Dropbox on your computer, then right-click in the folder, select Dropbox, and then choose Share This Folder.

在Dropbox中设置共享文件夹很容易。 将要共享的文件添加到计算机上Dropbox的文件夹中,然后右键单击该文件夹,选择Dropbox,然后选择共享此文件夹


Alternately, log into your Dropbox account online, click the drop-down menu beside the folder you want to share, and click Share this folder.



Now, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the folder with, and optionally enter a message explaining why you’re sharing the folder.



The people you invite will receive an email inviting them to view and join the shared folder.  If they haven’t signed up for Dropbox, they can directly signup; otherwise, they can simply log into their Dropbox account and start adding or editing files.

您邀请的人将收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们查看和加入共享文件夹。 如果他们尚未注册Dropbox,则可以直接注册; 否则,他们可以简单地登录其Dropbox帐户并开始添加或编辑文件。


Shared folders have a slightly different icon in your Dropbox.  Notice the shared folder on the left has an icon with 2 people, while the folder on the right that is not shared, shows previews of its contents.

共享文件夹在Dropbox中的图标略有不同。 请注意,左侧的共享文件夹带有2个人的图标,而右侧的未共享文件夹则显示其内容的预览。


See Your Shared Folder’s History


Whenever your collaborators with your shared folders add or change files, you will see a tooltip notification telling you what changed.



You can also view the changes online.  Log into your Dropbox account in your browser and select the Events tab.  This shows all changes to your Dropbox, but you can view only the changes in your shared folder by selecting its name on the left sidebar.

您也可以在线查看更改。 在浏览器中登录您的Dropbox帐户,然后选择“事件”标签。 这显示了对Dropbox的所有更改,但是您可以通过在左侧栏中选择共享文件夹的名称来仅查看共享文件夹中的更改。


Now you can see all recent changes to your folder, and can also see who added or removed each file.



On the bottom of the page, you can even add a comment that all the collaborators will see.



If someone deleted a file you still need, you can restore it by clicking its link in this online history.  Or, you can view any deleted files by right-clicking in your Dropbox folder in Explorer.  Select Dropbox, and then click Show Deleted Files.

如果有人删除了您仍然需要的文件,则可以通过单击此在线历史记录中的链接来还原它。 或者,您可以通过右键单击资源管理器中的Dropbox文件夹来查看所有已删除的文件。 选择“ Dropbox”,然后单击“ 显示已删除的文件”


Get Notified When a Change is Made


You’re not always in front of your computer; you’ve got a life beyond your projects, after all (at least hopefully).  If you really want to stay connected to what’s happening with your project, though, you can easily do that no matter where you are.

您并不总是在电脑前。 毕竟(至少希望如此),您将拥有超出项目范围的生活。 但是,如果您确实想与项目的发展保持联系,那么无论身在何处,都可以轻松地做到这一点。

Your shared Dropbox folder’s history page offers an RSS feed of all changes to the folder.  Click  the Subscribe to this feed hyperlink.

您共享的Dropbox文件夹的历史记录页面提供了对该文件夹的所有更改的RSS提要。 单击“ 订阅此提要”超链接。


Now, in the popup that opens, click “Copy to clipboard” so you can use this RSS feed.

现在,在打开的弹出窗口中,单击“复制到剪贴板”,以便可以使用此RSS feed。


You can subscribe to RSS feeds through many web browsers, email clients, dedicated feed readers, and more.  In Firefox, Internet Explorer 7/8, or Opera, you can paste the feed address into your address bar and subscribe to the feed directly in your browser.

您可以通过许多Web浏览器,电子邮件客户端,专用的提要阅读器等来订阅RSS feed。 在Firefox,Internet Explorer 7/8或Opera中,您可以将提要地址粘贴到地址栏中,然后直接在浏览器中订阅提要。


However, subscribing to the feed in a desktop application won’t help you much when you’re away from your computer.  One great option is to subscribe in the popular Google Reader.  Then you can check your feed from any browser, on any computer or mobile device.

但是,如果您不在计算机旁,则在桌面应用程序中订阅源将无济于事。 一种不错的选择是订阅流行的Google阅读器。 然后,您可以从任何浏览器,任何计算机或移动设备上检查Feed。

To add your Dropbox feed to Google Reader, log into Google Reader (link below), click Add a subscription on the top left, paste your RSS feed from Dropbox, and click Add.

