谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

谷歌chrome xp

Do you use Google Notebook on a daily basis and need an easy way to access it while browsing in Google Chrome? Then you will definitely want to have a look at the “add 2 Google Notebook” extension.

您是否每天使用Google笔记本,并且需要一种简便的方法来在Google Chrome浏览器中进行访问? 然后,您一定要看看“添加2个Google笔记本”扩展程序。

Installation & Setup


Before you can finish adding the extension to Chrome you will need to confirm the installation…click “Install” to complete the process.


谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

As soon as the installation process has finished you will see your new “Toolbar Button” and a brief extension management message. There are no options to worry with and you can immediately get started on adding those new notes.

安装过程完成后,您将看到新的“工具栏按钮”和简短的扩展管理消息。 没有什么可担心的,您可以立即开始添加这些新笔记。

谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

add 2 Google Notebook in Action


As soon as you find a webpage or bit of information that interests you just click on the “Toolbar Button” to access your Google Notebooks in a separate popup window. As you can see here you will be asked to confirm that you would like to add information to your “Notebook”. Click “Yes, add note”.

一旦找到感兴趣的网页或信息,您只需单击“工具栏按钮”即可在单独的弹出窗口中访问Google笔记本。 如您在此处看到的,系统将要求您确认是否要向“笔记本”中添加信息。 单击“是,添加注释”。

Note: The small popup window may or may not open behind your main browser window.


谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

As soon as you click on “Yes, add note” the webpage name and URL are automatically added to your new note. All that is left for you to do is add any relevant and important details or information that you desire. Extremely easy and convenient to use.

单击“是,添加注释”后,网页名称和URL会自动添加到新注释中。 剩下要做的就是添加您想要的任何相关和重要的细节或信息。 使用极为方便。

Note: The popup window can be easily resized to best suit your personal needs.


谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

Now for a closer look at the popup window itself. Here you can see the drop-down menu for the individual notes…

现在,仔细查看弹出窗口本身。 在这里,您可以看到各个注释的下拉菜单……

谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

The drop-down menu available for each notebook…


谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

And you can quickly add another new note while you have the popup window open. Notice the “Open in full page Link” at the top of the popup window…

打开弹出窗口后,您可以快速添加另一个新笔记。 注意弹出窗口顶部的“打开全页链接”。

谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺

Clicking on “Open in full page” will open your Google Notebook account in a new tab if needed.


谷歌chrome xp_从Chrome向Google笔记本添加便笺



If you have been looking for a great way to interact with your Google Notebook account throughout the day then you should definitely give this extension a try. Quick, simple, and very easy to use…just what you need to make your browsing experience even better.

如果您一直在寻找一种与您的Google笔记本帐户互动的好方法,那么绝对应该尝试一下此扩展程序。 快速,简单且非常易于使用……正是您所需的,可以使您的浏览体验更好。



Download the add 2 Google Notebook extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载添加2的Google笔记本扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)


谷歌chrome xp