chrome 固定缩放比例_您如何调整Google Chrome浏览器的用户界面缩放比例?

chrome 固定缩放比例_您如何调整Google Chrome浏览器的用户界面缩放比例?

chrome 固定缩放比例

chrome 固定缩放比例_您如何调整Google Chrome浏览器的用户界面缩放比例?

Everything can be going along nicely until a program gets a new update that suddenly turns everything into a visual mess, like scaling up the UI, for example. Is there a simple solution? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has some helpful solutions for a reader’s frustrating browser UI problem.

一切都可以顺利进行,直到程序获得新的更新,突然将所有内容变成视觉混乱,例如放大UI。 有没有简单的解决方案? 今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子提供了一些有用的解决方案,以解决读者令人沮丧的浏览器UI问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader PGmath wants to know how to adjust Google Chrome’s UI scaling:

超级用户阅读器PGmath想知道如何调整Google Chrome的UI缩放比例:

For some reason, when I opened Google Chrome this morning, I noticed that the entire UI had been scaled up slightly. Everything (buttons, text, webpages, etc.) is about ten percent larger than it used to be. This is really annoying since less of everything fits on my screen now (in particular, my bookmarks bar does not display as many bookmarks).

由于某种原因,当我今天早上打开Goog​​le Chrome时,我注意到整个用户界面已经稍微扩大了。 一切(按钮,文本,网页等)都比以前大百分之十。 这真的很烦人,因为现在所有内容都无法显示在我的屏幕上(特别是我的书签栏显示的书签不多)。

I have been unable to find any kind of UI/DPI scaling options in Google Chrome’s settings. How can I change it back to the way it was before?

我在Google Chrome浏览器的设置中找不到任何类型的UI / DPI缩放选项。 如何将其更改回以前的状态?



  1. This is not a problem in Windows DPI scaling settings since this did not happen with any other programs on my system.

    这在Windows DPI缩放设置中不是问题,因为我的系统上的任何其他程序都没有发生。
  2. I know how to zoom in and out of webpages, but that is definitely not the problem since the entire UI is now scaled up (not just webpages).


How do you adjust Google Chrome’s UI scaling?

您如何调整Google Chrome浏览器的用户界面缩放比例?

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor DrZoo has the answer for us:


With the latest Google Chrome update (version 54), they made it so that it can detect the DPI settings on your computer and scale the web browser accordingly. Previously, Google Chrome did not pay attention to your system’s DPI settings, but now it does, and that is the root cause of the large interface issue. If you have the DPI scaling set to 125 percent or greater on your Windows computer, then Google Chrome will scale differently depending on the setting.

他们采用了最新的Google Chrome更新(版本54),使其能够检测到您计算机上的DPI设置并相应地缩放了网络浏览器。 以前,谷歌浏览器不关注系统的DPI设置,但现在已经关注了,这是大界面问题的根本原因。 如果您在Windows计算机上将DPI缩放比例设置为125%或更高,则Google Chrome浏览器将根据设置进行不同缩放。

Option #1


Have Windows specifically tell Google Chrome to ignore DPI scaling by right-clicking on Google Chrome’s icon, then going to Properties > Compatibility, select (check) “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings”, then click OK.

通过右键单击Google Chrome的图标,然后转到“属性”>“兼容性”,选择(选中)“在高DPI设置上禁用显示缩放”,让Windows具体告诉Google Chrome忽略DPI缩放。

chrome 固定缩放比例_您如何调整Google Chrome浏览器的用户界面缩放比例?

Option #2 (Seems To Be The Most Successful)


The “obvious” fix is to just set your computer’s DPI scaling back to 100 percent. That will make Google Chrome appear the same as it used to, but everything else will be smaller, so it is not a very good fix. Just type “DPI” into the Windows search bar and open the top result, “Make text and other items appear larger or smaller” (that is how it is shown on Windows 7, but may be worded differently on other editions).

“显而易见”的解决方法是将计算机的DPI缩放比例设置回100%。 这将使Google Chrome浏览器看起来像以前一样,但其他所有内容都会变小,因此并不是一个很好的解决方案。 只需在Windows搜索栏中键入“ DPI”并打开最上面的结果,“使文本和其他项目显示更大或更小”(这就是Windows 7上的显示方式,但其他版本上的措辞可能不同)。

Option #3


Right-click on Google Chrome’s shortcut or Start Menu icon and select Properties > Shortcut Tab, then enter the following code at the end of the text in the Target field:

右键单击Google Chrome浏览器的快捷方式或“开始”菜单图标,然后选择“属性”>“快捷方式选项卡”,然后在“目标”字段的文本末尾输入以下代码:

  • /high-dpi-support=1 /force-device-scale-factor=1

    / high-dpi-support = 1 / force-device-scale-factor = 1

Make sure that there is a blank space between the “.exe” part and the first forward slash. Click OK and then restart Google Chrome. If the scaling is not back to normal, make sure to launch Google Chrome from the location specified above. If Google Chrome is pinned to your taskbar, do not forget to unpin and then re-pin it. This is not a permanent fix because other links to Google Chrome (like hyperlinks in PDFs) can trigger the larger UI scaling as well.

确保在“ .exe”部分和第一个正斜杠之间没有空格。 点击确定,然后重新启动Google Chrome。 如果缩放比例未恢复正常,请确保从上面指定的位置启动Google Chrome。 如果将Chrome浏览器固定在您的任务栏上,请不要忘记取消固定然后重新固定它。 这不是永久性的修复,因为指向Google Chrome的其他链接(例如PDF中的超链接)也可以触发更大的UI缩放。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程


chrome 固定缩放比例