使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

Do you need an easy way to view word definitions while browsing with Internet Explorer? The Define with Bing Accelerator will display definitions in the same (or a new) tab and save you time while browsing.

使用Internet Explorer浏览时,是否需要一种简单的方法来查看单词定义? “使用Bing Accelerator定义”将在同一(或新)选项卡中显示定义,并节省您的浏览时间。

Using Define with Bing


The installation consists of two steps. First, click on Add to Internet Explorer to start the process.

安装包括两个步骤。 首先,单击添加到Internet Explorer以开始该过程。

使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

Next you will be asked to confirm the installation. Once you have clicked Add your new accelerator is ready to use (no browser restart required).

接下来,将要求您确认安装。 单击添加后,即可使用新的加速器(无需重新启动浏览器)。

使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

Whenever you encounter a word that needs defining highlight it, click on the small blue square, go to All Accelerators, and then Define with Bing. There are two ways to access the definition:

每当遇到需要定义的单词突出显示时,请单击蓝色的小方块,转到“所有加速器”,然后使用“必应”进行定义。 有两种访问定义的方法:

  • Hover your mouse over the Define with Bing text to open a small popup window

  • Click on Define with Bing to open a definition search in a new tab

使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

Being able to access a definition or explanation in the same tab will definitely save you time while browsing.


使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

In the example shown here you can get an idea of what SCORM means but clicking on the links inside the popup window is not recommended (webpage opens in popup and is not resizable).


使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义

In the situation shown above it is better to click on Define with Bing and see more information in a new tab.


使用Bing Accelerator定义在IE 8中查看单词定义



The Define with Bing Accelerator can be a very useful time saver while browsing with Internet Explorer. Finding those word definitions will be a much more pleasant experience now.

使用Internet Explorer浏览时,使用Bing Accelerator进行定义可以节省很多时间。 找到这些词的定义现在将是一个更加愉快的经历。

Add the Define with Bing Accelerator to Internet Explorer

将“使用Bing加速器定义”添加到Internet Explorer

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17691/view-word-definitions-in-ie-8-with-the-define-with-bing-accelerator/