要将您的Dropbox供稿添加到Google Reader,请登录Google Reader( 下面的链接 ),单击左上角的添加订阅 ,从Dropbox粘贴您的RSS供稿,然后单击添加。


Now you can see any changes to files or folders in Google Reader.



You can even add your feed to your iGoogle homepage.  Click the Add it Now button on the right in the front page of Google Reader to add your feeds to iGoogle.

您甚至可以将Feed添加到iGoogle主页。 点击Google阅读器首页右侧的立即添加按钮,将您的供稿添加到iGoogle。


Now you can see updates on your files from your homepage.  If you’re using a different computer, just login to your Google account to see what’s happening.

现在,您可以从主页上查看文件的更新。 如果您使用的是其他计算机,只需登录到您的Google帐户即可查看正在发生的情况。


You can also access your Google Reader feeds from many programs and apps for most major Smartphones including iPhone, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.

您还可以通过适用于大多数主要智能手机(包括iPhone,Windows Phone和Blackberry)的许多程序和应用程序访问Google阅读器供稿。

Receive a Tweet or Text When Changes are Made


If you’re a hyper-connected individual, chances are you send and receive tweets on the go.  If so, this might be the best way for you to get notified when changes are made to your Dropbox shared folder.  To do this, first create a new Twitter account to publish your changes through.  If you don’t want the whole world to see your updates, click Settings and set your new Twitter account to Private.

如果您是个联系紧密的个人,那么您可能随时随地发送和接收推文。 如果是这样,这可能是当您对Dropbox共享文件夹进行更改时获得通知的最佳方法。 为此,请首先创建一个新的Twitter帐户以发布您的更改。 如果您不希望全世界看到您的更新,请单击“设置”,然后将新的Twitter帐户设置为“私人”。


Once the new account is created, follow it with your normal Twitter account so you’ll see updates.


Now, let’s publish our Dropbox RSS feed to Twitter.  Create an account with Twitterfeed (link below).

现在,让我们将我们的Dropbox RSS feed发布到Twitter。 使用Twitterfeed创建一个帐户( 下面的链接 )。


Once your account is setup, add your feed to it.  Name your feed, and enter your Feed address from Dropbox.  Click Advanced Settings to make your feed work just like you want.

设置帐户后,将您的供稿添加到其中。 为您的Feed命名,然后从Dropbox输入您的Feed地址。 单击“高级设置”以使您的Feed可以按需要工作。


In Advanced Settings, change the frequency to “Every 30 mins” to make sure you’re updated on changes as quick as possible.  You can also change other settings if you like.

在“高级设置”中,将频率更改为“每30分钟”,以确保尽快更新更改。 您也可以根据需要更改其他设置。


Click “Continue to Step 2”, and then click Twitter under the available services to add your account.



Make sure your signed into your new Twitter account, and then click Authenticate Twitter.

确保您已登录新的Twitter帐户,然后单击Authenticate Twitter。


Allow the application.



Now, finally, click Create Service.



Whenever a change is made, you will receive a tweet via your new Twitter account.  And since you can receive tweets via text message or many mobile applications, you’ll never be very far away from your Dropbox changes!

无论何时进行更改,您都会通过新的Twitter帐户收到一条推文。 而且,由于您可以通过短信或许多移动应用程序接收到推文,因此您与Dropbox的更改永远相距不远!




Dropbox shared folders are a great way to keep your whole team working together on the same files in a project.  And with these handy tricks, you can keep up with your shared files wherever you are! There are a lot of cool things you can do with Dropbox make sure to check out our posts on adding Dropbox to the Windows 7 Start menu, Accessing Dropbox files from Chrome, and Syncing your Pidgin Profile Across Multiple PCs.

Dropbox共享文件夹是使您的整个团队在项目中的相同文件上一起工作的好方法。 有了这些方便的技巧,无论身在何处,您都可以跟上共享文件的位置! 使用Dropbox可以做很多很酷的事情,请务必查看我们有关将Dropbox添加到Windows 7“开始”菜单从Chrome访问Dropbox文件以及在多台PC上同步您的Pidgin配置文件的文章



Signup or access your Dropbox account


Google Reader


Tweet your feed with Twitterfeed


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16310/user-guide-to-dropbox-shared-folders/
